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Sniffer dogs

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SupaDiscoBreaka said:
I've remarked about this in another thread but a 100% guarunteed way to avoid detection through the gates (not so much when it is opened) is to put all your drugs in a clip bag, then put that inside a condom and tie it up. Now go have a shower and bring the condom goodness in and wash it and you.
Once you are clean get into some frsh cloths and put the drugs anywhere. The condom is air/water tight so no fragrance can escape it. If a dog walks by you then don't respond to it with the confidence you would have if you weren't carrying anything.
"You have to understand that [star] Harrison [Ford] is going to be 62 years old when the film [begins production in 2004], so we had to push the years into the 1950s"
Hey dont mean to dig out a old thread but with heaps of sydney rave events comming up soon i thought i'd say this method is pretty solid.
Big day out Sydney : getting past snif dogs

[EDIT: Threads merged. hoptis]

Ok to be safe and not have to dump all your drugs down your throat all at once & putting yourself in danger...there a few things you could try that I have
had to do to get into places where dogs have been.

1.Have a trusted friend who isnt concerned about seeing the first few bands &
give them your stash & is willing to show up a couple hours later to the event as the cops will be spending a hour or 2 at the main gates with the dogs,
These dogs wont be there the whole day as they need need to drinkwater & to be taken for to piss on a tree etc & the police need more backup in the crowds later in the day,.Just make sure you both have mobile phones and or a meeting place & set time to meet in the event so you can catch up, like near a certain ride.

2.Another better option is preparing at home what you want to take in wrapped neatly and compactly into gladwrap & place in an empty salt vinegar chip packet and fold it up & just hold it in your hand now when you get to homebush station go to toilets or just take it out of empty chip packet & place in your mouth & keep your mough closed and now its good idea to throw chip packet in bin & wash your hands if possible before heading towards dogs to get rid of any residue that you might have on your hands

Important if you have smoked cones before going & or have been in room with someone who has smoked then you will get picked up by dogs so wait until you get in the place.Also if you handle any drugs and u keep them in your pocket then dogs will pick you up so Id say best bet is option number 2.Once your inside the event you can remove what you put in ya mouth and put in ya pocket as the dogs wont be patrolling inside the event.

To everyone going have a good time and be safe..... I wrote this as I dont want to hear on the news that people have O.D. cause they got scared by the dogs and ate 5 pills at once etc


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I was thinking that perhaps haveing trace amounts of Ammonim Hydroxide or even Sulphur on your shoes. Mammals can't stand the stench of NH4OH and Sulphur isnt much better.

Also with the hearing, what about setting your phone to something like 18,000hrtz and have it blasting in your pocket that will annoy the dog.

Just better hope there are no bomb dogs around though...

I have a lab and one of his fave games is smelling out food I might see if he can pick up some stinky foods though some of the methoeds others haev posted (bar things like hydroxide and stuff, I don't want to hurt him)
Stopping the dogs from smelling the substance is only one part.

Dogs will sometimes stop people who arent carrying anything for whatever reason (rubbed against someone on the train who was smoking weed, idiot dog, body language etc), so hiding it properly is the main thing IMO.

As my friends are all pretty open minded, usually there is a girl in the group who is willing to put everything in a Kinder Surprise toy egg (the plastic egg inside, not the chocolate 8)) put that in a condom and insert.

When that isnt possible, I usually tape whatever I am carrying on my inner thigh next to my sack, where it cannot be felt, unless the cop decides to play some serious two ball with me.

And since cops arent going to strip search you if you cooperate and arent a smart arse to them, you should be fine.

At an event as recent as last week, I had three dogs walk within two or three feet of me and not even glance over. Having said that, that was not carrying any weed.
Dogs at BDO melbourne

Alrighty, just got home from melbournes BDO and no sniffer dogs to be seen. I arrived at about 12:45 just in time to see the Herd. Friends of mine arived a bit later and they didn't seem to notice any. Perhaps they realised it really does do nothing and a complete waste of money.
A strong police presence tho, but I was impressed with their behaviour. Very friendly and basically just walking about listening to the bands. Some people were giving them ciggerettes at the end of the night which they seemed to be very grateful for, and allowing people to get photos taken with them.
I didn't see one fight, not much going around inside if you wanted to buy, but alot of people were completely off.
Great day, no dogs.
Muse, Tool and Killers were awesome!!!:) :) :)

>> I think i read somewhere that in NSW if they find you with 2 pills you can be fined with intent to sell, but in VIC its more like 7... can anyone confirm this or point me to information regarding it? a bit scat so having trouble remembering...
^Yeah NSW holding 500mg worth of 'pill' is considered supply. Here in Vic I'm pretty sure its a couple of grams or more. So yeah 7-10 pills (depending on how big they are) would be considered supply.

I'm glad they didn't go nuts with the dogs, hopefully they have thought it through a bit and actually realised the problems related to targeting users at big gigs.
rtb; you were right about the police being friendly, I have a mate who was completely off his face (pills, acid, speed) and he decided he wanted to talk to the nice police woman... After about 5mins the cop decided she couldn't listen to his drugged up chatter anymore so he got a picture with her! Its a really good shot too - the cop is smiling, my mates eyes look like dinner plates, guess not all cops are bastards :)
how thoroughly do they search you if a dog detects you? For instance if you kept your pills in the back of your phone where the battery is normally kept do u think its likely they would look in you phone?
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Never heard of that being searched! but they may realise your phone is too light without a battery and check. Get mummy to sew a pocket near your crotch (with the pants off of course)
^^^ lol.

If you were to do this, would you be okay with going without your phone for the duration of the event? Carrying a phone battery seperately or a second phone would surely raise suspicion.
i think i would survive without my phone, the only people that seem to call me these days are debt collection agencies anyway.

the other option i was thinking of was getting roll on deodorant and popping out the ball and stuffing my pills in there (well wrapped up of course) i would be suprised if they popped out the ball to have a look and i presume it would assist in masking the spell.
Cans of anything tend to be fairly commonly used to smuggle things and could be one of the first things searched. I think the phone isn't a bad idea as long as anyone searching you doesn't notice it's not on.

Still, having your phone on you is a good idea at a big event in case of any emergencies on your own behalf. I'd say there's a 50-50 chance of the dogs being at the event you're going to, especially considering it's looking like the weather will be good that day. Take care and don't bring any weed. :)
Most pills are about the diameter of a cigarette, take out the filter, cut a bit off, put the pill in and then place the filter back in. You could also take out the tobacco but the white end of a cigarette is transparent enough for the pill to still be visible. I had 2 problems with this, firstly didn't see any dogs (not really a problem :)) and secondly it took a while to find the magic smoke!
I've been dropping at big events since 99 and since dogs started appearing i've never done anything else except wrap the saddie in gladwrap and put it in my underwear, nothing's ever happened, the last helter skelter had about 7 dogs and two just walked right by me. The main things the dogs look out for is fear, if you're nervous it makes you irrational and the dogs don't like that. so just be calm is my best advice.
Aldie said:
The main things the dogs look out for is fear, if you're nervous it makes you irrational and the dogs don't like that. so just be calm is my best advice.

That's what the handlers are trained to look for.
On the weekend I had experience with a friendly labrador up close at a Sydney rave.

I will give you a tiop on how to beat sniffer dogs: You won't. You show no fear and make sure the drugs are well hidden, and you wish that you are not one of the randomly or selectively chosen based on either numbers (one in every 50 picked up or whatever) and do not show any fear towards the dog or the dog handler.

I had 3 known MDMA tablets that do not contain speed, and when you smell them in a bag in any quantity, there is no smell at all. I also had a capsule of 2C-B (which i lost with my wallet later on unfortunately). This is how I packaged them. I did it all a couple of days before the rave to avoid any contact with my fingers. But I also used glad wrap over my hands the whole time out of paranoia and over-carefullness. I placed the pills side by side in their own little CLEAN baggie, de-aired it, then seal;ed it tigghly, I did the same with the capsule, but gave it it's own baggie (all baggies used were brand new and clean). De-aired the baggie and sealed, rolled up both baggies and placed them inside a bigger baggie, de-aired it then sealed tightly, I placed that baggie inside yet another baggie, same process. Then I went crazy with the glad wrap, wrapped around it abnout four or more times, which i taped closed, then put it inside a condom, which was tied shut with about five different knotes, then glad wrapped yet again a few times, then taped up[ with sticky tape.

I wore underpants underneath my boxers for the event, so I could tape the package to the front of my underpants, then ditch the underpants when I got my goodies out (which took a while because it was so well packaged, or so I thought). Anyway back to the entry. Just before ID Check rthere was a nice looking labrador on quite a long leash sitting next to a policeman, not really bothering anyone. I saw it sniff a few hands but not go after anyone, everyone must of dropped before hand. Anyway I walk past and the dog seems to like me. It walks along side me sniffing me, then runs back to the owner. I think PHEW. Two seconds later its beside me again, sniffing, it is called back. Then about five seconds after, it runs back to me, at the full extent of its leash basically sniffing my crotch like crazy. I show the dog no fear, but I look down to it and give it a "I wonder why the dog is sniffing me" look, I did not look at the police at all. It is called back with "Here boy". Then as if it tried to run towards me again I hear it running just behind me and the cop yells "Sit boy"...

I looked through this forum and collected as much ideas I thought would work as possible, and the dog still knew I had drugs on me. Why wasn't I searched? Maybe because the dog was sniffing right at my dick, and not my pocket so they couldn't be bothered strip searching me, just incase the dog was wrong. Maybe I was only number 23 sniffed out of 50, and they only seartch every fifty, or whatever number, maybe becauise I didn't look at the cop and just shrugged the dog off. Who knows. But a dog will smell throufgh anything is the lesson I learned.
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I was also at an event in sydney, and got sniffed up by a Labrador, i didnt have anything on me, but my friend had near 10 (she had to carry for afew of us) in her bra, and the dog didnt take ne interest in her at all, nor me.
At an event in Sydney on Sunday I had my first experience of encountering the dogs actually inside the gates.

A labrador basically just materialised amongst us as we stood around in a group and Splatts hypothises basically played out in front of me word for word. As soon as it happened two people just began moving very quickly away from the group of people with whom they had just been talking to only a few seconds prior.

Both people where pounced upon very quickly
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