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So what exactly is "The Magic"


Bluelight Crew
Feb 26, 2003
Having read heaps of threads regards losing the magic and tolerance etc, I am left with a question.

It appears that it is possible to "Lose the magic" and yet still have a great time on pills.

So what exactly is "The Magic" that is being lost?

Is it simply that the magic to which is referred is in fact simple novelty value and in fact that nothing has changed whatsoever?

Is it possible, as I suggested in another thread that tolerance is in fact a state of mind and that because you are doing the same things on E each time, that it has become routine or monotonous??

What do you think??
It's that special feeling the MDMA gives you, the feeling that you are one with everything, and the understanding you have for other people.

You can't describe it, but you'll know when its gone.
Very true....you'll know when it's gone. It's that "special" feeling that only MDMA can give you....you can't really describe it.....also the feeling of rolling starts feeling fake and forced, and all of the pleasurable aspects about it don't seem to have that much "wow" about them.

I miss the magic, but I don't miss ecstasy. Its a thing of the past for me. What a damn money trap it is!


Ok, basically you could call the magic something that you get the first few times you roll, but gradually as you do it more it fades. And as with many things time is generally the only thing that can remotely begin to bring it back into perspective. After taking a break for 8 months and then rolling I regained the magic I had lost. Believe me waiting it out to regain it was hard but rolling like I did like my 2nd or 3rd time again was amazing!! If you think about it you could almost metaphorically attribute it to the likes of sex! Peace.%)

well I have taken a fair few pills now but to be honest apart from not getting as strong rushes all the time, I dont notice any change from the beginning.

I have dropped each week for the past three but now am on a break for a while.

Last weekends drop was pretty much identical to the first.

haha, now I am wondering if I have ever actually felt that magic u talk about or if its still there every time.

I can see by the replys thus far that it is not an easy thing to explain.

Sounds like a good challenge......... Is there any one out there that feels they can describe it adequately and acurately???
Like a man said before, you cant describe it.

But what i'd like to say to you, is cool down your e use m8. Im now depressed because i was stupid to realise this:

You do NOT have an infinite amount of serotonin, NOONE does.

dont go down the path so many of us took an all regretted.
it's like getting used to anything, it's still fun but you know what to expect, like seeing a movie for the 10th time, it may still be a good movie, but not the same as when you first saw it
Losing "the magic" is exactly why I keep my use down to 5-6 times a year. Been rolling for 6 years now and still have the "magic" every time. I've met people the have lost it in less then 1 year, but they were trying to roll every week... sometimes more.

And you DO have a near infinite supply of serotonin. You just have to let your stores of it replenish themselves between rolls. Takes about 12 to 14 days. Sometimes more sometimes less. Things like 5-HTP can help it along faster, but you need to do some reading on how to use it properly.
hmm my friend reckons he has lost the magic but i reckon he just had a bad pill.. he has only been doing it on and off for about a yr so i think its pretty hard considering he hasnt popped over 20 to have lost it.. what u guys think?
is it possible to lose t he magic after popping on and off for 1 yr and no more than 20 pills..
phunKbumpsta said:
it's like getting used to anything, it's still fun but you know what to expect, like seeing a movie for the 10th time, it may still be a good movie, but not the same as when you first saw it

This is exactly what i think.

The only difference being that with the E movie you actually have the ability to change bits of it if u want and come up with different ideas or missions etc which would make that movie unique hence allowing u to continue to enjoy the "magic"..........whatever that may be.
Shaman486 said:
Losing "the magic" is exactly why I keep my use down to 5-6 times a year. Been rolling for 6 years now and still have the "magic" every time. I've met people the have lost it in less then 1 year, but they were trying to roll every week... sometimes more.

And you DO have a near infinite supply of serotonin. You just have to let your stores of it replenish themselves between rolls. Takes about 12 to 14 days. Sometimes more sometimes less. Things like 5-HTP can help it along faster, but you need to do some reading on how to use it properly.

Yes i understand all that.

IMO Many Bluelighters seem to be absolutely obsessed with everybody "losing the magic".

What I am trying to discover is what is this "Magic" that I am supposed to lose?
What is "the magic" to me.

It's that absolute feeling of new-ness that taking ecstacy had when I had just started. I've been taking pills for one and a half years now and every time I did it in the first six months or so was "magical" in this sense.

For me, it was that undeniable feeling of overwhelming love and idealistic sense of positivity towards everything and anything that moves. It's going to parties and clubs thinking that ecstacy is the cure for everything, it's looking at the world with eyes that can see only beauty and happiness... and somehow manage to ignore all the bad things you do see, because you don't want to.

It's giving in completely to the rush of serotonin and leaving all your earthly inhibitions at the door; saying and doing whatever the hell you feel like in that exact moment. It's having the best nights of your life... then going out the next weekend and doing it all over again.

Have I lost the magic yet? Yes
Do I care? No. Experience has taught me that it's mostly psychological and has more to do with conditioning than the pills affecting me any less. Put it this way... if you have the best night of your life, every Saturday night, over and over again... pretty soon they all just fade into one and lose distinction in your memory.
daveske69 said:
hmm my friend reckons he has lost the magic but i reckon he just had a bad pill.. he has only been doing it on and off for about a yr so i think its pretty hard considering he hasnt popped over 20 to have lost it.. what u guys think?
is it possible to lose t he magic after popping on and off for 1 yr and no more than 20 pills..

i have done about 22 pills total, probably in the space of 6 months. now i am in the middle of a break and plan to take E in a few weeks. my break by then will be about 3 months. i dont think ive lost the magic and im expecting that when i do take E next that it will be near enough as good as the first few times. obviously i dont know this for a fact but ive just got a feeling it will be that good, some how i just know that i can have a trip as good as the first few times.

but everyone is different, some people lose the magic fairly quickly, with others it takes longer. i think im one of the lucky ones.
Losing the magic: (see also, jaded, asshole, hardcore, junglist, techno nerd)

It's kinda like raving... eventually, if you look at it in terms of a lifestyle, you'll grow out of it.

If you view it as something special, welcome changes to the scene, know that every experience might not be AS intense, but you can still gain from it--you'll never lose the magic.

I lost the magic after my second roll. It was so amazing, and I had the best time of my life with my best friend, my fucking brother... my soulmate... someone I loved more than I could ever love anyone(even of the opposite sex)...

someone I would do anything for... I loved that guy more than myself.

And then after that, it was over... the ride was done.

They still hit me just as hard, and I started waiting for months at a time to drop.

The key to regainig the magic, for me, is to wait long enough that I can't recall exactly what it feels like to peak on MDMA...

I waited 4 months before my last roll(Tuesday), and when it started to hit me, it almost scared me, because I forgot how intense it can be sometimes. And when the peak hit, I couldn't stop crying because I was so thankful for this wonderful gift that I had been blessed with.

the "magic" is a fake term. it's something that people who can no longer roll, or people who try to ruin shit for you made up.

the real magic lies not in taking MDMA for the right reasons and seeking out answers to questions about yourself and your friendships and life partners--but it lies in FINDING those answers.

If you treat MDMA like a drug, and mistreat it, it'll be a drug... and won't last for long.

But if you respect it, and have respect for it's great healing power--you'll be able to roll for 7 years + like I do, and probably still will.

I know it seems like a long time to wait(4 months) but when it hit me I was incapacitated to the point where laying down was almost to amazing for me to handle.

It's definately worth the wait!
it's like getting used to anything, it's still fun but you know what to expect, like seeing a movie for the 10th time, it may still be a good movie, but not the same as when you first saw it

BRILLIANT....perfect comparison!
imo you can roll a lifetime.. the magic is gone, but the euphoric effects are pretty the same.

I know a woman that rolls for about 12 years and still goes off on 1 or 2 pills :)
Thx Rollie, that was the best post I have seen u write.

I think that the idea I had of trying to make each use special and different in some way in order to keep each distinct from the others and in itself a unique experience is pretty close to the mark.

I am more and more becoming convinced trhat it is more a state of mind rather than any scientific or chemical reason.

Meaning you are still rolling just as hard but you are becoming used to it so it holds less surprises.

Also Rollie, do you still have that friendship with your mate?

I know exactly how you feel as I have a mate just like that.
Love him more than any woman I have ever been with..........and if I thought it would help him then I would happily cut my arm off for him or even die for that matter.

They are the best friendships.
To me the "magic" is that feeling of connection with everyone around you. You can identify with and understand just about anything. It goes beyond just feeling good and having a good time. It's giving someone a massage and feeling what they are feeling.

When I give lightshows the "magic" guides me and I give each person exactly what they want to see.

Ultimately, the "magic" is different to each person. As has been said before, you know it when you feel it and you know when it's gone. I hope to keep it for a long time to come.
phunKbumpsta said:
it's like getting used to anything, it's still fun but you know what to expect, like seeing a movie for the 10th time, it may still be a good movie, but not the same as when you first saw it

This is a really good desription, its a good thing people who roll have REALLY bad memories, LOL.

But seriously, Here's my analogy, Different movies- different pills, some good- some bad, if you watch the movies too often you will get bored, but if you space them out properly, their time-less.