SINGLE GUYS>>>READ THIS...Did this happen to you???


Nov 28, 1999
OK...I'm at a's like 11:00...i'm juss about to roll and juss explode...then i decide to go out and juss get "lost" in the crowd. And in the corner of my eye...i see this girl...I couldn't believe it...She was sooo cute. But i was like "ahh..never mind" ...Then later on...I see her again...and now i'm rolling hard...and u know the part in Wayne's World when Garth sees his dream girl and the girl get's all pretty and stuff....That's what happend to me!! i could not keep my eyes off this i ended up "hooking" up with her and all...juss a causal thing...then after we all go home...all i could do was think about her...but the thing is...i know that e can do that to you...but to this day...i still think about her...
now did this happen to anyone?? Tell me abou it...
Ya Never Know Til U Tried....But One Thang Iz Clear...Ur Gonna Get Fucked Up!!!1 I'm not a guy but I know what you are talking about. Can't get that face out of you mind? The whole meeting/hooking up feels like a complete dream. Its just the great wonderful world of e.
YES! this has happened to me...
some time ago i met up with someone who i knew very little about. ok, it was a blind date of sorts. when she walked in, i knew it was her. how? i don't know. looking back, we were somewhat standoffish at first, until we started rolling (of course)! we instantly hit it off, but even more so than your typical e-bond. i mean, we spent very little time out of each other's arms that night. i remember holding her on the dance floor, looking into her eyes and being blown away by the fact that i was not only connecting to this person on an emotional and intellectual level, but was totally and utterly physically attracted to her as well. the fact that we were so into each other was the source for some funny moments. we were constantly asking: 'is this the drugs???'. we didn't have an answer then, and i don't think there is one now. after the e wore off, she was still on my mind. sitting at the airport, i struggled with what happened: was it an e-llusion, or a something real? its a thing of the past, but i still believe that our first night on e was a kick start of sorts. we are both very protective people and have some major walls built around us. the e allowed us to break those down at least for a little bit and experience what it would be like put our guard down. too bad our defense mechanisms got the best of us. it really was a thing of beauty

[This message has been edited by barndog (edited 21 January 2000).]
Oh yes this has happened to me! one night at a club i run into a girl she to me was so beautiful i was rollin my ass off at the time,she asks me were is the bathroom i show her, we meet many other times throughout the night finally we hook up and wow we just hit it off after that, she ended up bein my GF for the next 7 months and we were just perfect for each other, now we are broken up but are still close,but we are goin out together the next 2 fridays i really hope we can make up and get on with our relationship, and it was the E that atracted me to her but i truly do luv this girl and would do anything for her E is the love drug
Not a guy either, but definitely know what you're all talking about. Beans are truly powerful like that . . but ever wonder if it's only the e and nothing else that makes you think this person is the greatest gift ? I guess we may never know, but regardless - even if it's for just the one moment, I think it's most definitely worth it !

Happy rollin and stay safe !
'nuthin but PLURness'. . . . . . <<muah>>!
{{GATS}} =P