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So I got my klonopin :)


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Ate edibles Still high! Haha last night woke up to my klonopin filled early :) thank god!! Anyways how soon after my last oxy dose can I take my klonopin. I plan on quitting oxy while I got 2mg klonopins and I’m pretty tolerant to my oxy. I got one last 10 left and I took the last one at 2 I think ima take another 10 here in about an hour so would waiting 4-6 hours be good to take my klonopin tonight before bed cause I’d like to eat another edible but last night it was way to potent so ima use klonopin and a smaller dose to get some sleep tonight. Anyways enough rambling if I wait 4-6 hours I should be fine to take klonopin right ?
im about to 4mg otc XD 0.30 cents of a dolla u jelly? XD just kidding bro. Good that u got ur meds, Yeah it should be fine in 4 hrs.