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So.. how much of a "Right to Not Be in Pain" do I really have?


Jan 15, 2006
Didn't see any subforum this really fits into; I suppose this is about sober living though since my goal is to not have to keep drinking alcohol for pain.

I'll get right to it: I have a large titanium rod implant going through my femur, held in with titanium bolts at the knee and hip. It was put in 9 years or so ago when I broke my femur in a car crash.

As the number of years its been in there go by, I've been noticing its harder and harder to ignore that it's there. I've got a limp in my walk every other step now; I saw a leg/knee specialist about getting it taken out before my bones shrink with age and it starts to be a major problem, and he denied that it ever would be to avoid being liable to have to take it out.

Doctors do not prescribe me pain medication for it. I've only straight out asked for pain medication 4 times in 9 years, with the last time being more than a year ago. I think one time I did get a prescription for like 18 50mg tramadol, which I had to go to the hospital urgent care for.. which is almost more offensive and insulting to me than if they had just done nothing at all - having to go to the ER to be given little 3 day supply sampler bottles.

There is this discriminatory attitude towards younger men and those with free or cheap insurance.

The next time I have to try, I'm going to try hard, and in a very legally insistent way maybe. It probably wouldn't be too hard to find statistical information that could be used as evidence of wealth discrimination that's blatantly occurring. Looking at the metric tonneage of opioids/opiates consumed annually, its very obvious that they are being prescribed to many people and in excess, and that I'm just being discriminated against based on age wealth and gender.

I don't know what to do, if slamming my foot down, and stating a bunch of actionable legal jargon isn't the right thing to do, then I'm going to have to just grow a damn poppy farm - it's medicine, and I have a right to give myself medical treatment; it's unlawful for that right to be restrained. Treating pain is a part of basic medicine and first aid.
Wow-now this post is right up
my alley. I have lived/lost many years of my life die to blinding, crippling head pain. I have chronic cluster headaches-no known cause or cure. It is like satan himself digs his talons into your eye socket, tries to pull your eye out, while pouring scalding hot liquid in your ear canal and your trigeminal nerve is completely lit up-which causes excruciating face pain.

For about 7yrs-I went to every specialist, world renowned hospitals, had nerve blocks done in
my face, sometimes Id basically force my family dr to inject lidocaine into my temple, next to my nose-I tried every known treatment-but some of the side effects were intolerable.

No Dr knew what the hell to do w me I think it frustrated them that they couldn't "fix" me. So Id say "look, you're not going to be able to cure me. I just want a better quality of life". Long story short- I am chronic and med-resistant so it became a matter of pain management.

I was put on addictive meds which I wasn't aware were addictive. I understand the nightmare you're going through. You just want the pain to stop. Opiates are fantastic for pain-short term. They lose their effectiveness. I know. I was on
oxycontin and morphine for about 15 yrs. 5 80mg oxys/day Then 400mg of morphine day.

Im no longer on them and honey let me tell you I weny off morphine twice cold turkey. I
had seizures, hallucinating... it was really fucking scary and horrible.

You dont deserve, by any means, to suffer. Pain management sounds like agood place to start. Be honest-tell them you have to drink due to the intolerable pain. Don't give up. Trust me...I understand you've just had it at times. I could tell you some stories....keep trying. I wish you the very best. -S