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Smoking: How did you finally quit?


Dec 4, 2002
I'm very much aware about the numerous 'i've quit smoking' threads that fill this board ......




All read by me over the last few years and probably posted in by me too.

Yes i have recently quit .. approaching the 2 week mark on tuesday (yay for me).

The question i'm asking is not who wants to quit, or who has .....

But what has or would make you quit, and how was it successful?

A month ago i chose a date (feb 21st).... a week before this date i had a 2 day break from smoking and felt my lungs get very tight and very very shit feeling .. and woke up to myself. I knew i would be going this again in a week (my planned quit date). So i boycotted myself and quit a week early.

On top of this i started noticing
* the old ladies with wrinkly lips (YUK)
* the fact that i had been smoking for 5-6yrs
* i was smoking way to much (ick a pack a day on weekends .. a pack every 2-3 days at my best)
* its a dirty fucking habit
* its was ruining my health in so many ways
* it was such a huge waste of money

Please share your stories if you have successfully quit and hopefully you may inspire someone else.
hah i was searching for quitting threads before i even opened this - soon as i saw the title. but it seems okay so i'll leave it :)

congrats on quitting though, awesome work!!
I kinda quit in a strange way. My new years resolution for last year was to quit smoking. Come the 26th of Jan Kid Kenobi comes along, I get off chops and realise this isn't going to be easy. So I decide to only smoke on weekends. Believe it or not I actually stuck to this. For all of 2004 I only allowed myself to smoke on weekends.
At the end of the year 2 friends of mine who were pretty big smokers decided to quit. They got on the zyban (sp?) and did it fairly easy. So I thought fuck it. If they can quit so can I.

The dirty fucking habit, ruining health and huge waste of money that Gilly mentioned all helped me quit as well.

I'm really happy when I think that I haven't had a single cigarette in 2005=D
i never started.
best way to quit
here's the part where i say "i have a brain and have a tendency to use it" and you feel envious
Being pregnant with Georgia made me quit, but I did still struggle for a few weeks - unfortunately it wasn't as easy as I imagined.

I smoked my last packet of 12s, then bought 8s and smoked one packet of those, then did the same with 4s, then 2s, then smoked two packets of 1s (over the course of the few weeks). At the same time as reducing the strength, I also cut down on the amount of cigarettes I smoked.

After I had her, I would smoke socially (after I'd stopped breastfeeding). Obviously I stopped doing that when we started trying for this baby.

I know that "every cigarette is doing you damage", but if I have a couple on the weekend every now and then I'm not going to beat myself up about it. On the other hand, I haven't had any nicotine at all for over a year now and it would be stupid to just go back to smoking, especially when it could jeopardise my kids' health (and make them think smoking is okay, when it isn't!).

I never worried about the cost, I always factored that into my budget, and figured I could do what I liked with my body. It took me needing to look out for the wellbeing of other people (who couldn't do anything about being exposed to it when I was pregnant, of course) to be motivated enough to quit. Before that I really did enjoy smoking and didn't even want to quit.
Cold Turkey!
Out of sight out of mind!
Mind of matter!
I took all those into account and it worked. I've been smoke/bong free for a month now.
i got bronchitus (sp?) , i had a nasty cough for like 6 months, and had enough of it..
Night out, 2 packs of marlboro reds, smoked them all.

never wanted another cigarette ever again.
I quit because besides feeling generally shitty and lethargic most days, getting short of breath when doing anything physycical, and lungs acheing, my heart was starting to beat what felt like irregularly and I was always aware of it beating - something that I know did not happen before I started smoking.

I quit cold turkey (I had tried twice with patches before which didn't work). Surprisingly it wasn't too hard, I guess my health being a good enough motivator.

It's been about a year and a half and my heart is still not back to normal. I don't think it ever will be, although it is a lot better than when I was smoking.

I still always feel like a cigarette...
I quit for 9 months once. I did it because I'd been to one of those self-help type seminars where you "reinvent" yourself and try to be the "ultimate you" or some crap, and I decided at the time that a smoker was not the way I wanted to project myself.

I threw my ciggarettes away outside the seminar and didn't touch one again - no gum, no patches, not even any cravings really. Such is the power of good 'Tony Robbins-type' motivation :D.

It was great: I was also jogging every morning at that stage and felt amazing. I was living with a smoker, and never even touched one out of his packet which was constantly sitting on the benchtop.

But, thenI had a bit of an upheaval with the breakup of a 5 year relationship in some pretty awful circumstances and ended up having a cigarrette when out one night drowning my sorrows... it led to me having a couple when 'out' or having a drink, which eventually led to me scabbing smokes off everyone so much I felt bad and had to buy my own packet. Within a year I was back smoking again.

That was 4 years ago and I haven't attempted to quit again yet. No that's not true; I have, but patches ended up costing more than my ciggarettes do (I only smoke 7 a day). But at least I know I can. Good luck Gilly :)
I quit when on holidays with my sister for 2 weeks, she doesn't smoke. We both like to get on the piss and have pills, so it helped to be in the situation where i'm most likely to smoke but with a non-smoker so the temptation is removed.

I'm fairly resolute about most things though once my mind is made up it rarely changes.

I stopped smoking because I was tired of waking up feeling like I had open chest wounds, smoking has so little joy in it, is very expensive and very bad for your health.

I am now the ONLY person in my social group who doesn't smoke.

Wanting not to smoke doesn't just happen like smoking you have to make it happen.

If you manage to quit don't be a preacher, if someone offers you one just say no thanks.
Another thing to consider, smoking is not as attractive, never as attractive as they make it out to be in the movies. If the most beautiful woman in the world was sitting beside me smoking a cigarette I know for sure that;
- the smoke wafting my way, forcing me to breath it in and getting into my eyes would piss me off,
- I would think about her lungs and teeth and how horrible they must/are going to look,
- I would think about how much her skin is going to age quickly, her eyes will become horrible and she'll probably get some form of cancer related to her smoking,
- my clothes will stink later because of the scummy smoke particles caught up in the fabric,
- if I were lucky enough to kiss her, she'd taste like a fucking horrible ashtray, which isnt pleasant in any way,
- I'd probably think 'wow, this is the most beautiful woman in the world, but she's not even intelligent enough to not smoke, she's probably also shithouse at making conversation'.

Smoking is the most pointless habit around, sure you get a nicotine rush for the first few cigarettes you have in your life, but seriously, what fun is it after that?
I gave up tobacco three and a half months ago. I did go to a hypnotist, but the hypnotism didn't work on me. What did help was the psychological aspect i.e. thinking and talking about why I wanted to give up.

I had smoked tobacco for about half my life (17-18 years) and I think I was just ready to give up. It was very hard and I still miss ciggies (especially when out) but I have managed to not have any so far and I think I will stay away from them. Mainly because if I start again I will smoke forever because there is no way I will go through the giving up process again.

mmm cigarettes. Just thinking about them is making my nostrils flare and my mouth water.
Munchee said:

Smoking is the most pointless habit around, sure you get a nicotine rush for the first few cigarettes you have in your life, but seriously, what fun is it after that?

Spoken like someone who has never smoked before :)
When I left Norway about 9 years ago, I just didn't bring any with me. Where I went to, I didn't know anyone who smoked, and my husband doesn't smoke, so there was no temptation. It was really hard, but I think not being around people who smoke was a real help.

Whenever I go back to Norway now, I can't stand it. I give in and decide I might as well enjoy it while I'm there.

Whenever I drink I get the urge. Luckily, I'm not usually out in bars drinking. If I am, I always end up a the ciggie machine, but hubbie throws the pack away for me the next day.

Smoking is filthy, horrible, damaging to your health and disgusting. But if you've experienced the pleasure of smoking, I think you'll always find it tempting. It is foolish to think you'll never want another cigarette in your life (unless you never liked it in the first place. HOWEVER, the longer it goes, the less time the longing sticks around each time, and it becomes vague and unobtrusive.
went to hospital to get a tumour removed, needless to say that was enough incentive to stop.
i went to costa rica for a month doing volunteer work with 50 other people who didnt smoke.

a month is enough to give up :)
nicorette microtabs

but I got hooked on them for like 4 months hahaha
They really worked, but then I lost it one night and started smoking again.
Only got about half a packet left so I'm goingt back on the tabs :)
cold turkey after years of smoking. in a few days i didn't care or crave one bit, and i was addicted. i actually stopped because i couldn't be bothered walking up the street to buy them one day. i lasted 9 + months and around a month ago i bought a pack. now i'm going through a pack of 25's or so in a little over a day, more than i used to. yay. i feel like shit though using them because they really are the worst drug that only seems to give enjoyment once one is addicted and now that a loved one has non-smoking related cancer, i feel like a dick using them, knowing the possible consequences of my actions when they never even smoked and now have this terrible situation. i think i'll have to quit again after a few more packs. cold turkey.
One question I have is can the smokers here remember kinda when they actually became addicted? Pretty much the time when their smoking progressed from a casual social thing to something they HAD to have.

I'm curious as I've had plenty of cigarettes in my day (mostly when out partying etc) but I've never had the urge to come back the next day and have another smoke. At what point did people find that started to happen for them?