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Definitely more tiny pinch than pure joint. Some of these blends are stupidly strong. Be very cautious.
FUBAR I have to say anything out now days is crazy strong if you are not a regular.. try and find out whats in them is my advice and just treat them like powder if you insist on using them. Also only one puff or so at a time
Definitely more tiny pinch than pure joint. Some of these blends are stupidly strong. Be very cautious.

Thanks Curious, that gives me something to go on. I'll tread carefully.

One more thing, I find weed mixes with 3fpm nicely, would it be reasonable to assume synths to be similar in this respect?
I couldn't tell you how much to use in a spliff cos I've never used the blends only pure powders, but on the matter of brandings... The basic rule is if you google the name of the product and a gazillion places come up then it's allowed, if googling the product name produces only one result (presumably a vendor) then it would not be allowed to be named. The problem being that if vendors get the idea that as long as they come up with a unique name any mention of their product amounts to an advert they'll all be at it. Generic names are allowed as they are just that - problem there being the one you noted: who knows what is in any of 'em anyway? Especially as it changes from week to week.

Best advice I would give would be to take it steady. Have a couple tokes and see how it affects you. Many synth noids I've tried come on gentle then fly off in unexpected directions for indeterminate periods of time. I know it's basic stuff but I really would go with the "you can always take more" approach and take it toke by toke until you get familiar with the particular product you have.

As I said, I'm not a fan as they seem to have some serious issues attached to them. Aside from not smoking them at all, the only thing that I think could have perhaps prevented the problems I experienced would have been to never get blasé with them - don't push it and don't smoke them too regularly because build-up within the body seemed to be the big problem and would seem to fit with those who experience w/d symptoms and such like.

One more thing, I find weed mixes with 3fpm nicely, would it be reasonable to assume synths to be similar in this respect?

I got into major psychosis combining synth noids with stims - inpatient at a psychiatric unit stuff. I would tread extremely cautiously if going that route.
To Fubar- what Zomby says and also read Shambles post if you haven't already. Tread carefully there's more than a few horror stories about them cannabis synths.

Thanks Bob & zomby - yeah I found AM-2201 thoroughly unpleasant and panic inducing - and very short lived. However, the Mrs took to it like a duck to water and was getting through a G of powder every 2 days for a few weeks. She also suffered recognisable withdrawals when she decided to stop. I've found out the actives now- one contains 5f-AKB-48, the other contains MMB-CHMINACA.

Also cheers to Shambles re the noids and stims advice - it is duly noted. Hmmm, I might just get my daughter to get me some weed instead...
5f- akb very potent mmb more potent per weight than acid possibly thats the powder and on my first couple of hits off 50 mg of a mmb blend in a king size spliff it was almost like tripping ( not in a nice way) thats what and i thought i was having a mild heart attack and i have been smoking 1 to 10 blends for a long time.
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Well I tentatively dipped my toes into the synthnoid waters a few hours ago, and must admit I was rather pleasantly surprised. Must have been about 2am, 36 hours into a 3fpm binge, when I built a 3 Skinner with just a small pinch of the 5f-akb blend sprinkled along its length and mixed with baccy. Had 3 normal tokes then waited. After a few minutes felt a wave of relaxation wash over me and my head started 'fizzing'. Had 3 more tokes and passed the doobie on the left hand side. Effects got noticeably stronger from then on, but with no negatives. Although there were similarities to cannabis, it felt kind of one dimensional and artificial and noticeably missing the thought wells that weed induces. CEVs were quite strong - it was like watching a film projected on my eyelids. Drifted off to sleep and got a couple of decent hours kip. Just having a wake up toot at the mo'. So my initial vertict on this 'Groovy idol' ( ;)) blend is 'jolly spiffing spliffing tackle' - at least at the dose I took.

Just occurred to me that this is a classic example of HR in action (and I don't mean the haggle of harridens responsible for conducting disciplinaries and cocking your wages up at work) - had I not paused to ask the question of my respected fellow drug buckets, I would have used far, far too much of this stuff in the assumption that blends are diluted to the equivalent potency of standard weed. That would not have been a pleasant experience, so thanks for your help all :)
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any time at all FUBAR.

Dont enjoy it too much and if you do monitor your usage and do not treat it like a substitute for the real deal and i reckon the mmb blend will be at least as twice as potent
Drastic measures should be taken against the so-called 'head shops' and other sellers of this muck. How can anybody peddle it with a clear conscience?
Ask the lab-coated killers who manufacture this and other 'legal highs', which have killed tens if not hundreds.
well then start with religion and not just one side the opiate of the masses as thats legal and its killed millions
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I'd wager that a good many suicides can be directly linked to 'Spice' and the array of other poison-powders hawked by the 'head shops' and the internet gangsters. Any citizen with a 'head shop' in their vicinity should consider it a legitimate target for direct action.
That is why we need to educate, advise and help people. this forum is mainly about harm reduction and education and you can not do it through fear. I do agree there is some chemicals out there that i would like to see banned and thay will be by april. what happens then, people go back to street dealers and what they are getting is unknown. At least here they can at least research what they have bought.
People go 'back' to street dealers? The great majority of the users of head shops and online dealers do not have the criminal connections, and have been lured into buying drugs through their ease of availability in the wake of the 'Meow-Meow' boom. In any case, if the dealers are ostracised, removed or strongly discouraged at a community level, there is no choice for the erstwhile user of 'legal highs' but to pursue a clean lifestyle. Lives will therefore be saved and harm repaired.
Im sorry i cant agree ever since man came into being he has always sought to get high and always will. does alcohol not count and its legal. I dont expect you to close all bars and off licenses or as you say is that a clean life style.
Control of alcohol and tobacco is in the hands of democratically elected governments and not criminal cartels that oppress and enslave the communities on which they prey, or feckless and remote online drug barons. We certainly recognise the potential for harm, but do not see them as such an immediate threat to community cohesion and working class solidarity.
Go to casualty on a fri or sat night and you will see a threat to the community caused by those so called governments through legal cut price alcohol ( a friend lost his son a while ago) and the cuts to the health system but thats not a threat to working class people then