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Solution to the empty baggie problem


Nov 20, 2013
You know how when you get to the end of a baggie, and there's still some powder lining the baggie, but you can't really scrape any more of it out? There's some decent amount left in there, but you can't get it out easily, and it's hard to tell how much is left..

I have the solution! (if you get my pun...)

1. Weigh the baggie with the residue, write down the weight.
2. Dissolve the residue out thoroughly with water or other solvent.
3. Dry baggie out thoroughly, and then weigh it.
4. Subtract this weight from the initial weight, now you know exactly how much is in the solution!

Seems really obvious now, so I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this, but it took me a while before coming up with that so thought I'd share.
My method is similar, except I dissolve everything out of the baggie and then dry the solvent (ideally alcohol since it evaporates quicker) in a wide flat-bottomed glass container, and scrape the residue and weigh that.

Thanks for sharing. :)
Yes good practices :) Does anyone have other such substance handling problems?
Does doing an extraction of methamphetamine from my urine count (50% or so goes through unchanged)? How about from a missed shot (unless blood makes you squeamish)? Or even after dropping a batch in the yard and digging up a huge clump of dirt and getting over 70% of my expected yield from that?
I've done all three...if there is anything anywhere it can be gotten back...might not want it after you get it though.:\
Wait what?

An extraction of a missed shot?

Yeah those sound like huge purification issues :O

I meant more like preparation, handling, weighing, etc
the only time i ever seemed to care about residue on the baggie was with cocaine, even though any sane person would know its not enough to feel....but you still shave every last spec of it off of the bag
I've been wondering what to do with my baggies, and this is a great solution (no pun intended). Props Pdawn! :)
Wait what?

An extraction of a missed shot?

Yeah those sound like huge purification issues :O

I meant more like preparation, handling, weighing, etc

Just wanted to see if I could do it...didn't DO it after I did it.
I can remember saving up all my empty baggies (not psychs obviously), but stuff like MDMA, ketamine, speed etc and eventually racking up a line of it.

I think I got impatient and it didn't do very much, though. Obviously I definitely do not reccomend people do this with potent/potentially dangerous stims/psychs and the likes.
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^^ Yeah, one time I just bag washed and drank it, from my 4-HO-MiPT bag after there was no more loose powder in there, I had done so with a 4-HO-MET bag a year before and it was perfect, strong but ideal. Well, I guess the 4-HO-MiPT caked on thicker, because I was tripping SO HARD, I thought I had broken my brain, it was very weird, I felt like I was rising up out of my head and I was unable to think, I felt like I was in a timeless moment, where thought was impossible, I could observe what was going on, hear people talk, but I couldn't make sense of what they were saying. Never had that effect from a tryptamine before. I have wondered since then just how much I actually ingested.
Haha yeah I spilled some 4-ho-mipt when weighing once and decided, fuck it, I'm gonna try to reclaim as much as possible with my tongue, must have been 55-60 mg or so. I wearied of my completely nonsensical thoughts/visions/dreams after a while and had to put on Neal Degrasse Tyson to have someone explain to me how the universe worked. Funny thing is the series I watched (The Inexplicable Universe) was removed from Netflix very shortly after this experience, making it seem like it was just there right when I needed it. Not a big believer in synchronicity but sometimes you have to wonder.
Practically, it would be more useful for one to know the weight of the residue before adding the solvent.

I would start by weighing the bag, weighing the container of the solvent, then weighing the solvent container with the solvent in it. It'll indicate how much water you're adding by a rate of 1g/ml.

Perform multiple washes of the bag until it's weight stopped changing by using about 5-10 mL of water per wash. Would theoretically save time in the final drying stage. Also, there will probably be a loss in the yield once the solution is dried.

The difference in the two weights will probably be insightful about purity, drying techniques, and which storage type is trapping the most residue