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speeds aint speeds

thanks buscuit..
i have looked everywhere for accounts by people who took too much meth. A few sites show hyperthermia as a symptom of OD along with a lost of other things. but no first hand accounts. oh well. everywhere says that long term use can cause mental illness. but appart from that. i guess i will keep looking. I want to know whether i should warn the dealer that he has bodgy shit (he isn't an arsehole he will stop selling it if it is.. sells mostly to friends of friends) or just tell him to cut it properly. i will go with the former for now.
"The woodpile is so beautiful, about all the joy and beauty that I can stand. I am afraid to turn around and face the mountains, for fear they will overpower me. But I did look, and I am astounded" (1991) Shulgin
I dont know why your bitching. Sound like you had some cut meth. Sure its slightly different to 'normal' speed, but at the same time, its not overly different. Just more intense. Sometimes you can get that reved up on meth, that the other things that are happening to you and around you take away from how fast you are actually going.
You probably got some gear that was alot stronger than what you are used to, which in turn, might end up being the equivilent of 3 or 4 times the amount you would normaly have. If you have enough speed, these 'symptoms' are pretty common. You just got it with a lot less of a dose.
Consider it like taking 2 pills at the same time, after only ever having like half a pill before.
No one would sell uncut speed in normal sizes at normal prices. Too much money to be made. Meth can be cut up to 4 times and still make shit hot wizz, but if you get it cheap enough, you can cut it less and sell it off quick as high quality speed just to get your money back quick.
Dont sweat it. Just go easy on it next time and dont let the paranoia get you.
How would you describe the effects of the speed that you normally get?
Why would anyone risk wrecking their nose taking speed???
I mean, its such cheap shit anyway. Wouldnt you rather bomb a little more down your throat than risk doing irreperable damage to your septum?
If youre doing good coke, i could understand risking a little nostril lining...but goey???
Come off it