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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(smoked peganum harmala extract+smoked DMT) First time - The Essence Of Life

johannes kreisler

Nov 22, 2008
I'm experienced with psychoactives of all kinds but have a soft spot for tryptamines after a ++++ with mushrooms. I've had a few dozen trips with smoked DMT (including a ++++ with n2o) and one unsucessful/unpleasant experience with b.caapi + mimosa hostilis.

3 days ago I tried a MAOi (extracted form peganum harmala: http://www.erowid.org/plants/syrian_rue/syrian_rue_extraction2.shtml ) and smoked DMT for the first time.

I'm still pretty sure this was the most beautiful and happy mindset I've ever been in. it was absolutely amazing. I can't recommend this "drug" enough. for me it is a perfect 10.

...I spent a few days on a marvellous adriatic peninsula. camping. relaxing in the sun. hiking. cooking. eating. and doing some nice psychoactives.

day 1 was reserved to (reportedly) 300mcg lsd. and I was so eager to have a really deep and cleansing trip.
during the last few months I only had a few low-dose or low potency (-> 4-ho-met) trips. and of course a few journeys into dmt-land here and there. I love dmt but I think it doesn't have that much therapeutic value as the experience is too fast and shocking...

well: the lsd didn't get me where I needed to be. don't know what went wrong but it got me to a mere ++. the 2 buddies with me tripped their asses off but I just wanted more and was unpleasantly unsatisfied.

the next day I was pretty restless but didn't touch any psychedelics (apart from jwh-018 and weed). but I had the honor to introduce a good friend to DMT and she loved it! :D as I was quite drunk I decided to hit the pipe the next day...

the maoi-extract has been lying around for half a year and I didn't touch it as I couldn't find the right spot (in my life) to use it. but there it was. I didn't know if it's possible to smoke the extract or if it's potent at all. I didn't know what would happen but I was in for the worst or the best.

In the afternoon I smoked ~200mg of the extract in a glasspipe and waited for 30min. psychoactive effects were felt, there was no discomfort to speak of. my friend S joined me too. he is a notoriously bad dmt smoker or has a huge tolerance to it. he's just not really affected by it. I thought this combo might do the trick so I let him take the first step with 20mg (I had preweighted doses of 20 and 35mg in gelcaps for convenience) of my orange and a little bit waxy, yet powerful grade B DMT.
surprise: he wasn't sure what it was but he was not blown away. at the 5 minutes mark he got up from the smoking den in the back of his vintage volkswagen transporter - the poor thing dramatically broke down on the way back home :( - to take the few steps over the shining white stones to the calm but constantly muttering sea. this was the view I had when I hit the pipe with another 20mg (+residue..).
the onset was as shocking as it always is when you smoke DMT. but the comeup was different. it took 5 minutes (I started a stopwatch with my first toke to keep track of objective time) and it was mighty and it grew stronger and stronger. and stronger.
finally I got THE FEAR. this time I took too much. this time I made a mistake. why am I doing this to myself? I do not want this. I am not ready for this. this is too much. I want it to end now. I wanna lie on the floor, completely helpless, trembling and in complete desparation.
being a quite experienced tripper I cancelled the last thougth, forced myself to change the setting, took the few steps over the white stones to the sea and began to accept this epic journey.
and I was rewarded. at ~15min the peak effects subsided and I was left with a body high beyond words, mentally and emotionally enlightened, all framed in glorious visuals and visions. there was no sense of confusion or cognitive or physical impairment. it was crystal clear, pure, no sense of anything artificial or insincere. it didn't feel like a "drug" or a psychoactive substance. it felt like the essence of life.

I was in one of the most happy and beautiful mindsets I've ever been in. I didn't want it to end. at approximately t+25 I thought I could try smoking more DMT. :)
I took another hit from the used pipe and was - and still am - boundlessly excited and thankful that it is possible to "stack" DMT with a MAOi as a base.
this way it is possible to keep yourself in the perfect (SIC!) spot for a loooong time.
over the course of the next 3h I proceeded to chase 150-200mg of DMT through my machine until I was too exhausted and felt that it's right for the experience to end. basically the whole experience felt like the most beautiful afterglow ever but with ++/+++ psychedelic effects (depending on proximity and dose of DMT consumption) surrounding it. I think it's still glowing a little bit. <3

there were no adverse or side effects to speak of. the harmala produced little GI-discomfort but nothing I would call distracting or even unpleasant.
the only potentially unpleasant aspect of this combo is it's godlike strength. I felt THE FEAR once more during the trip. I don't want to know where one initial "standard hit" (>35mg) with mao inhibition will lead you...I definitely would not recommend it. 15mg as a starting dose sounds right to me. higher doses can be taken later when the flavour of the trip is a bit more tangible. for the record: there was some tolerance building up (might be MAOi effects subsiding too) over the hours. but it's not grave.

ymmv (S was still not convinced by DMT...) but for me this combination is absolutely glowing. it is pure medicine. probably the best thing I've ever done.
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Interesting report! I noticed you said that at one point you got the "fear". I understand where you are coming from as this happened to me on 2c-p for the first time since I was a noob to tripping. From what I've read DMT commands respect :)
Thanks for posting, I enjoyed reading this.

This really reaffirms my desire to try DMT sometime. I have tried 5-MeO-DMT a few times, and while it certainly had it's interesting aspects, it always made me feel physically uncomfortable during the trip (It seemed to make my heart pound harder than any other substance I've tried. This was a real barrier to just letting go and experiencing the trip). Do you get much body load on DMT?
well, I wouldn't call it a body load what DMT produces. smoking DMT without a MAOi gives you an immediate, very distinct* and strong physical sensation. with lower doses this is the main effect. some may find it absolutely ecstatic others might consider it a "body load".
in the experience I described above the physical aspect of the experience was divinely beautiful.
DMT is just mighty in every aspect of it's effects. with higher doses it gets difficult to differentiate between physical and mental effects. physical sensations, thought patterns, emotions and the visuals/visions blend together and influence each other.
ime what I call "the fear" and unpleasant body load can be avoided by letting go, by letting yourself flow with the experience. this may sound trivial for every moderately experienced tripper but with DMT it is a challenge nearly every time I touch it as the effects come up so fast and so strong and are of such an alien nature...
when I introduce people to DMT I usually tell them after 60-90s to "let it go, let it flow". and people are usually grateful for my advice... ;)

anyway: the MAOi+smoked DMT combo provides a more insightful and worthwhile access to the whole DMT-universe. I can't recommend it enough. <3

*the whole DMT experience is very distinct. even a threshold dose or just the smell of burned DMT usually give me a strong déjà-vu feeling. it's pretty unique. very personal [or "private"? don't know the correct expression in english..] too. like it's directly addressed to your soul.
^I think personal is the word your looking for. Your English is very good by the way, I wouldn't have guessed it wasn't your native language.

ime what I call "the fear" and unpleasant body load can be avoided by letting go, by letting yourself flow with the experience. this may sound trivial for every moderately experienced tripper but with DMT it is a challenge nearly every time I touch it as the effects come up so fast and so strong and are of such an alien nature...

I agree, it definitely is a challenge to just let go with the intense, smoked kind of psychedelics (this is in reference to Salvia Divinorum and 5-MeO-DMT for me). I think the rocket blast off analogy is apt with these types of drugs. But, the overwhelming nature of these drugs is just part of the package I think. Part of the appeal of these drugs for me is a refreshed appreciation for my sanity after I come down. I have a tendency to compulsively seek out mind altering substances and think of sobriety as boring. After a strong Salvia or 5-MeO-DMT trip, I don't take the relative comfort and security of my sober mind for granted (for a little bit anyway). It can be quite refreshing actually.