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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v9 ~ Kreppel/Doughnut appreciation Plaza - Token bowls

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thats why i went iwht seinheiser, can i couldnt be happier

yah vut ADHD gers you dexedrine

(I love sennheiser headphones, though I have to get some new parts for my cord because its starting to mess up on my pair of headphones. If I had money I'd upgrade to a better set, but thats not an option right now)

stimulant medication fucking sucks. It may help with a few symptoms of ADHD, but with all the side-effects, it really doesn't do much to help what so ever. Yeah Ican focus for longer, and get motivated to shit, but it takes longer for me to do the same amount of work while no on stimulants, they increase the number of mistakes made /per unit of time, alter my social self into someone I do not like, adds a delusion of grandeur, etc. I'm honestly more interested in possibly trying a Alpha2 adrenergic agonist (clonidine or guanfacine) as they are said to help with ADHD particularly in some areas that I struggle with. The problem is that I'm already on two depressants (methadone and alprazolam), that they'd likely make me soooo tired during the day. Guanfacine seems to have less sedative effects, so it could be a better choice, but still doesn't seem like it'd be on the table atm.
Yeah I agree, most stimulants are not at all worth the side effects.
That is great, but it doesn't help me to get a handle on things. (pun intended).
But serioulsy, any specific ideas/features would be of help.
IMO stimulant drugs like amphetamine salt combo, detxtroamphetamine, methylphenidate racemic, and dextromethylphenidate all really aren't performance enhancers. They don't make people smarter, they don't necessarily make people work faster, they don't reduce the amount of mistakes say on a test or quiz, etc. It can help individuals find motivation, reduce the movements and tics, stop people from falling asleep, and maybe a few other things. It drives me mad seeing people on amps who think they are 100x as smart while on them, think it is some sort of miracle drug, or even use them to stay up over night to get shit done (not that when you have to turn a paper in the next day, the ability to stay awake isnt useful). When you stay awake using amphetamines, the number of mistakes on whatever assignment you are working on will be like 10x the amount of sober , organization can some times become messier, the material you are trying to retain doesn't, etc. Its better to work sober ahead of time. Cognitive behavioral therapy, extra time, different testing environment, extra help with individuals who can find better ways for you to study/organize, etc., are all a hell of a lot more productive. Now I'm not saying people don't get some advantage with using them, but honestly I see most ADHD individuals and non-ADHD individuals have no improvement from their use. Adding alpha 2 adren agonists like clonidine or guanfacine might actually make stimulants more useful as they cut a lot of the side-effects out of the picture aswell as improve certain functions that amphetamines likely hurt. For example Guanfacine has been seen to help improve working memory, reduce distractibility, helps control impulses (can help with behavioral issues, or potentially in this those heading towards substance abuse, reduce the likely hood), etc.

young kids and young teenagers IMO certainly shouldn't be put on stimulant drugs besides in rare cases. Other methods should be employeed. parents need to become trained in how to deal with their child, as their responses to the childs actions can make their problems worse. Children with ADHD are struggling in their own mind, don't understand why they are different than others, why they get in trouble for bad grades or being disruptive when its not because they are being deviant (most of the time), etc. The fact that teachers and parent punish the kids, or talk to them in such ways that emotionally destroy a child with ADHD, just makes shit worse. You can not treat a child who might have or grow into having ADHD like everyone else, they need to be talked to in certain ways, they need to have different approaches to learning than most other students, etc. If teachers and parents could try and use other methods than drugs to help the child, they may not grow into having ADHD as an adult, which then is a life long struggle.

The only stimulant I really like for ADHD is methamphetamine. The therapuetic benefits for ADHD start at doses a lot lower than some of the side-effects/recreational effects, compared to amphetamine. Even just 5mg of methamphetamine once in a day ime is better than any dose of amphetamine.
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The only stimulant I really like for ADHD is methamphetamine. The therapuetic benefits for ADHD start at doses a lot lower than some of the side-effects/recreational effects, compared to amphetamine. Even just 5mg of methamphetamine once in a day ime is better than any dose of amphetamine.

My thoughts exactly.

you should try to find a girl that's as attractive as token!
Damn right!

Give me some ideas as my imagination runs riot.
that chick's 100x sexier than me.

That is great, but it doesn't help me to get a handle on things. (pun intended).
But serioulsy, any specific ideas/features would be of help.
auburn hair..
insanely smart & funny...
really really bad @ pool & poker..
need more?

my name's in the od social title!
token- 5

to c/t benzos is an unnecessary risk..
we all already take too many of those..
please don't.
IMO stimulant drugs like amphetamine salt combo, detxtroamphetamine, methylphenidate racemic, and dextromethylphenidate all really aren't performance enhancers. They don't make people smarter, they don't necessarily make people work faster, they don't reduce the amount of mistakes say on a test or quiz, etc.

I disagree. When I use amphetamine my focus state is at a level in which I'm able to recall things I would not have otherwise been able to sober. It also makes me completely in love with what I'm doing and thus I finish tasks quicker.
The only stimulant I really like for ADHD is methamphetamine. The therapuetic benefits for ADHD start at doses a lot lower than some of the side-effects/recreational effects, compared to amphetamine. Even just 5mg of methamphetamine once in a day ime is better than any dose of amphetamine.

It's certainly smoother and makes one less anxious.
I disagree. When I use amphetamine my focus state is at a level in which I'm able to recall things I would not have otherwise been able to sober. It also makes me completely in love with what I'm doing and thus I finish tasks quicker.

non-meth amphetamines just make me physically uncomfortable and antisocial, they don't help me focus one bit, and the euphoria is so short-lived. Vyvanse is an exception; while it is subtle, it makes me feel nice and slightly euphoric all day without effecting my appetite or sleep pattern at all, and doesn't have any comedown at all. The only bad thing is that IME it doesn't help with focus at all, and seems to make me feel more sedated than stimulated (although that's not necessarily a bad thing). methylphenidate is even worse, no positive effects whatsoever

It's certainly smoother and makes one less anxious.

assuming it isn't cut, the batch i had the last few days was really strong but it was definitely cut with something, because I the two other people who i knew that took it and i felt extreme nausea, vascoconstriction, and the other two guys (but not me) weren't able to speak coherently during their peak. i still have more, but i'm contemplating just throwing it away. I may just look for something to help the nausea (not dramamine, nothing psychoactive) and then take it orally. I think in the future I'm gonna be snorting a lot less, because that also creates nausea, and with stimulants, nausea ruins the high completely for me.

on an unrelated note, I'm about to make the fattest dinner (baked potatoes with sole and clam chowder) so I can re-nourish myself after barely eating anything for 2 days (half an ommelette yesterday and a turkey-cheese crepe that i ate this morning). after that, i'm gonna take a bath and smoke some reefer and then put on Season 5 of the simpsons, drink some kava and fall the fuck asleep on my insanely comfortable beanbag.
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^We're very likely discussing pharmaceutical quality, not clandestine.

And yeah, I'd imagine most high quality crystal is cut for the safety of the customers.
morning ladies and gentlemen! how are we all?

just woke up and while i was prepping my shot dad walked in with a plate full of bacon, eggs, toast and tomatoes. can't beat room service after getting down with a shot of morphine. really kicks the day off to a god start.

i've gotta make my way into the library at some point soon and rehire a few things out and pick up some fresh sharps, etc. might even get out in the yard and start cleaning up a pad in preparation for an even we're starting to plan for the business i work for. make sure there's enough room to accommodate 150 or so people with plenty of room for the lasers and lights to beam around and light the place. good thing i've no worries about noise complaints with the neighbours as we all throw our own parties from time to time and never have any complaints about each others.

any you guys who can make it over to australia in attendance are more than welcome:D

methamphetamines > amphetamines
Sounds good bigfan... I like your approach. Just be sure not to hit your stash after you have eaten and are starting to feel good again... the temptation will be there.

I don't use any amps anymore. I used to, but never really liked 'em. I like my op's instead. Just finished a fatty burrito with like 10 different hot sauces on it and am gonna lite up a few bowls of some super fresh kind bud and kick back and watch the tube too. I gotta get up early tomorrow for work, so I can't stay up too late, but am gonna enjoy the last of my weekend before I go back to the grind for another 5 days...

Ja bless,

I'm doing pretty damn good over here in NorCal trentram. Sounds like you got a good day planned... Your pop's must really care for you to make you breakfast in bed (this isn't the first time I read this...lol). You are lucky to have such a caring father and take my word on this, enjoy all the time with him that you can, because you never know when he won't be around anymore.

Sorry, I don't want to get going down a dark slope, as I am feeling great and am enjoying my Sunday. I got work early tomorrow, so I want to get it in this evening! Smoke some super high quality indoor and outdoor, gosh I love NorCal in October!!! Pop a couple of my meds and get a good movie going. Anyone see "Goatman" with David Duchovny? It is a great movie... hilarious in my opinion.

Anyway, how is everyone else doing? Tri? tent? big? What's on the arsinal list for this evening (or morning/day if you're on the other side of the world...)???
i hear everything you're saying. his health is starting to deteriorate a little and am finding myself having to help out more bit by bit. he's been having sudden blackouts from time to time over the last few years where he's been lucky i've been within arms reach to save him from face planting onto the ground. he wasn't so lucky a few months back and the inevitable happen when he bounced off the table, just in time for me to help him take the fall, where his wrist took the impact resulting in breaking it. so i was stuck with the majority of house duties and looking after him a fair bit there for a while. the cast is off now and he's wearing a brace which has him able to do most everything for himself but he's on damn near 10 different medications for an array of things at the moment.

if i didn't have a gig next weekend i'd be joining him in attending a birthday party for an older friend of the family, but i catch up with them all on occasions when they go on their camping trips on a property of a friend of his which is just over an hour out of town. we definitely get along a lot better these days than we did going back a few years. we've managed to put our shit aside and have learnt to get along with each other, problems aside:)

i'm doing good. had a good day catching up with a mate and his gf throughout the weekend mucking around with some mixing. otherwise i've just been kicking it.

have to make my way into the library soon to rehire some books out and whatnot and possibly do some more gardening.
Sounds good my friend. Enjoy your gardening, and remember, "life is a garden, dig it!"

I can totally relate with the health problems your pops has, as my father, rest his soul, had many horrific, debilitating health issues before he suddenly died in a tragic event.

Now, I am able to just remember the good times, and have forgiven him for all the bad things. He only knew what he was taught, and did a much better job than his father, and his grandfather before that. So, all we can do is learn from what we have experienced and try to do a better job than our father before us, as so forth.

This is the test of a good father and a good man. Not all the mistakes, but rather all the progress...

A quote from one of my father's favorite musicians:

Be good and you will be lonesome
Be lonesome and you will be free
Live a lie and you will live to regret it
That's what livin' is to me
That's what livin' is to me

-- J. Buffett

What's up C_P, tentram, bigfan, cloudy, et al?

dabs of wax, im very busy concentrating... on my concentrates...
What's up C_P, tentram, bigfan, cloudy, et al?

dabs of wax, im very busy concentrating... on my concentrates...

lol, Tri...! Nice play on words... I have such potent, fresh, ganga, I haven't even dabbled into any concentrates as of yet (with the exception of my salve...). I will wait until these fresh flowers aren't quite doing it for me until I hit up the concentrates. Got a nice ball of shears putty that is curing in a mason though. That is gonna be legit when I hit it... Was actually thinking about just putting it in some olive oil/butter mix and baking with it though... No chlorophyl, no plant matter, hardly any taste and a super potent treat sounds devine to me...! <3
What's up C_P, tentram, bigfan, cloudy, et al?

dabs of wax, im very busy concentrating... on my concentrates...

went to the library just before and picked up a few things from the store whic included the morphine tabs from the pharmacist chicky. she said she's goin to start pucrhasing an extra box just for me. on quite a few visits they've been short 8 pills each time. there must only one other patient on that dose pills which leaves me that amount short a fair bit. it's become a bit of a running joke between her and i (she wants me obviously) but i wish she'd start slipping a few extra in there for me just for the inconvencience. again, she wants. by having me visit her each time for the checkout;)

i'm extremely jelly about to conentrates, though, am in my own way finding it hard to contentrate;) stretching out in bed, doing all but nothing, is extremely appealing right now. i'm finding it hard enough not tilting side to side like a pendulum with some back and forth rocking in the midst. i feel i'm at a slow motion shoe gazing concert minus the music. explosions in the sky would be good about now.
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