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Dec 17, 2010
Im considering buying soma's in bulk.

ive read that they do not show up in drug tests. is this true in your experience?

also, can you develop a tolerence to them?

any answers are appreciated.

They can be tested for (in theory) but rarely are.

You build tolerance to them just like any other GABAergic. There are stories of people getting up to ~50 somas/day.

i dont want to sound like an idiot, but would my level of tolerence to other drugs (such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, etc. ) reflect my tolerence level to somas?

i ask this because i take the others often, and already have taken 3 somas with no effect.
Somas are GABAergics.
They are strongly crosstolerant with barbs and alcohol, and partially crosstolerant with benzos. There is no cross-tolerance with opiates.
ahh so these soma's are half purple, half white.

i was told the white half was pure soma, the purple half asprin.
and you can simply split them down the middle to get just the soma.

They're great to potentiate opiates... and sometimes help with my neck and back muscles... but they're weird little fuckers.

If you take them alone your body will get used to the "high" quicly, you will develop tolerance and they won't be "fun" anymore.

They also hit different everytime you take them.
Dude, you can take Kratom, K2, Soma and Ketamine - None of them show up on standard drug tests.
Carisoprodol will not show up on any drug test. Even advanced. They have to be SPECIFICALLY tested for. They are cross tolerant with barbituartes, alcohol and to a certain extent, benzodiazepines. They really enhance the high of opiates. You can get a tolerance to them just like most other drugs that can be abused. If they are loaded with aspirin then cut them in half so you just get the Carisoprodol. I don't know how much Carisoprodol is in those Soma's that you have, as I've never had them with aspirin. A good dose of Carisoprodol is around 1000mg (1g) or basically 3 Soma (without aspirin)
The ones with half white/half purple contain aspirin. Soma Codeine Compound is layered yellow and white and contains 200mg Carisoprodol/325mg Aspirin/16mg Codeine. Not as good as the regular Wallace that contain 350mg of Carisoprodol. I liked taking 4 of those with OxyContin. It has dissociative effects in higher doses.
all great information :)

but nobody answered the question... which side is the aspirin, and which the soma? purple or white?
Carisoprodol will not show up on any drug test. Even advanced. They have to be SPECIFICALLY tested for. They are cross tolerant with barbituartes, alcohol and to a certain extent, benzodiazepines. They really enhance the high of opiates. You can get a tolerance to them just like most other drugs that can be abused. If they are loaded with aspirin then cut them in half so you just get the Carisoprodol. I don't know how much Carisoprodol is in those Soma's that you have, as I've never had them with aspirin. A good dose of Carisoprodol is around 1000mg (1g) or basically 3 Soma (without aspirin)

I had the aspirin ones after a car wreck. This was years ago. Half was purple and half was white. It was weird.. lol
I find carisoprodol to be very enjoyable, but I would strongly caution you about the effects of cessation. If you take them regularly and then stop, you are at risk for seizures for several days after cessation, similar to benzodiazepines. Interestingly enough, carisoprodol can also exacerbate certain types of seizures so if you have a seizure disorder or are otherwise prone to seizures I'd caution you against taking them.

As far as drug testing goes, we are not supposed to discuss it here (although that apparently doesn't stop anyone from going ahead an answering anyway 8) )
It seems as though anyone can obtain a tolerance to any drug; I have seemed to notice, even coffee! I remember the first sip of coffee I had and thought how great that kick was and then the very next day I had a cup and not the same thing, weird how that happens. Anyway.....

My doctor always instructs to take breaks from medications, so as to lessen the tolerance, would be my guess. And now to the point......

I have noticed that you posted that you were not achieving the desired outcome from taking these pills and I wonder if you have tried taking them on an empty stomach right away in the morning and then wait for an hour before having a glass of juice. Maybe would be a good time to try a fast for the day and then try taking another dose the next day and that should do the trick for you, if that made any sense. So, taking a dose on a completely empty stomach should work well for you, good luck.
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