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Cocaine Sore throat from coke


Nov 30, 2010
Sometimes after doing alot of blow, i notice that the following days I have a soreness in the back of my throat, right by the roof of my mouth. I also find that its somewhat uncomfortable to swallow certain types of food. Anyone else ever get this? If so, do u know what its caused by exactly.
My throat also sometimes gets sore after doing a lot of coke... Usually when it happens to me it's not from doing a ton of coke in just one day, pretty much every time I've noticed it it was after I'd consumed a ton of coke in the previous week or whatnot.
Also, I never have gotten a really bad sore throat or anything... It happens to me in a much more minor & less noticeable way.

I have no idea what causes it, but if I were to guess I'd say it's probably the cut.
yea id say its the cut that doesn't absorb in your nose and just sits there and irritates your throat.
This is a fairly common problem, and as it has been stated, it is likely contributed by the various cuts. If neglected, this minor soreness can turn into a serious inflammation characterized by a very sore throat as well as pimple-like growths in the nasal cavity. If you experience any of these symptoms you need to stop snorting as soon as possible. If you let it get out of control, I promise you will regret it. I know a guy who had this problem... To this day, if he snorts a small amount of anything, the painful pimple-like soars return instantly, and they take forever to go away.

This guy was avid about letting people know about this situation. Heres a tip, pre-dissolve the stuff in water and spray it into your nose with one of those nasal inhaler squirt bottle thingies. Either that or, after you snort, run some tap water over your hands and sniff a few drops of water off your finger tips. Seriously, this seemingly minor irritation can grow into a major problem.
Ah that darn drip, I actually enjoy it but the sore throat is annoying. Ive never heard of it being a residual problem which lasts days however...is it possible that you might be doing something while you are numb that could be responsible? Like talking loudly or yelling a lot? Dry mouth/sleeping with your mouth open/dehydration often cause me some irritation swallowing. Otherwise just try to drink more and flush your nose afterwards.... or I suppose not usin' it could be another viable solution ;)

ETA: I just remembered something that is possibly relevant, and I apologise in advance if this is completely off topic.

Over the last while a friend of mine was consistantly getting sore throats while doing cocaine that lasted a little longe than the usual for post-nasal drip. I actually just chalked it up to a cold that worsened from dehydration and poor nutrition while she was using, but we read about sore throat being connected to the lavamisole thats all around now, and it scared her enough to toss some powder and resolve to quit using the stuff. However since theres not really anything conclusive available to back this up yet, (at least for its use as a cocaine cutting agent. Mouth sores are listed as a side effect of the drug when used for humans to treat colon cancer) this resolution lasted about 3 days. Since then she switched sources and has had less occurance of sore throat but still gets them. Has anyone else noticed anything similar? Has anyone else been around the stuff for a number of years and noticed a recent rise in the occurance of sore throats? It will be interesting to see what information comes out in the next while. Its entirely possible that it causes something like this, although in the meantime this remains my own paranoid speculation.
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I've contracted a few infections in my tonsils/soft palate due to snorting various drugs. Your body isn't made to do this heh. The back of my throat will always end up inflamed after a decent session.

There are a few ways to mitigate this, the biggest one being making a solution to snort instead. I find it works better as well, and something I'd suggest wholeheartedly :)
i think the nature of the drug itself is at least partially to blame as well.

the reason chronic meth users get "meth mouth" is the effect the drug has on saliva production. it also causes sore throats after substantial use.

cocaine also causes a drop in saliva production and i think that must have at leas some impact on the sore throats you are experiencing.
^ Decreased saliva production isnt generally considered "the reason" users get "meth mouth" and sore throats, its mostly the result of the acidity level in meth and usually its found in those who smoke meth. Most drugs cause dry mouth but if someone doesnt use habitually, at least with coke, once they stop wouldnt they resume normal saliva production within hours?
^From my understanding, 'meth mouth' is actually attributed to a combination of several factors. The acidity is certainly a large factor but most also recognize the impact of xerostomia (saliva helps to clean/protect the teeth), poor oral hygiene, consumption of sugary drinks, and the clenching/grinding of teeth as well.

I'm not trying to derail, just wanted to add a bit of information :)
^^ With meth its a combination of the acidity of the meth and the increased levels of natural acidity in your mouth that occur after smoking it. Plus much longer prolonged periods of decreased saliva production. This can be avoided by simply brushing your teeth daily, with meth heads generally don't.

Edit- Touché Cane, touché.
It's a combination of factors that affect the teeth of meth users but to be a smart ass, only one is unique to Meth that can really be called the main cause of meth mouth specificly ;) The argument for singling out the acidity is that other drugs are known to share the other factors, particularly crack cocaine, but the damage is far worse and occurs much more quickly from meth. Although crack has a pretty bad outcome as well.

I also should add that its primarily those who smoke meth that are identified with meth mouth. People who use intranasaly can have issues as well, but injectors dont get meth mouth which is even more of an argument against blaming dry mouth, diet or hygiene habbits or grinding (although I am aware that they are officially listed as contributing factors, and indeed are all individually proven to be very detrimental to teeth and dry mouth particularly to the gums).
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I've been informed (also there was a lot written about it in "The Stranger") the its being cut with this "cow-worming" drug which lowers the immune system and one of the symptoms is a sore throat. Just sometihng to look into
levamisole in 80%+ of all confiscated then tested coke

its an immunomod.... which means depending on the person, genes , many other variables etc it will modify the immune syst to weaken greatly or to hype up a bit. the latter effect was most observed when used in combination with chemo for colon cancer. now you know how bad the side effects must have been for the fda to ban it from human use. it suppresses the immune system in most individuals AND stops white blood cell production AND destroys blood vessels causing areas of skin to rot off. noone could figure out why it was used as a cutting agent relative to cheaper cuts. and it was the first cutting agent added to coke by the producers tehmselves who had normally sold the fresh stuff uncut. digging into prev research revealed that levamisole actually produced a dopamine high in lab animals. aha! a cutting agent that gets you high?! and extends the product?!, how perfect. and whats even better is that it has the same visual properties as pure coke. levamisole effects are not worth a coke high.
Do you smoke cigarettes ?

when ever im high i smoke crazy amounts compared to usual , especially if its uppers like , coke, speed or xtc but i smoke more with drink than anything

after all the smoking i do i sometimes get horrid effects to the back of my throat so if you do smoke you could try not smoke as much while high and it might help
My friend just finish a all nite skiing and 1st time back of throat feels so dry and kind painful when swallowing, don't know if it the quality of powder, never happened b4, but he didn't drink water while skiing he only drank a couple of bottles usually he drinks 4-5 through put the all niter binge session. Also gets big time dry mouth, he puts coke on gums, like the numbing feeling, all thru the nite so his mouth is heller dry no matter how many water he drinks can never get rid of dry mouth, well to recap you should hydrate yourself like 1hr b4 skiing then thru out the session water is the best cure, you'll piss all day afterwards LOL
I'm a tweaker and normally the sore throat would go away within 30 minutes. It was probably the cut or you snorted too much, too hard into your throat.
It is most likely caused by the cut. When you're doing this cocaine in the future, bring some cans/bottles of coca-cola (or your favourite carbonated beverage).

Carbonated beverages work wonders for drips I find. Back before my dealer started selling whenever we would have shit stuck in the back of our throats we would gargle the coca-cola and it would kinda dislodge everything.

It was a godsend back in the day haha.
If the coke wasn't cut I don't think you would get a sore throat from coke if it numbs it. Lol.

Drink acidic drinks, hot drinks, soup, gargle some saltwater, tea, pretty much just anything that is hot. Avoid cold drinks as they can they will just irritate the throat more.