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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v.6 (VI) - It's okay eat fish, cos they don't have any feelings

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^ Yes, and this is what was for dinner...

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Montana flat black hidden in a napsack, fitted with a fat cap.

What's good, OD? Hope y'all are doing well.
Hey...your name looks familiar... I think I know you??

ehh..i get that alot..

but..you should be so lucky.;)

hello od..
enjoy saturday.

tc..i hope today is better for you.

wants to know why I was not invited to the slumber party...:?

^^^Are you saying I wasn't cool enough to be invited to the slumber party??^^^
oh wait..there's no way that's true...
wtf was i thinking...

yay..another female!
watch out..they bite!;)


Oh what a lovely greeting. It's okay, this bluelighter bites back. & She bites back hard.

How is your day going so far, is it lovely? c:
Not much, just the usual stuff.

Thinking about another bowl of hash. *droolz*

Hash, ohhh my. I haven't smoked hash in months. I live in cali on the central coast, and all thats came through here this month has been meth and heroin because thats all that anyone wants to spend money on.
Hash, ohhh my. I haven't smoked hash in months. I live in cali on the central coast, and all thats came through here this month has been meth and heroin because thats all that anyone wants to spend money on.

Are there no medical marijuana dispensaries where you live in California?

That really sucks, that meth and heroin are more available than cannabis. That speaks heavily as to the failure of the war on drugs. :|
There is this town PR a little north of where I live. I used to go to school there and hangout there all the time.
If you go the park (everyones hangout spot) in the day time or the evening you won't see anyone.
But you there at two in the morning... everyone.
It's funny as fuck.

I havent smoked weed all summer wtf, what kind of cali girl am I?
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