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Benzos some benzodiazepines are bitter while others are tasteless. are there other flavors?


Aug 27, 2011
this might seem a weird question to ask, but it may be a major plot point in my novel. so i wanted to make sure.

the only benzo i ever had in its pure form was phenazepam, and that was tasteless. now i've chewed/sublingualed quite a few different types of benzos, and some just taste chalky while others are intensely bitter. the worst offender being diazepam. every brand of diazepam is so bitter i never sublingual them (usually my preferred ROA for most benzos) and the oral solution available is just about the most vile thing i've ever tasted (well, most vile thing i ever tasted goes hands down to something that was sold to me as GHB but was probably GBL diluted with something.... that turned it milky. or has anyone ever seen milky liquid GHB that tastes worse than satan's ass?) and the injection solution tastes about the same. so it has to be the diazepam that is so intensely bitter, right? alprazolam pills are also bitter, though to an lesser extent, but then they contain only a tenth the active ingredient so that would explain that. others i remember tasting are flunitrazepam (slightly sweet, but only the rophynol brand, the generics, chalky), lorazepam (chalky), clonazepam (same), etizolam (same), triazolam (bitter if i remember correctly)..... how does midazolam taste? i've only had the 7.5mg dormicum twice and i can't remember how they tasted. or if i even just swallowed them.
how about brotizolam? anyone ever sublingual that? or chew?
french brand clonazepam "rivotril" comes in drops that taste nice and sweet..; i seem to remember reading elsewhere there is another benzo (in pill form) in the US that has a sweet taste
From the benzos that I've SLed, I found:

Diazepam: Sweet
Lorazepam: Sweet
Clonazepam: Minty
Alprazolam: Bitter
Midazolam: Very bitter
Bromazepam: Slightly sweet with a tiny bit of bitterness
Nitrazepam: Peppery with a slight chalky sweetness
Triazolam: Can't remember ;)
Oxazepam: Chalky with a very slight sweet taste and a hint of bitterness

I haven't SL'ed temazepam, chlordiazepoxide, clobazam or clorazepate, since three of these were in capsules and I'd always just pop them and because clobazam has absolutely no effects, regardless of ROA, IME.

Lol, I feel like I'm giving flavor notes for wine or scotch or something :D .
nobody on orange clonazepam?
a wad of blue alprazolam sublingual, i cringe i
etizolam nothing really
ativan was sweet

and that's it for ones i tasted

I have used many benzodiazepines but clonazepam has been the most sweet tasting. I remember using klonopin sublingual because it tasted so sweet. Many other benzos seem to have a chemically bitter taste to me though.
Flunitrazepam is a litte bit sweet, like clona but without the "minty" touch. I think that the flunitrazepam in itself is pretty much tasteless, and that the sweet taste comes from the lactose in the pills (at least the Mylan generic).

And by the way, alprazolam isn't that bad, ever tried chewing a zopiclone or Lunesta tab? Your mouth tastes like bitter, metallic dog breath for a day or more...
i've grown accustomed to the strong bitter taste of alprazolam, the much milder bitterness of diazepam, love the minty taste of clonazepam...the one benzo that i cannot stand tasting, though, is chlorazepate. christ almighty, why on earth does the carboxyl make it taste so hideous? of the dozens of compounds of this class that i've sampled, it's the only one i will straight PO instead of SLing. of course, it's a prodrug for nordazepam (and kind of a shit benzo in general), so it really needs to be metabolized first. it just stands out as having a uniquely awful taste. also i HATE the taste of propylene glycol, so anything with that as a co-solvent gets diluted with grapefruit juice if it's not being injected.
also, shame on anyone wasteful enough to eat midazolam! that's a travesty, a drug treasure like Dormicum deserves to be experienced IV (after proper filtration). lol :p
Orange clonazepam - sweet
lorazepam - sweet/nothing - very minor salty after taste

so how bitter is Xanax 1mg ?
TEVA Diazepam - slightly bitter from diazepam with some sort of mild sweetening agent; somewhat pleasant to SL.

Qualitest Diazepam - slightly bitter from diazepam; no sweetening agent noted in taste while SL'ing.

Brand Alprazalom peach footballs (UpJohn) - moderately bitter, normal alprazolam taste, not that bad to SL, to be honest.

Purepac Alprazolam blue "footballs" (round, not oval) - same as above.

Greenstone Xanax Bar (G) - same as above.

Mylan Temazepam - the powder inside tasted a bit starchy and SL'ing, due to the cut? No bitterness noted.
try shoving one up your bum, i hear its bittersweet Lol


Xanax: VERY bitter
Klonopin: like a weird breath mint, not really good or bad
Valium: little bitter
Liquid Valium: tastes like cherry cough syrup
Ativan: pretty bitter

Usually just swallow them though =D
huh. yeah i just sublingual'd some pfizer-brand alprazolam (called tafil here, but are exactly the same oval, light blue pills you americans get as xanax), and yeah they're bitter but both the oral and injection solutions of diazepam were much worse. actually i can't recall how the proper roche-brand valiums tasted, but the generics i tried are also incredibly bitter... one ampule of the injection solution (2ml) poured into a half-litre bottle of coke still gave the whole thing a pronounced bitter taste. i always supposed that this was to deter small chidren from drinking it, as something tasting like cherry cough syrup and didn't have a child-proof cap, as the solution i had didn't have might lead to a very laid back child.
also, what pharmaceutical company manufactures ativan, as tavor, the predominant brand of lorazepam (made by wyeth i think) taste like flouride tablets.
thanks for all the input, and if anyone else ever tried a benzo in its pure form aside from phenazepam, i'd be really interested in hearing how that tasted.
^ I'm pretty sure that manufacturers aren't going to put a bitterness agent in to a solution that's meant for injecting... those ampules aren't even meant to be ingested in the first place and it's not like you see ampules outside hospitals or outside homes with terminally ill/caregiven patients all too often.

Diazepam is simply a bitter compound, some manufacturers like Qualitest chose not to sweeten it, others like TEVA do.

I'm surprised people complain so much about Xanax, Valium is much worse in my opinion, maybe since I've been conditioned to associate the SL alpraz taste (taken during panic attacks) with sweet relief.
i tried snorting clorazepate once in my life, that was one of the worst things i've ever put up my nose. before i realized that any 'stronger effects' were probably placebo, the mind can be a powerful thing, like the people i've known shooting flunitrazepam and getting high off it. cooked up with nothing but water, after they sucked the coating off. some people have got 'high' this way for years and refuse any other benzo ROA. there are only two benzos i'm aware of that are actually water soluble, flurazepam and midazolam. i've shot the latter both in pill form and as injection solution and even at lower doses the injection solution is preferable. i don't know exactly why this is.
I'm surprised people complain so much about Xanax, Valium is much worse in my opinion, maybe since I've been conditioned to associate the SL alpraz taste (taken during panic attacks) with sweet relief.

Lol yeah I definitely associate Xanax the same way you do. I think it taste terribile, but I have a positive association with the taste.
Like I'm about to feel a lot better in about 20 minutes ;)
yeah, that oral diazepam solution was the most intensely bitter thing i've tasted in my life. i thought it would be better highly diluted, but 5ml equating 50mgs turned half a liter of coke from a soft drink into.... torture. the worst thing was that the taste lingered for minutes no matter what you drank or how much of it.