Something i need to know..


Jan 31, 2010
I took acid (liquid) when i was about 20 years of age, my friend dropped some on a sugar cube and gave it to me.. what he didn't tell me is that the guy dropped 3 hits on this cube and this was my first time with acid, so long story short i tripped the fuck out, freaked the fuck out, luckily i was at a good friend house who looked after me the whole time.

Well after that horrid trip i told myself never again, never.

This group of friends i was hanging out with at the time always loved to trip and party etc etc, i was into the party/weed/beer part, but not the acid part because of that previous experience.

So about 3 or 4 months after that i go over to smoke up at said friends house, and guess whos there? the guy that gave me the acid the first time, so i told him how bad it turned out and hes like, (eh, it was the first time, i had a bad trip the first time too) i'm like well what about the 3 hits i was told you put on the cube have anything to do with it? he's like (nah man thats how i got them, tripple dosed) i'm like okay whatever and went on about my way..

so later on that night we're all smoking killer weed, i'm stoned out of my mind and i see candy mints in the tin sitting there, me being stoned takes the first one out (and i even said to myself if this has acid on it im gonna beat some ass befor i start tripping) and low and behold, my friend rushed in and said i hope you didnt take the first one cause it has 2 drops of acid on it, my jaw dropped i went into panic mode and tried to puke everything up, but it was too late, after riding out the second worst trip of my life i began to think? could this cause perm damage? could it have anything to do with the mental problems i'm having these days? or is it all in my head?

this has always haunted me and made me wonder if it fucked me up or something like that, anyone?
The first time I tripped my friend took a ten strip and cut it in half-
So I tripped off of 5 hits , as my introduction to tripping-
That trip wasn;t bad but I had many many bad trips after wards and I honestly don't feel there are that many negative mental effects.
I would say that it may have, along with traumatic experiences in my life, contributed to high anxiety levels.
In your situation though, I wouldn't blame you to not trust those people again .
I think you'll be okay :)