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Smoking cannabis after mdma, get memory problems.

How do you all like being high(not fucked up) before your pills kick in? This weed has a great body high and not much mind fucking. I started smoking again and am thinking of smoking a bowl right after I pop my new bezzels tomorrow..
okay one time i took 2 bomb ass pokeballs a while back and was rolling ballz..! when i started to come down the disappointment started to hit me.. so i smoked a few bowls of chronic.. everything was cool at first but when i got onto the computer i was trying to read lyrics to a song and when id look away i would COMPLETELY forget what i was doing when i looked back at the screen i was like what the fuck? i was reading this.. i was too tripped out so i went to sleep ..:)
I stopped smoking weed on a comedown for that exact reason, I would not be able to function. Also in addition to the mushbrain, I would get paranoid like no other.

No more of that for me.

I get the paranoia effect too when I blaze on a comedown. One time I thought it was a good idea to blaze after coming down and go to a beach. Bad idea... I was paranoid as fuuuuck. My brain could not function not to mention in the very hot n bright sun with so many people. Shades were no help!
This happened to me pretty bad on Saturday night. :\ Took 2 amazing rolls at an awesome Halloween event and smoked about 4 j's throughout the night with friends. I usually am pretty cautious with how much I smoke because it makes me anxious, but I was rolling so hard that I didn't care and it felt really good.

I literally had a 10 second attention span. It's never happened to me that bad before. I'd forget what I was saying and I'd get confused as to whether or not I had actually said something aloud or only thought it in my head. It was really frustrating to say the least. I stayed quiet toward the end of the night just because I didn't want to end up saying anything dumb. :| I hate that feeling.
When coming down from E is actually one of the only times that I will smoke weed, or mixed with other substances. I find it brings the roll back a bit and helps take the edge off the comedown. I guess it probably does make me a bit spacier, but I like that, and it doesn't have a drastic effect on my memory or concentration.

But in general I pretty much hate weed. Once in a while I'll smoke it on it's own and try to tell myself that this time it'll be fun, but it never really ends up being enjoyable. Just the thought of it makes me anxious...
When coming down from E is actually one of the only times that I will smoke weed, or mixed with other substances. I find it brings the roll back a bit and helps take the edge off the comedown. I guess it probably does make me a bit spacier, but I like that, and it doesn't have a drastic effect on my memory or concentration.

But in general I pretty much hate weed. Once in a while I'll smoke it on it's own and try to tell myself that this time it'll be fun, but it never really ends up being enjoyable. Just the thought of it makes me anxious...

I share your feelings and the only time I will smoke weed is on the come down from weed. It's because the afterglow mellows me out enough just to accept the high for what it is.
@augustaB: Yeah, there seems to be a nice synergy between them.

@RandomGuy: I used to love smoking weed when I first started. The highs were great, put me in a really positive mood. Then when I started smoking daily and using other drugs the highs just started making me feel extremely anxious and self-conscious, probably because that was an unpleasant period of my life. I think I've had so many bad experiences with it that it's hard to snap out of it.

But yeah I do find it very complimentary to other substances...
My experience with mixing mdma and weed was actually a terrifying one, which I'll never do again. Or if I do do it again, it won't be in the same environment.

So, this is how it all went down. A couple of friends and I decided to go to this music festival that's super low-key but has amazing vibes. We actually saw bonobo and Nicolas Jaar which was insane. But I would've enjoyed their sets more had I not been under the influence. Anyways, so this was actually my first time doing mdma so I was pretty nervous to say the least. I was surrounded by all my friends, so I felt pretty safe though. Whatever, the point is I took an mdma pill right before the sets. They said i would start to feel the effects after half an hour. We waited half an hour or so and decided that it might not have been such a strong pill, so we decided to smoke some weed. It hadn't been my first time smoking weed so I was totally cool. I didn't think much of it because everyone else had done mdma and smoked at the same time and no one had any serious side effects. It was 6 of us in the group and we all shared about 2 joints and 2 blunts. After about half an hour I started to feel this calming almost euphoric effect. It was AMAZING, everyone was feeling amazing, everyone was vibing, it was great. Up until we all decided to smoke 2 more joints. After we smoked the joints, almost immediately, I felt this insane pressure in my chest and my heart started beating like a fucking wild horse while my brain started feeling foggy and slow and I couldn't even fucking speak. I felt like I was about to die of a heart attack. My heart wouldn't/couldn't slow the fuck down and while I felt like sleeping because of all the weed I smoked, I couldn't stop moving. I had to constantly be on my feet, dancing or moving. Five times that night I had to walk outside to the fresh air because I felt like I was suffocating with all the people surrounding me. I almost passed out twice and felt like throwing up. It was a disturbing experience to say the least. Now, while I might've abused of the cannabis we took, I still don't recommend mixing the two. Weed tends to slow you down and your heart rate, while mdma does the complete opposite. But both have the same effect on your brain where it just fucks up your short term memory so that must be why you couldn't even hold a conversation for more than 15 secs. Anyways, hope my story gave you some insite on a more extreme case on the effects of mixing those two drugs.
Daaaamn, it's that bad for you? That means the weed really doesn't play well with your system, so of course you should avoid it like no other. I think it's best used if you wanted to do it, and not from peer pressure. That's always going to cause anxiety if you don't end up liking where you're at.

I'm sorry you had that experience. :( if you're curious about trying to get into it, then just take one hit and that's it. You'll only need a couple of minutes to feel it completely. If you're not interested, then yeah of course don't do it and don't let anyone pressure you into doing it. Weed is also a pretty strong substance, even by itself.