Signs of an Oxy OD


May 28, 2017
I walked in on my sister on the floor today from an Oxy OD. Her skin was clammy and pale almost grayish. Her lips were purple and so were her finger tips. She had a pulse which is normally in the upper 90s that was at that time in the lower 90s higher 80s at times. Her heart rate was higher than 130, not normal for anyone. I could feel her pulse and saw that she was slightly breathing so you would think, but not really. Every breathe that was taken was a snore and it was not very consistent there were very long pauses in between. I was lucky to find her when I did and get her help, but I want you to know that this can happen to anyone. She had a very high tolerance like she had to take 40mg minimal snorting just to feel a slight relief. Many things that I have read say do not do more than 40mg at one time and no more than 80mg a day. Of course we all know that this medication and most others also should not be snorted, so that does not help the situation. This time she took 20mg snorting when she is used to 40mg at a time a few times a day. I just want people to know that an overdose can happen that one time, not just for those that take more than their tolerance. Please do not think that you are invincible, i wouldn't wish what I went threw or what she went through today on anyone. Get help!
I walked in on my sister on the floor today from an Oxy OD. Her skin was clammy and pale almost grayish. Her lips were purple and so were her finger tips. She had a pulse which is normally in the upper 90s that was at that time in the lower 90s higher 80s at times. Her heart rate was higher than 130, not normal for anyone. I could feel her pulse and saw that she was slightly breathing so you would think, but not really. Every breathe that was taken was a snore and it was not very consistent there were very long pauses in between. I was lucky to find her when I did and get her help, but I want you to know that this can happen to anyone. She had a very high tolerance like she had to take 40mg minimal snorting just to feel a slight relief. Many things that I have read say do not do more than 40mg at one time and no more than 80mg a day. Of course we all know that this medication and most others also should not be snorted, so that does not help the situation. This time she took 20mg snorting when she is used to 40mg at a time a few times a day. I just want people to know that an overdose can happen that one time, not just for those that take more than their tolerance. Please do not think that you are invincible, i wouldn't wish what I went threw or what she went through today on anyone. Get help!

I mean no disrespect, but that is not a very high tolerance, thats not even a high tolerance. If she had had a high tolerance she wouldn't have oded like that. Now I'm not suggesting by saying that that having a high tolerance is a good thing, but it is a lot safer when it comes to overdose risk.

I'm sorry for what you both went through, but I doubt many here are under any illusions they are invincible. As for getting help, sadly people will only get better when they're ready too. Until then help won't help.
just fyi, not trying to be contrary or anything, but eating oxies is probably more dangerous than snorting them just because of the bio availability. Sorry to hear about your sister man. I found my aunt on the toilet with my little cuzin with me. Was a fucking nightmare.
She wasn't taking any other meds besides the oxy was she? Like benzos? Also, are u sure she's being honest with u about the amount she's taking?
She wasn't taking any other meds besides the oxy was she? Like benzos? Also, are u sure she's being honest with u about the amount she's taking?

I agree, it doesn't make sense if she suddenly overdosed on a dose she frequently uses unless she's lying about how much, or what else she was on, or both. My guess is the latter.
What I mean by a high tolerance is if you are used to doing 60mg at least three to four times a day and then all it took was one 20mg to OD, then I no longer believe in the only way you can OD is when you take more than your tolerance is. I appreciate your sympathy, and I am not saying people think that they are invincible. My point was that it can happen to anyone at any time even at a smaller dosage then what you are used to taking daily. I also get that until people are ready there is no help. I've watched a blog of a guy that has Od'd over 10 times and still does what he does. I'm just expressing my experience and trying to help others if I can, you ever know whom you are going to touch.
I am sorry to hear about your Aunt, it's a horrible sight and don't wish it for anyone especially when it has to do with a loved one. From what I've heard is snorting is worse because it goes directly to the blood stream and the nervous system a lot quicker than eating them.
I am absolutely sure she was not taking anything else. She had nothing and I know whom she gets it from. She got them when I left to the store and when I came back and found her there was only one missing of what was purchased. There is nothing else due to me knowing her connections and I even asked the connect what was purchased that morning and counted what I saw left. Many factors may have played a part, she has real bad asthma and these taken the wrong way can compromise your breathing so that may have played a part. She just got of of work doing a 12hr shift and only on four hours of sleep in the last 48hrs. I don't know how to explain it myself that is why I posted it,it does not make any sense to me. I am also getting a drug test to check another one to see if maybe it had fentanyl that really could be moonless explanation. I am lost for words on how such a small dose can do that when that is nothing compared to what I know and have seen her do before.
I am absolutely sure she was not taking anything else. She had nothing and I know whom she gets it from. She got them when I left to the store and when I came back and found her there was only one missing of what was purchased. There is nothing else due to me knowing her connections and I even asked the connect what was purchased that morning and counted what I saw left. Many factors may have played a part, she has real bad asthma and these taken the wrong way can compromise your breathing so that may have played a part. She just got of of work doing a 12hr shift and only on four hours of sleep in the last 48hrs. I don't know how to explain it myself that is why I posted it,it does not make any sense to me. I am also getting a drug test to check another one to see if maybe it had fentanyl that really could be moonless explanation. I am lost for words on how such a small dose can do that when that is nothing compared to what I know and have seen her do before.

I think getting it tested for fent is a good idea. Also, her outside circumstances (12 hour shift, no sleep, asthma) certainly may have made her more vulnerable. How is she doing now?
I do agree and think it must have been something other than oxy, most likely fent or one of it's analogues. What she snorted would have been a standard medical dose of oxy, albeit taken in a non-medical way, intranasal bio being ~%50, more or less.

Fent, comparatively, has an intranasal bioavailability of %90, oral of %33, and who the heck knows who measured the dose and pressed the pills, if they were fake, along with the fact that fent causes much worse respiratory depression.

Makes sense to me, and fakes are so, so common these days.

Sorry you had this experience. I'm glad to hear that she's okay.