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So High


Dec 19, 1999
You should pass this one up
but you still say yes
when you fly so high
you forget about the mess.
Don't remember how you got here
or who you used to be
feel it coursing through your veins
making you truly free.
You'd die if you knew
so you live to forget
that when you use all your credit
you end up with a debt.
And now this is life:
where dying is living
and raping is loving
and there is no more forgiving.
You're just here for a while
so you might as well smile
and stay up so high
until the one day you die.
For this way, you'll never again cry.
My on-again, off-again struggle with drugs. I've got it all under control. No, this time I really do. Then those moments of truth...maybe I don't really have any control at all. Then the sketchiness fades and so does its memory, leaving me thinking everything is alright again. Which is it? I don't know. Maybe some of you can relate to this, after all, the line between recreational drug use and addiction- whether physical or psychological- can be so blurred. Anyway, just some thoughts to chew on.
We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we could only fly embracing each other.
I read this yesterday and it reminded me of a time when I was seriously into meth and violence. Even in the times when I was not high I lived as if there was nothing else but the life I was living. I don’t blame the drug, it was all me. I was hiding from the ugly truths that I lived everyday. They were hard to face, but once I faced them things changed for me. I truly believe that recreational drug use can be a mental health benefit(it has been for me at least). Sure people get addicted to drugs, but they also get addicted to food, love, sex, pain, etc... I have seen alcoholics stop drinking and become addicted to coffee and religion. Trade one addiction for another and you are still an addict - granted coffee and religion are usually healthier than alcohol… but addiction to anything makes you a slave. Just my thoughts.
I really enjoyed your poem and I can definitly relate. Thanks for sharing.