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Smoking DMT the Bottle method

idk my favorite way of smoking dmt was with a normal hand pipe with a bed of cigarette ashes, then put the dmt on the bed of ashes, then i placed another layer of cigarette

ashes on top. lightly tap the bowl with the flame of a lighter (do not torch it it will burn and waste your dmt) the ashes work as a medium so you dont have a pool of dmt in the

bottom of the pipe. one little thing i should include, put the ashes on a tray or a plate and let them cool for 30 seconds - 1 min so the dmt doesn't instantly vape from the heat

when you place the ashes on top. and to avoid smoking tobacco out of your pipe, put your cigarette out in another tray so you dont have black tobacco pieces in the ashes. and

with this method i broke through every time.
Certainly a nice method but it doesn't have the advantage of a metal mesh being involved that increases the available surface exponentially. This tek shows that you don't have to lose vapor like with regular foil use, which is a step in the good direction...
but there could still be pyrolysis this way so I do not think it is superior to for example the machine or a variation on it.
i always have a glass screen in my pipe, it helps to keep from inhaling the ashes. and by the way, anyone trying to smoke bho with out an oil rig can use this method as well
Like i said before and what Solipsis touched on - Machine Pipe. The Chore Boy will condition the DMT absolutely perfectly so that you vaporize every single bit with absolutely no waste from burning or melting through. This method is by far easiest to breakthrough with. View it here - http://i32.tinypic.com/x511zq.jpg
Sorry for pointing out the obvious, but why don't you guys just buy meth pipes? They're typically less than ten dollars and are pretty undeniably the best method for DMT.
Sorry for pointing out the obvious, but why don't you guys just buy meth pipes? They're typically less than ten dollars and are pretty undeniably the best method for DMT.

no, they aint. they're close though.
Ahh, yeah come to think of it I have heard of people using bongs before. I should try this sometime.
Like i said before and what Solipsis touched on - Machine Pipe. The Chore Boy will condition the DMT absolutely perfectly so that you vaporize every single bit with absolutely no waste from burning or melting through. This method is by far easiest to breakthrough with. View it here - http://i32.tinypic.com/x511zq.jpg

you have to understand you may be vaporizing some of the dmt but you are burning/wasting majority of it, dmt vaporizes somewhere between 140 – 176 F and the flame on your average bic lighter burns at around 1,977 F. this leaves a lot of room for wasted product
you have to understand you may be vaporizing some of the dmt but you are burning/wasting majority of it, dmt vaporizes somewhere between 140 – 176 F and the flame on your average bic lighter burns at around 1,977 F. this leaves a lot of room for wasted product

You're forgetting the fact that there is a steel wool between flame and dmt.
you have to understand you may be vaporizing some of the dmt but you are burning/wasting majority of it, dmt vaporizes somewhere between 140 – 176 F and the flame on your average bic lighter burns at around 1,977 F. this leaves a lot of room for wasted product

You aren't burning any DMT whatsoever with this method, that's why it is the best. You first melt the dmt down into the chore then heat it carefully, you never light or smoke it.
Direct heating will inevitably burn some, a non contact method with slow heating will always be most efficient.
Sorry for pointing out the obvious, but why don't you guys just buy meth pipes? They're typically less than ten dollars and are pretty undeniably the best method for DMT.

Meth Pipes:

'undeniably the best method' - Really are you sure? Could you explain this further please?

Personally, 'meth pipes' have never worked for me. I can never burn enough DMT fast enough and therefore get enough smoke into my lungs.

Meth Pipes:


Similar to a DMT pipe, which is marginally is better (I have used one of these and made one out of a meth pipe and a straw):



Meth Bongs:

With the difficulty of breathing a huge amount of smoke using a meth pipe alone, I tried using a 'meth bong', (like they use to smoke meth in Bangkok, not sure about the states), which i thought would help with regard to the quantity of smoke issue. However, the DMT 'moves' or 'runs' away from the flame (much more than meth even does) and as you need a lot of smoke to 'break through' (where as with meth this quantity of smoke is much less - to get the old 'meth rush'), it can be troublesome. I find that i am moving the bong/pipe around trying to see where the DMT has 'ran' to, in the bulb to catch it. Very fiddly.

Experienced strong closed eye visuals (morphing cube / tesseract, dome, honey comb etc. effects), but never broke through using this method (only tried it once though and the 'bong' wasn't the best, so further experimentation needed), but heck, maybe your technique is better than mine.

I think a meth bong or even a basic meth pipe would work fine with 5meo-DMT as you need a smaller quantity of smoke

Meth bongs:


http://www.locodiablorecords.com/images/daves meth bong.jpg

Meth bong / DMT pipe contraption (this looks more promising):



Other Methods:

Volume of smoke:

Also when using the 'bottle method' - or a good vaporizer- the chamber where the smoke collects is much greater. This shouldn't make a difference, as it is density of smoke that we should be concerned about not the volume. However, I find that if you fill your lungs full, so your chest is expanded to its maximum, (and then of course you hold your breath) this pushes you over the 'edge' much easier and it is more effective to do this with a 1.5 liter bottle than a small glass pipe (what is the average person's lung capacity, I forget?). I am not sure why it seems to push me over the 'edge' easier (psychological, placebo, maybe?), but with me, it does.

However, this is only my experience, yours could be different.

I can imagine 'the machine' or a good vaporizer would be much more effective than a 'meth pipe.'

I can vouch that the 'bottle method' is much more effective than a basic 'meth pipe' as I have done both. (though 'meth bongs' need further experimentation)

I have also experimented with foil pipes etc with marginal success.

The Machine:




So to conclude, what I have found in my own experiments: if you are going to use a 'meth pipe' make it into a 'meth bong' as this would be more effective. Better yet, use a good vaporizer, 'the machine' (can not vouch for these two as I have never tried them, though the logic seems sound) or the 'the bottle method'.

Also, dextrorfan said above that 'meth pipes' costs around ten dollars. When I tried the 'bottle method' it cost me nothing as I just used things i found in my home.



Possible Future Direction:

Bucket Bong:

Has anyone tried smoking hash/weed using the 'bucket bong' like they do in the UK and Australia? It involves direct flame - but if we could some how think of a way around this (maybe modify it - right angle 'meth bulb' attached to the top of the bottle maybe?), or use the normal 'bottle method' but do it over a bucket of water - fill the bottle with smoke, remove foil and then push down into the water - I think this would be a truly awesome way to smoke DMT as it forces, with pressure, dense smoke into your lungs (though care to not knock the bucket over will be a concern):

Bucket Bongs:

http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/bucket bong


Tip: If you have used the words: "I think I broke through" or "I am pretty sure I broke through." Then you did not break through. There's no 'I think' about it and more than likely, this failure to break through, is due to poor technique. If you smoke DMT and are not sure if your eyes were open or closed, then this is a good indicator that you broke through.

Take for instance the guy in the link below (Adam Vs DMT), he is using a pipe, but is obviously not breaking through:


I can tell the 'bottle method' works, as it puts the fear of God into me. Every time. Where as using a meth pipe seems more like fun, playing around.

But each to there own :)





There are two manners in which DMT is commonly smoked, and each has its partisans. Some will inhale a full dose of DMT in a single, long "toke"--this will result in the maximum "rush," that is, in the strongest, most rapid entheogenic effect. Aficionados will inhale one or two such lungs full in rapid succession, which leads to the maximum visionary effects of the drug. Others prefer to inhale small amounts of DMT smoke repeatedly, resulting in a "rollercoaster" effect of changing "altitude." The disadvantage of this latter method is the rapid tolerance elicited by DMT. This is a wasteful technique, and one is unlikely to experience the maximum entheogenic effects of the drug this way. The former procedure is the more economical and takes maximum advantage of the drug's effect, but has the disadvantage of difficulty--the smoke is harsh and it is not so easy to take in and hold the 20-40 mg dose needed to experience entheogenic effects of DMT. The former way of smoking DMT has been recommended in two different popular publications on DMT (Bigwood & Ott 1977; Stafford 1983).

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Has anyone ever seen it recrystalize in the bottle before you could take a hit? I've heard about it doing that in light bulbs so was just curious
Seriously a bong and a bowl with ash is by far the easiest and the best method I've tried.
Can break through with 2 hits but I usually go for 3 to reduce coughing