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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Soma/6 pills)+(JWH-250+210+122) Inexperienced: Never again!

His Name Is Frank

Bluelight Crew
May 20, 2006
First off, I should point out that I've been relatively clean for about 3 years. I reward myself every 4 or 5 months with a few days of a Xanax recreational getaway. Also, I smoke JWH-250 and a couple other varieties from time to time. Mixing them is interesting.

8:30 PM - My friend came to pick me up. She buys the fake smoke that they sell in gas stations and had never heard of JWH. I told her what it was and that it was better than smoking whatever the hell is in products like Demon and Green Cobra. *By the way, if anyone knows what's in those blends, let me know. It's written on the back that it contains no JWH.

9:00 PM - We had just finished smoking a blunt of my smoke mixed with Damiana leaf/Marshmallow/Mullein combo. The blend is very smooth and tastes good. This is coming from a non-smoker of cigarettes. She loved it and said it was so much better than the stuff she had been buying. I could tell she was very high and happy.

9:30 PM - We pick up a friend of hers and go to yet another friend's house. I had already thought ahead and brought enough to smoke up a few people. One of my friends had 6 Somas and wanted to trade them for a blunt. I told her I could just give it to her, but she insisted.

9:45 PM - There are about 6 of us sitting around a fire in my friend's front yard. It was about 65°C. The wind was blowing, classic rock thankfully replaced the country music that was playing when we arrived. I took 3 of the pills and put the other 3 in my pocket. Extended sobriety tends to makes you more level-headed. I cannot even begin to count the number of pills I've lost because I lost track of where they were last. I made sure to even tell my friend, "The other 3 are in my front left pocket.

10:10 PM - My friend was drunk along with the rest of the group. Drinking isn't my thing, but thankfully no one was being obnoxious with it. She asked me if I was fucked up. I told her not really. "Eat the other three then." she tells me. I say fuck it and down the hatch go the other three. I had never taken Soma before that night, but I had always heard that they were meh at best.

10:30 PM - I'm trying to roll another blunt, but my hands are shaking worse than Michael J Fox grabbing onto an electrical wire during an earthquake. What the fuck is this?!, I think to myself. Is this normal? Am I about to have a seizure? Why the hell would anyone want to take something that makes them feel like they have Parkinson's?

10:45 PM - My friend is trying to get me to go inside, but when I stand up, I realize there is no way I'm taking a step without falling on my face. I quickly sit back down. This goes on for about half an hour. She would go in then come back outside, trying to get me to come in. I would stand, realize that gravity was ready to pull me down with both hands and quickly sit again. I kept asking for five more minutes.

11:30 PM - The shaking has subsided and me and two of my female friends are in the park. We smoke another blunt and I try to wrap my head around why that experience was so horrible. We all have the cliche stoner discussions. It felt so great to be back to normal again.

In conclusion, at least it didn't last that long. God, I would have went nuts shaking like a madman for hours on end. Maybe I took too many, but the fact that they're muscle relaxers and they were doing the opposite of relaxing my muscles? This irony was not lost on me.
Please format your Trip Report properly......I will not tell you again=D=D

All jokes aside I haven't been very impressed with jwh-122 with my few trials. My favorites are jwh-250 and jwh-073.
Hahaha yea Somas were never my thing either, but i knew a shitload of people taking them. Good Read!
I feel that to enjoy soma you need a little opiate action to go along. The combo of 20-30mg of hydrocodone and 350mg of soma is heaven on earth for most. Soma by itself relaxes muscles and not much else. Without a tolerance I would take no more than 2 350mg pills.
Hah, mate, been there with the Soma shakes a few times. I think getting to that point really constitutes an overdose.

A few months ago I downed 6 or 8 Somas, having been taking 5 at a time with pleasant results. Thinking I'd be fine, I went for a walk over to a friend's place and took a seat in this big recliner ready to have a good serious chat with him. Soon I couldn't speak properly. I don't think I've ever had the slurs like that save for maybe on a few occasions with barbiturates. Then, the shakes. Christ, the shakes! I kept getting up, thinking, I've got to get the bloody hell out of here before he catches on. And then would fall back on my ass. Yea, just stretching, just stretching...

Eventually just gave up on subtlety and stumbled away leaning on walls and furniture mumbling to myself. But I do love me some Soma - in moderation <3 Somewhat surprising you didn't catch a buzz off three. As a regular user, i.e. presumably owner of a good tolerance, three does me just dandily.

hahaha, Michael J Fox. 8)

Edit- defo a yes on the Soma/opiate heaven-on-earth!
Yes, they can have the reverse effect which they are intended for; a muscle relaxant. Sometimes if i took too many I would get all jittery, or nod off. And I can relate to my legs feeling like noodles, as if they couldn't hold my weight, when i first started using. But I don't take them anymore, I crashed my car twice because of them, of all things, a relaxant.

Edit. I 3rd the opiate combo, but even better, 8-16mgs of suboxone.