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Meth someone tell me


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Are bigger crystals more harmful than smaller ones?

The general purpose of recrystallization is purification, when you recrystallize a substance the idea is to lower the solubility slowly and selectively so that like molecules interact with each other and form clumps, falling out of solution. The more quickly you do this, the easier it is for other compounds with slightly different solubility to come along for the ride. A substance without cuts is a safer substance to ingest as long as other harm reduction principles are followed.

Let's just hope the op doesn't make 20kg single crystals and drop them on their foot




can you tell me exactly how to recrystallize?
you make a saturated solution then drop in a seed crystal and let the stuff evaporate, as it evaporates smaller crystals will form, when that happens pull out your seed crystal and decant the saturated solution, put the seed crystal in that solution and keep the smaller crystals that form. Not sure if I'm allowed to tell you this, if I'm not mods please delete what I said. You can also clean the dope with dry acetone since meth isn't soluble in 100% acetone.

:vampire: :vampire: :vampire: