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Speed paste and opioids


Sep 26, 2022
Hi to everybody!

I want to know if taking speed paste before methadone or opium kills the "rush" of them. I took 150mg methadone after a big line of speed And I feel nothing. Normally with 120mg methadone I feel the little opioid rush taking it orally.

Another thing to say is that these week I got 7gr of spanish raw opium and it was a waste to take it because Im on 60mg methadone. So if you are on methadone dont eat opium, youll feel nothing at all. I ate 1.5gr in the morning and nothing happened.

Thanks in advance
well methadone is very strong and D-isomer it does some NMDA antagonistic properties as lt's levo has higher mu opioid receptor binding but in general
that is reasone of many countries using it as opioid replacement therapy as it is stronger than morphine as oxycodone.

so I think it is obvious but here are people who are more experienced with opioids than me so...
I misunderstood your question, my bad.

I wouldn't imagine them being competitive, but I'm not very familiar with methadone pharmacology.