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Smoking the broon sauce of the angels foil and flame

axe battler

Moderator: SLR, EADD
Staff member
Aug 4, 2009
UK bl'er here so get h3 and smoke it on occasion.

Do you have a favourite brand of foil? I like quite thick foil so you don't accidentally smoke aluminium when using a large flame for nice thick lines of smoke with a big flame.

I've smoked with others who use thin foil and a timy flame but you can hardly see any smoke escaping so I suppose it's more efficient, but I like the bit hits better.

What kind are you?
just any thick foil. so you don't accidentally burn through it and burn your gear.

some people used to swear by tescos but who knows. most junkies just say random crap to sound knowledgeable and cos they only really have one topic of conversation.

i used to also burn it up instead of running it cos i was impatient and also liked to feel like i was getting a big hit. my ex did extensive research and didn't think it was wasteful but most people who saw me do that that weren't him would tell me off.

just make sure you heat all the foil first by moving your lighter over it to burn off whatever shit they coat it with. tastes gross and probably bad for your health. but then so is heroin so that shit never bothered me when i was using.

if you can't be arsed with foil you can just smoke it off a crack pipe, took me a while to trust it that way but eventually i stopped bothering with foil cos its a faff.
The foil that the drug services hand out is the fuckin tits. Comes in a booklet so it's perfectly flat and all you have to do is tear a sheet off and you're ready to go.

On the other hand, the absolute worst foil is the non stick stuff. I once used that thinking that because it's non stick, the gear would run better. It doesn't. The non stick coating frazzles your gear to fuck. I literally saw a ten bag disappear in front of my eyes in one line.
The foil that the drug services hand out is the fuckin tits. Comes in a booklet so it's perfectly flat and all you have to do is tear a sheet off and you're ready to go.

On the other hand, the absolute worst foil is the non stick stuff. I once used that thinking that because it's non stick, the gear would run better. It doesn't. The non stick coating frazzles your gear to fuck. I literally saw a ten bag disappear in front of my eyes in one line.
Ha I've had that happen to me. Bacofoil....never use bacofoil!
Aye I agree about the "safe foil'" but it's hard to get here. It used to come in cute little rolls too. The only place I could get it was my drug service provider and I would use and stay on my script a week before my UA and be fine but asking for that would get my take homes fucked!

I find radgies like the thin cheap shit but my 2 faves are Morrisons and Heron Foods extra strong best.
Herons clinches it for me cos it's the perfect width to make a tray.
And a nice clipper (they can be hit or miss after a few top ups some lose the big flame. Plus they get pocketed if smoking with a good chum). Or I get a pack of 5 disposables for a quid and they're perfect. Plus you can turn the flame up even higher bh taking off the metal guard and play with the little cog inside).

just any thick foil. so you don't accidentally burn through it and burn your gear.

some people used to swear by tescos but who knows. most junkies just say random crap to sound knowledgeable and cos they only really have one topic of conversation.

i used to also burn it up instead of running it cos i was impatient and also liked to feel like i was getting a big hit. my ex did extensive research and didn't think it was wasteful but most people who saw me do that that weren't him would tell me off.

just make sure you heat all the foil first by moving your lighter over it to burn off whatever shit they coat it with. tastes gross and probably bad for your health. but then so is heroin so that shit never bothered me when i was using.

if you can't be arsed with foil you can just smoke it off a crack pipe, took me a while to trust it that way but eventually i stopped bothering with foil cos its a faff.

I know what you mean. It's wasteful as you're burning it but it hits you all at once. For a treat I'd sometimes put both down in the pipe. Fuck....tempted....
I'm on meth now anyway so it wouldnt be ss good anyway... Maybe when if off this shit I'll wait s few weeks and.treat myself. When @F.U.B.A.R. @chinup were using you ever get tenner stones?
Seems like up here in Newcastle we only get 20s.
Not that there be much point in that small amount.
20 normally gets me 3-4 good pipes.
yeah we'd get tenners and 20s- a tenner would only do me one pipe once my tolerance increased. i mostly tried to buy teenths and 8ths though, so much cheaper.
Aye it's funny it depends on the day even if it's the same dealer. I normally get 3 from a 20. I put a good chunk on first pipe to get me gasping and having to hold onto some like I'm coming. The second is a top up and and I try and make the third one big but try and wait as long as possible so I feel it properly again.
I learned not to be greedy when mydealer at the time (prick who did me tyres cos he lost 2 bags) would get killer stuff and I had the biggest pipe ever. He warned me that was daft but I didn't listen.
I had to give him the rest of the pipe cos I couldn't finish it after 2 blasts.
I thought I was having a heart attack and spent ages smoking brown like mad trying to bring myself down.
Then there was the time I needed ash for a pipe and smoked one one of his spice dumpers thinking it was half a rollie (he used card roaches in rollies too). Fuck that was awful. Threw away my crack. Of course half an hour later I was digging around for it...
By the way whoever said you can smoke heroin in a crack pipe is WRONG. It melts and clogs the choreboy. And wastes the dope
By the way whoever said you can smoke heroin in a crack pipe is WRONG. It melts and clogs the choreboy. And wastes the dope
it may not be as efficient but tbh in my entire heroin using career i never really cared about wasting shit cos i could afford it (or towards the end the cost was insignificant compared to my crack consumption so cared much more about not wasting that). i cared more about convenience. i assumed the same when i first moved to a city where literally everyone who smoked it did it on a pipe but over time i realised there wasn't any noticeable difference between smoking on a pipe and smoking off foil. you do have to be careful not to put too much on and not to burn t up too quick.
it may not be as efficient but tbh in my entire heroin using career i never really cared about wasting shit cos i could afford it (or towards the end the cost was insignificant compared to my crack consumption so cared much more about not wasting that). i cared more about convenience. i assumed the same when i first moved to a city where literally everyone who smoked it did it on a pipe but over time i realised there wasn't any noticeable difference between smoking on a pipe and smoking off foil. you do have to be careful not to put too much on and not to burn t up too quick.
Hmm, I mean it completely clogged the copper. Picking it apart and back together it just resolidified, and I know I would have got waaay more high if I did it on foil. Maybe cuz this was BTH. I imagine powder might be easier
yeah in UK we only get h3 powder. i didn't really have clogging issues with brown. mostly they arose when i attempted massive pipes of cut to fuck crack.
Yeah mate we meant h no3 which smokes perfect.nusually on foil but as a frivolity I would make a h/crak sandwich. Would not use a sten and chore boy and put a layer of ash on the top. This is just using a little cheap weed like or a home made one with a methadone bottle and foil.

Wor kid just knocked mynlittle ashbm tray over and I rarely smoke sinasj I a commodity.

So it'd be pipe screen then heroin crumbled crack. More h then ash at the top. It's nice
I'm on meth now anyway so it wouldnt be ss good anyway... Maybe when if off this shit I'll wait s few weeks and.treat myself. When @F.U.B.A.R. @chinup were using you ever get tenner stones?
Seems like up here in Newcastle we only get 20s.
Not that there be much point in that small amount.
20 normally gets me 3-4 good pipes.

Yeh, ten rocks were a thing. Fuckin dealers would often do 3 for 20 though, so you could get 2w and 1b. It was never enough...
Yes, by pushing limits you reach it, there's an irony, it's just that your mind was too focused on an other thing to properly adapt your rethoric...