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Solutions for constant fatigue

Bro, I've been where you are. You should see a doctor if possible and asap. Don't look for any "kick start", cause the truth is, it just isn't there. You have listed three of the biggest reasons for feeling fatigued, not enough sleep, not enough water and no activity. Just start slow man, drink a couple bottles/glasses of water a day, one good meal etc. Then just walk around the house, up and down the stairs, down the driveway ANYTHING to get your body moving. Each day you will feel better and better..but if depression is part of the problem, that will have to be addressed for sure. You can do it, go slow, one day at a time, something more each day and you'll get there!!
I've been taking spirulina lately for fatigue, and it has surprisingly been quite uplifting. Give it a try, man!
dont take iron supps without seeing a doc first

too much iron actually causes fatigue
sounds like you have it figured out for the most part. poor diet, lack of exercise and bad sleep habits will cause depression, even if you have nothing to be depressed about. also, a lazy life is depressing. period. food for the body is like gas for the car. stay properly hydrated and eat healthy food and enough food all day long and i guarantee you'll have more energy. i can watch my body start to fatigue and want to shut down when i don't eat. it starts with hunger, the hunger starts to subside into stomach discomfort, then it turns into tiredness and i just want to sleep. im not a nutritionist so i don't know exactly what you need, but protein and carbs are going to be your best friend if your active. oh and i bet you'll notice a huge difference in just staying properly hydrated all day.

a lack of exercise will do it too. if you don't use it you lose it. muscles atrophy, endurance fades. you have to continually push yourself to the next level if you want to increase your strength and endurance. if you don't eat right and get no exercise then your body probably gets exhausted from just carrying its own weight around all day. exercise benefits not just the body but the mind as well. it causes the natural release of endorphins which will help with your depression.

lastly its not all physical. even if you eat healthy and get plenty of exercise you can still be mentally lazy. focusing mentally on something is only going to make you crave it more. i do it to- somedays when i wake up at 4 am to go to work all i think about for the first 2 or 3 hours im conscious is SLEEP, and how badly i want it. somedays i will sit and fantasize about sleep. it makes me groggy and lazy. try telling yourself to "wake the fuck up and stop being lazy". it works for me if i really listen to myself. instead of thinking about sleep, about how fatigued you feel, and how nice a nap sounds, think about things that you need to get done, things that you want to get done, things that will improve your well-being. if you really need sleep, don't deny your body but know that everytime you are tired does not mean you need sleep. it might just mean your bored and you need more stimulation. go out and be alive instead of curling up in your bed.

hope things are getting better for you. i share the same struggle. i used to sleep in until 5 or 6 pm everyday, got about 12-14hrs of sleep a day, ate like shit, got no exercise and couldn't figure out why i was so fucking depressed and tired all the time..lol. my family sounds alot like yours as well. i think our problem is rooted in bad habits more so than bad genes. at some point you have to break the cycle, and start taking care of yourself. for me, i landed a job in construction so i was forced to kick start myself. had to start waking up at 4 am and working 10-16+ hr days. at first it was killing me, but i stuck to it, took my own advice and i feel alot better now. just push yourself, you'll be surprised what you can do.
You sound exactly like I used to be....

Since I was 14 or so I was tired all the time and got depressed easily. I looked into chronic fatigue syndrome but there is no treatment for this and so I gave up after a while.

I started antidepressants in nov last year and they while I tried 6 different ones, only one (sertraline) actually helped significantly but after a while I was getting depressed again even while on it.

Then about 4 months ago I say the symptoms for ADHD on the internet and fitted the inattentive trype to a tee. So I took the list to my GP and said that I think I may have it, and my GP referred me to a local psychiatrist who diagnoses adult ADHD (not many actually do but I dound a list of UK ones that do).

He looked at my bad school reports and asked me a lot of questions about if I forget things a lot, dont liston when people talk quite a lot, find it hard to to follow the plot in films etc. and I was diagnosed and prescribed ritalin.

I suggest you do the same. A lot of people that have ADHD inatentive type are also tired a lot (I think this is because it takes extra mental energy to try and just be normal because paying attention to things takes extra work), andth depression is definately secondary (ie. the ADHD sympoms of forgetting things etc causes low self esteem, confidence etc.) but also maybe primary (ie. it is known that people with ADHD can't regulate their emotions as well as normal people and so are more prone to over thinking thing, ruminated, etc.)
Go to a doctor and maybe a dietician. The two of them working together should be able to cure what ails you. You might want to ask the doctor about Provigil. Its for narcoleptics and those who are shift workers. My doctor prescribes it for me because although I do not fit the above categories I am troubled with daytime sleepiness.
I forgot to add that I have an underactive thyroid and that can amke you tired. Anyhow, go and see a doctor anyway