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Social Worker accidently gave me methadone


May 31, 2014
Today one of the employees at the substition clinic accidently gave me methadone.
I normally take substitol,which is extended release morphind in capsule form. I already had the capsules in my mouth and wanted some water to flush them down. The social worker tooks a cup which i thought was empty and put some water in it and handed it to me. I flushed it down in a fast manner obviously thinking it was water. I immeaditely tasted a bitter taste but it was already too far down my throat and i drank about half of the cup. The social worker later stated that there was 6ml of methadone originally in the cup so i drank about 3 ml which is 30 mg methadone here in germany.

My question now is:Will that dose block some of the effects of the morphine?I have take home and onyly need to take them pills in front of them once a week. The internet states that at doses with 60-80 mg will block all effects from heroin/morphine.Normally saturday(so today) is the day where i take much higher doses of morphine than i regularly do because i have nothing to do. Will the 30 mg methadone partialöy block the effects of a huge dose of oral morphine(1200 mg+) or not?
I'm guessing at this stage in the day you've already taken your higher dose of morphine and answered your question yourself. The blocking effects of methadone dont really come into play until the 60 - 80mg mark as you said, so I presume the 30mg you had wouldn't affect your morphine high significantly. In fact, it may even potentiate it a little if you're not used to methadone. What was the outcome?

However, I'd be more concerned about the idiots that gave you the wrong drugs by mistake.
No i didnt take it yet, being in fearit would block it.I felt the methadone a little and now after 9 hours i feel it wearing off. I find many contradicting informations on the internet. I know that 60-80 mg will block the effect totally but the question is if the 30 mg will have additive effects or block it partially, which if that would be the case i would postpone the huge dose to tomorrow, although not optimal at all because i have to work at monday.

The social worker stated it was his fault and that this is being communicated with the doctor.Fucking idiot. The same guy already asked me about 50 times on which substitution substance i am. Im over 2 years in the clinic and the idiot still cant remeber the substance im on.I hope the doctor doesnt twist this situation on me somehow and hope that the social worker doesnt lie to the doctor saying i grabbed it out of his hand or something and was drug seeking.I have plenty people that can confess my genuine reaction because i spitted out as much i could do as soon as i drank it and i was really angry in that moment aswell.
@Neithman that's absolutely shocking. Have you heard anything back from the clinic about this serious mistake?

Were you able to take your substitol and have the desired results?
This isn't just a little mistake, it could be fatal for some other person. These people usually face no problem when they do mistakes like this because, unfortunately, many of them see drug addicts as an inferior who shouldn't be a reason to be punished.
Once, they gave me a naltraxone pill while I was getting 220mgs of Methadone (was staying at the place to get off heroin). The asshole didn't get in much trouble and I really wasn't in a mental or physical place to protect my rights. Once the precipitated withdrawal was over, I was just happy that it was over. They basicly bribed me with lots of benzos that they gave me together with methadone; I was, ridiculously, fine with that.Those days, I really didn't care much about life though. Later they shut that place down because of various reasons similar to this.
My only fear is that they somehow twist this on me and that the social worker lies to the doctor and states that i intentionally took the cup from him.

Thats not the first time they did shit like this, stuff thats much worse than this. One time a new worker gave a patient 100ml methadone instead of 10 ml methadone. Bear in mind, in germany 1 ml is 10 mg methadone so the social worker gave him 1000mg of methadone, a dose that kills most people. The guy who took that dose, fortunately, was in the program for over 20 years and could tolerate that kind of a dose.After that incident they bought a machine that automatically measures the methadone.

Another incident was that one employee of that clinic was watering down the methadone and smuggling methadone out the clinic for her addicted boyfriend(that was before they had the automatic machines). They caught her one time,but people clinic were complaining for weeks that they feel their dose less and that they withdraw earlier. Those complaints were not followed after. The women who did this was fired for some time, but now is back in the clinic (LOL).
In most pharmacies, clinics and hospitals, there is a two person check for most CD's, purely to make sure accidents like those above don't happen, is this not the same in Germany?
Not in my clinic at least. I wouldnt have stayed in that clinic anyway,if it would not be the only one who both have oral morphine substition(which is stilll pretty damn rare in germany) and pick up times which dont interfere with my work/universitary shedule.

The only other clinic that offers oral morphine only has take home pick ups at 16.00 on wednesday,which is such a shitty time.
In most pharmacies, clinics and hospitals, there is a two person check for most CD's, purely to make sure accidents like those above don't happen, is this not the same in Germany?

In all my years of picking up methadone at various pharmacies, I've never seen anyone else check what is dispensed. The pharmacist just grabs a bottle and pours it out.
I've never had this multiple person check on CD's either. Admittedly I am not scripted methadone but I am scripted a schedule II CD and it's just one pharmacist in the back who packs it up for me. This is just a small local pharmacy that has only one pharmacist in at any one time though, could be more strict in the chains for all I know. I just go to the same one every month because it's down the road, they know me, and usually give me brand name meds.
It should be checked by two staff members, one of whom being the pharmacist for all CDs in the UK. It rarely happens in practice though
With regards to commercial dispensing pharmacies there is no requirement for any other member of staff other than the pharmacist themselves to dispense (and if required supervise) the administration of methadone or any other schedule 2 drug provided that the prescription is valid and the ROA practical (injections usually have to be given by medical or nursing practitioners) and reasonable steps have been taken to confirm the ID of the patient. Many, if not the majority, of chemists will have only one pharmacist on site - the exceptions obviously being large chain branches in commercial shopping areas or those that are particularly busy.

The 2 person check is something that is included within the local policies of hospitals, residential care facilities and the like - while I was still working as a staff and subsequently a charge nurse on inpatient wards - the hospital pharmacists would dispense and audit sched. 2 & 3 drugs into and out of the CD cupboards on the wards and upon administration the practitioner would require a second qualified person (usually a second RN or if more convenient at the time, a doctor) to double check the dose and if satisfied, to countersign the CD register once given to the patient.
With regards to commercial dispensing pharmacies there is no requirement for any other member of staff other than the pharmacist themselves to dispense (and if required supervise) the administration of methadone or any other schedule 2 drug provided that the prescription is valid and the ROA practical (injections usually have to be given by medical or nursing practitioners) and reasonable steps have been taken to confirm the ID of the patient. Many, if not the majority, of chemists will have only one pharmacist on site - the exceptions obviously being large chain branches in commercial shopping areas or those that are particularly busy.

The 2 person check is something that is included within the local policies of hospitals, residential care facilities and the like - while I was still working as a staff and subsequently a charge nurse on inpatient wards - the hospital pharmacists would dispense and audit sched. 2 & 3 drugs into and out of the CD cupboards on the wards and upon administration the practitioner would require a second qualified person (usually a second RN or if more convenient at the time, a doctor) to double check the dose and if satisfied, to countersign the CD register once given to the patient.

This makes a lot more sense. I would expect hospitals to be stricter with handling CD's for obvious reasons. I remember recovering from surgery for a week and having to practically beg nurses for 10mg oral morphine it was ridiculous. When I got out of hospital my GP was willing to give me as much as I bloody well wanted thankfully.
So i went on saturday there again and the doctor did not blame me fortunately.Its ridicolous at times what substition clinics get away with just because they working with junkies ans they feel like they are superior,bloody hell i earn almost double their hourly waage and im still in university,no need to look down on me.

Anyways i have a question regarding take home in the uk
Is there a monthly pick up option in the uk or do you also have weekly take home pick ups like we have here i germany?It would be so much more conventiently to pick this shit up once a month,especially because i probably would get fired at my job when anybody from work would see me going into the substitution clinic,which is right beside a busy train station,so not that unlikely in the long run.I told the doctors that i would prefer to go through the backdoor,that is in a street that is frequented much lesser,but they told thats noz possible and that they dont do exceptions
Like wtf they want the people in the program to get a regular life,get a job and do well but on the other side require people that dont have take home to go there every day at fixed times(10:30) so you cant work at all because no full time job starts at 11 o clock
As I understand it some people do get monthly pickups especially with bupe but it's at the discretion of the clinic. Depends how much they trust you basically.
When I wad just in hospital one of the nurses gave me 170mg of morphine for my morning dose instead of 70mg... when they realised the mistake they were very apologetic and said the nurse would be in deep trouble and would I like to lodge a complaint....however the nurse who gave me it was a fantastic guy and also ex army so I wrote a letter to give to the ward manager saying how fantastically well he had looked after me and that he was an excellent nurse as and there was no harm done and I absolutely did not want to take the matter further ..
I wouldnt complain either if i would get MORE of the substance i usually take. I heard a story of someone who was in hospital aswell,who normally gets 80 mg methadone. Instead of giving him 110 mg once a day, they gave him 120 mg three time a day, without him knowing. He thought they gave him 40 mg three times a day. At the second day he noticed that he was super stoned all day and after another day he asked what they gave him. The nurse who gave him those doses was pretty new and did it by accident
Ha, monthly pick up! You go on daily supervised humiliating consumption here and your choice is methadone or subutex, no morphine stuff. All shit. So it's near impossible to work on that regime. If you're a good addict, they will let you take your daily dose home with you. Currently I'm plucking up the courage to turn up a d start the process again. I was kind of lucky enough for them to put the wrong pharmacy on the last time. The pharmacist that gives me the creeps but stays open long hours. What a decent fella he is, yes, he handed it out the hatch onto the street, and then asked if I wanted to come in side. Ie, "please say no, give me less bother of opening my shutters and closing them again" at least this gave me opportunity to spot it back on the way home so I had it to take on holiday. Fuckers at the service provider tried telling me to cancel my holiday coz they wouldn't px for me to take it away.
Well i gone through that aswell. 6 months of turning up daily in the afternoon(because og work/university),already being in withdrawal because oral morphine doesnt hold you for 24 hours,which they insisted it does(how would they even know) and then going there getting comments from certain social workers that they dont believe im working and that i should attend there at the regular time(10:30).

This was truly horrible,being in withdrawal at 12 o clock,having to work or concentrate in university. Now that im "clean" for almost 1.5 years(clean meaning not having any consumption besides morphine) they treat me very friendly. There really is 2 class system,where the junkies that take heroin/white or whatever on top are treated like shit and people who only take their substitution meds are treated good.
Where is the difference?methadone is actually worse tgan heroin and no junkie would take heroin on top if they would get what they actually want,pure heroin for whatever route of administration they want to take it. Junkies only take up a very tiny part of the healthcare fund,give them want they want. All them elders who are bored to death and go to the doctor daily are a muxh bigger burden for the healthcsre system than the few thousand of junkies
I thought having to get my morphine weekly was a hassle, I couldn't be fucked with getting it daily.

I could get the chemist to deliver it to my door but I choose to collect it in person. The mile and a half round trip walk is challenging in my current condition, but I do it anyway. Luckily for me, I spent years training to walk relatively long distances while in extreme discomfort in the paras so it's not that big a deal... although I have had to do it while withdrawing on to of the fucked leg, arm, back etc. and that really is challenging lol