  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

So, I ordered Myst I - V


Apr 13, 2008
I played Myst I - III back in the day. I've never played IV and V and I didn't even know they were out.

Has anyone played IV and V? I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvved the first one and became addicted. I decided I really need to get some of my creativity back, and as dumb as it sounds, playing video games helps me creatively with writing.

BTW, if anyone has the books for those games, holy fuck they are going for huge prices on Amazon. I'm pissed I got rid of mine. I think I threw them all away including my disks when I moved. The cheapest one I found was $150. I wanted to buy all 5 of them, but ain't no way I'm paying that much for shit I can dig off the internet.

How does IV and V compare to the first 3? Bad, good?
I have a huge passion for those games. I'm in no way a video gamer or whatever but those games are good. I know i've played all but one, but its been so long i can't remember which so i'm no help there, but as for the guides. Don't spend that outrageous money. I'm sure you can find them all online for free. Won't be probably as pretty or colorful, but should be guides nonetheless.
I couldn't have been older than five when I started playing Myst. I wasn't such a child genius that I was able to master it unassisted at that age, but I loved wandering around the ages, sometimes solving the puzzles when nudged in the right direction. It was a huge part of my early childhood. For my five year old mind, it was like dropping acid.

I've been looking around for a version of Myst (and preferably Riven too) that would work on Mac OS X. Anyone have any luck finding one?
Do the CDs you ordered contain PDF versions of the books?
I was always more of a King's Quest kind of person.

I tried Riven and found the solitude and lack of NPC's sort of depressing. Silly, I know, but I always imagined my character was getting lonely.
I've only played and finished Myst III but damn that game is fantastic. I think it served as a balance to all the other action games I played. Plus the puzzles in it were great and the cinematics following them were amazing.
^Myst 3 was pretty incredible. Riven is the absolute best but it is impossible to beat without at least cheating a little bit. Myst 3 was hard as hell, but there was always something about the puzzles, no matter how hard they were, that kept me from searching for a solution online. They were more fun, I think. In Riven, as totally satisfying as it would have been to make it all happen without cheating a few times, there are just some parts where I knew I had missed something so major that it would be impossible to figure out in less than like a week.

Myst was cool, but they fucked up on that level where you're walking around the tree houses. Too many things looked exactly the same - and I can understand if there's a reason for something to be difficult, but the fact that they didn't have the 3d capabilities at the time to actually look around and figure out where you were because everything is in a blindspot is not an excusable reason for something to be difficult.

But Riven really is the best. It's the most mysterious and sort of opened up the whole world-creation thing plotwise. The ending didn't hurt either, which I thought was amazing. There were also just plain interesting things, like when you notice the telescope pointing into the ground at the beginning and only later realize that it is looking out into space through the ground. It just had a feeling and an ambience to it that hasn't been recreated yet imo.