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smoking and Psychedelics

just say know

Jan 30, 2015
i plan on exploring smoking and using psychedelics. the types of herbs i hope to smoke while tripping will be Klip Dagga, Damania, Nicotiana Rustica, Cannabis, Kratom, Lotus, Kanna, and Wormwood. has anyone have any experience with a specific psychedelic and a specific herb listed (or not listed) or in a combo of smoking herbs. what were the effects like? what was the taste of the smoke like? was the taste more enjoyable while tripping? did any of the herbs cause potentiation, increased duration, or alteration in your trips? i am personally considering using acacia resin, wild lettuce, and ChasteBerry to add as potentiators for both the herbs and the trip.

i like the idea of using multiple plants to synergize a trip. i've no actual experience with this but it's interesting to me :)
Damiana did nothing for me by itself, never bothered to try and combine it with other substances. Cannabis will potentiate your trip and can sometimes help bring out visuals. Kratom I didn't find to be active smoked, but is a pretty great drug if dosed orally. In combination with psychs it makes the trip a bit more recreational feeling and can help "ground" you a bit. Never smoked kanna either, sublingually it produces a mild moodlift effect that doesn't last particularly long but is somewhat comparable to a tiny amount of MDMA. I'd imagine it might go quite well to temporarily boost euphoria during a trip. I took a large amount of wormwood (orally) once and it fucked me up. I was on the bathroom floor puking multiple times and had a strange dreamy trip that I can't compare to any other substance to date. Can't comment on the other herbs you mentioned as I haven't tried them.
i also like the idea of the sensory enhancement causing the actual smoking of the herb to be more pleasant. i just imagine the flavor of these herbs being much more profound than usual. when my Klip Dagga herbs start growing i'll try shrooms, lsa, or LSD to trip with and smoke some of the klip dagga. i know that klip dagga is already a potentiating herb that will highly potentiate cannabis when combined.
I got experience with everything on your list, however i usually dont smoke but make teas of it, however lotus is one of the things that go best with LSD and shrooms i think, it greatly helps for visions.

Smoking datura greatly changes trips as well, makes them a bit darker and stuff, and when lucky giving some real hallucinations, but gotta smoke a lot for that.
I told myself I'd never do Datura again but didn't realize it could be smoked. I might try a poke on shrooms.
just be careful with dosage guys; don't want anyone ODing. less is more! lol. but i didn't know that. maybe i'll try it one day; we'll see. i think skin contact would be better because you'd only be getting scolopamine. just my 2 cents though.

how is the combo of tea and psychedelics? i want to try smoking it and taking a tea as well. also could you give description of the experiences you've had? mostly i'm just curious and don't know much. :)
Most of the plants you described, save cannabis, rustic tobacco, and kratom (which will do nothing but taste horrible when smoked) are herbs of negligible psychoactivity that ethnobotanical sites sell to fool people into a placebo high. In my experiences, every herb you listed aside from the aforementioned are completely useless.

Lotus does make a lovely tea, however.
Lemon Balm / Melissa Officinalis is said to be good while tripping.
Cannabis always brings out the visuals for me.....like sometimes will double the intensity of visuals on every psych I've done