• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Significant events that shaped you


Sr. Moderator: CD, P&S, Music Discussion
Staff member
Oct 26, 2022
I guess this is a good new years topic, for those of you who celebrate new years and think it's in any way significant other than a reminder that you haven't done everything that you wanted to in the past 364 days.

What significant events changed you in any year of your life?
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I wrote these down and thank you in advance,, if you will read this.๐Ÿค—
May it bless you in wonderfull ways,๐Ÿ’–

Some major events, looking back with over 50 years of experience and looking for love and truth.
- Bullied as a kid for many years. Until i took the chance to hurt one bully so badly, noone EVER bullied me again in my life.
Lesson learned: I learned not to let people walk over you. Don't ever stay a victim.
There is a way out.

- At 15 years of age my granny died, my girlfriend Caroline got leucaemia at 15 and died.
And my most beloved cousin jumped in front of a train at age 32.
That trashed all my faith in God and i went on a rage of hate with the realisation that life is unfair.
I now have accepted it.

Lesson learned :Life is unfair, has always been unfair and will always be unfair. Learn to deal with that asap! Deal with it now.๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ–ค

My cousin telling me he'd not live to become 32 years of age, was another turn in my life.
He committed suicide at 31.
Then i started to live my life, as if i wasn't going to reach 32 years of age.

- Then i became 32 and although i lived out life to the max i was done for.
I didnt want this life anymore
Worst years of my life.
Got into very hurtfull engaments and a marriage and nasty divorces, as my ex-wife started a lesbian relationship right after our marriage.
That combined with heroin addiction for 17 years.

Lesson learned : I did not get to decide when my time has come to die.

Then the biggest miracle happened.
In my total despair I called out in my closed off room, ready to end my life.
I called out loud 'I don't want this life anymore, meaning i wanted to die.
Then a voice sounded in my room 'you have to repent'๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
That was supernatural and i knew it.
I remembered hearing about repentance from a Christian who told me about Jesus several times.
I found the guy and he prayed a simple prayer and I became a Christian.
That moment my life really began.
I went from death to life and 18 years later i still see everything through the lens of my faith in Jesus.
One prayer to break my addictions made my head and heart quiet, after 17 years of worries, hustling, using, waiting annxiously for my next fix.
All was quiet within that prayer.๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
I had found what i was looking for.
Serenity in God.
The God i hated so much for all these self-destructive years.
Realising God was real and me getting to know Him, will always and eternally the most epic, supernatural and most fascinating event of my whole life!!!๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿค—

Next event was being diagnosed with incurable, inoperable bowelcancer, which metastasized to my lymphenodes at age 46.

As i heard this news, it didn't surprise me. I knew something bad had developed, i had the symptoms and with my knowledge through my degree and experience as a surgeons-assistant i kept pushing the examinations, the diagnosis took too long and i was told it was too late.

But my faith took me into my bible that evening and i read 'this text:
โ€œThis sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.โ€
It jumped out of the page like the letters were glowing and i couldnt read past it.๐Ÿ˜ณ
But i believe God's word, so i took Him up on His word.
And i believed that, over any doctors opinion.

Eventhough uncurable, the docs started whatever in their possibilities to try to help me and they was with chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the same time.
Months on end.
Then had to wait in the hope the tumor would shrink.
5 months later it did shrink and 2 surgeons decided they wanted to take the risk and dared to operate.
It was strange but very familiar, trusting my body and the surgery into the hands of my closest colleages i ever had.
And Glory to God, I was healed, the treatment worked and I'm cancerfree for almost 5 years now.

Lesson learned: NEVER throw the towel in the ring.
Never allow yourself to give up. If thing are that bad, they can only get better!

Next event: living life with nothing to lose and everything to gain.
That's freedom. Knowing to love and live in gratitude, that im still here!
I appreciate life more and see what relationships are good for me and which are toxic.
I've become less naive. People who keept hurting me needed to get out of my life completely, how painfull it is at the time, it has been only 100% good for me and my family.

Lesson learned : Don't just trust everybody. Most are not to be trusted on the long run, but always keep looking for the few and especially for the one you can trust.

And the most impressive life event must be meeting my soulmate, my dreamwoman.
They first time i met her outside our workplace, she came to church when i was preaching a sermon about true love.
There i was telling my ( little did i know) future wife-to-be what true love meant.
And oh, what an adventure of discovering true love we went.
Finding the one woman, that respects you, cares for you and all you have to do is love her, for her to love you back.
Its amazing and i thank Jesus for teaching me how to love a woman, by taking care of and loving myself so i can meet all her needs.
I asked her to become my wife this summer and we are engaged to be married!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

This adventure i live everyday, every breathing moment and i hope someone will read this,
and may take my word and learn from the events and lessons learned.
I bring hope in Jesus mighty name. There's always hope in Him.
I pray this story of my life may touch somebody who needs hope or feels things will never change.
Things are gonna change, baby!

The best is yet to come!
Love you all, may God protect you in life's big events and guide you to the truth.
The truth will set you free!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™
The best is yet to come!

I very much appreciate you opening up, sharing some great lessons and story's of overcoming.

I believe this sentence of yours is a good summary of it all. Do we know the 95 year old who cry's in joy from finally getting her high school diploma? Or the 95 year old man who wanted to die sober, so stayed sober the last couple years?

I too believe that although it's hard to narrow down what we want (unless you're a youngin and believe you know), process of elimination and wisdom will come through staying open minded and hopeful - skeptical, but not enough to hold one back from accepting challenges and experiencing new things : the best is yet to come. Believe that and it will be self fulfilling.
I very much appreciate you opening up, sharing some great lessons and story's of overcoming.
I too believe that although it's hard to narrow down what we want (unless you're a youngin and believe you know), process of elimination and wisdom will come through staying open minded and hopeful - skeptical, but not enough to hold one back from accepting challenges and experiencing new things : the best is yet to come. Believe that and it will be self fulfilling.
Thank you very much.
Now there must be many more stories we can learn from.
Please share with us.
If we don't learn from our own mistakes, maybe we can learn from eachother!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—
I am not sure how much I've learned from myself. Mostly what doesn't work for me. I change with the seasons (really. Ask my psychiatrist), and my life for the first 30 years were a rollercoaster on top of those merely seasonal changes. Living the well white male life (for 20 years) --> holy fuck how did I end up in this horrible situation (for 4 years) --> finally I recovered, as of nothing happened (1 years) --> what the fuck am I legit insane am can't avoid messing up what I worked for (5 years) --> possibly have lots of issues but I'll just keep them in check to the best of my ability (current)

And what it all boils down to, is no one's got it figured out just yet.

So I've got one hand in my pocket, the other one giving a peace sign!
I guess one of my Motos is "people are people"

I am working on patience, acceptance and am pretty optimistic but that's hard to always maintain
My early exposure to alcohol and sex were the foundational events that fucked my life up. Then later in my late teens/early twenties a narcissistic friend who manipulated and used me for years then spit me out.

I can't have long term relationships and I've stopped trying tbh. And my deep seated psychological yearning for alcohol is something I will probably never be able to get rid of. Had bad experiences with therapists early on too so I don't really trust that anymore either.

But I do the best I can. I appreciate simple things and small victories. And not much can phase me as far as day to day struggles.
You can't build something great without small pieces of it you know? And it's not always clear what that will look like in the end but small victorys are nothing to mock at and simple things are literally what humans lived for since the caveman age. This will work
By great I don't mean like a penthouse I mean a great mindset. But the more likely you get the second one more likely the first after (for ppl who care about that sort of experience)
Illness and surgery as a kid.

I think this has shaped me very much by making me even more sensitive and vulnerable, affecting all my emotional experiences and personal growth in a chain reaction. It's been a largely invisible struggle, hard to understand and accept for anyone. Impossibly dark and sick emotions, perhaps to the point of being scary to others despite me being a somewhat shy and cute person.

I also suspect the anaesthesia during surgery awakened an interest in mind altering stuff.

My early exposure to alcohol and sex were the foundational events that fucked my life up. Then later in my late teens/early twenties a narcissistic friend who manipulated and used me for years then spit me out.

I can't have long term relationships and I've stopped trying tbh. And my deep seated psychological yearning for alcohol is something I will probably never be able to get rid of. Had bad experiences with therapists early on too so I don't really trust that anymore either.

But I do the best I can. I appreciate simple things and small victories. And not much can phase me as far as day to day struggles.

You are an inspiration in keeping the flame through adversities.
When I had my first full-time job at the age of 17 at a movie theater, I didn't know anything about anything. I had very little education (a GED), almost no work experience, poor social skills and no self-esteem whatsoever. The one attribute that I possessed was a strong work ethic and the ability to learn, but I never thought that it would actually get me anywhere.

I had one manager who really took me under his wing and convinced me of my potential. He wanted me to stay there and become a manager, but I ended up moving on to higher-paying jobs. Even after all my years in corporate management, I still think about him and how much he did for me.

I don't even know if he's still living. I actually tried looking him up online one time but couldn't find much about him. I hope that he had a good life, and that he knew how much he meant to me.
-being online beginning at 5 years old with mainly unrestricted internet access

-being bullied/harassed a ton online primarily from 7-18 years old

-meeting my first LDR partner and real relationship at 12. we broke it off shortly after, redated, then broke off again and havent talked since like 2016.

-meeting another LDR partner in june 2015 when i was 13 on skype, they changed a LOT abt me. we never met up

-smoking weed when i was 15 in june 2017 for the first time.

-meeting B, my ex, on twitter. we dated for 8 months in an extremely passionate, codependent relationship until we met up at a convention and i fucked up (almost killed myself on saturday of the con because we couldnt see each other because they just... didnt want to. idk. yes thats extreme and im not trying to excuse it in any way). they broke up with me and "called me out" on twitter for being an admittedly manipulative person when i was 15-16. i didnt get over them for over a year, and got into drugs because of our breakup (however i do not blame them whatsoever for my addiction issues, as it runs extremely heavily in my family as is, and was bound to happen to me eventually).

-meeting my current boyfriend of 3.5 years on discord, and meeting up with him for the first time right before my 18th birthday in 2020. it changed me FOREVER. having sex for the first time was... not everything its cracked up to be, but i said this in a different thread and im saying it again: i am extremely blessed to have us take each others virginities (even though i believe virginity is a bullshit concept).

-getting my first job at Rite Aid when i was 18 in late 2020. i have since quit and have had 5 other jobs, currently working at a dollar store and enjoying it very much :+)

-my first DXM trip when i was 16 in November 2018. changed the way i thought abt anything forever, and led me down a nasty path of addiction that included a 35 day rehab visit for DXM addiction in late 2020.

-visiting Arizona to see my boyfriend in april into may 2021! i had neeeever been before. it was amazing! we went to the grand canyon and even took a road trip<3
At 13 forced to where a back brace, started my severe back pain

13 also first medications for depression and puberty, visits to psychiatrist regularly, nothing helped but the process left an impact on me.

15 started smoking weed and drinking/ dealing drugs

16 spinal surgery, took a year to be able to run and jump again / opioids

17 first serious girlfriend/ love

17 jail b@e

21 first gay experience

21 liver failure

23 first serious boyfriend love

25 getting clean , living sober , getting out of game

33 meeting my current boyfriend love

Those are the things that shaped me as a person and the decisions I still make
First line of crank at 15 i still remember that feeling and a night spent knocking one out to a porno magazine that feeling when I shot my load
3 - Got a concussion. I learned that I can't fly.

5 - Tinkered with music boxes. I learned that I like music.

6 - Played super mario bros. Learned about rapid and consistent decision making skills through gameplay.

7 - Attended Al Anon groups. Learned that drugs fuck up relationships and families.

8 - Backpacked a few mountain tops. Learned about basic survival skills.

11- First girlfriend. I learned that cooties are pretty cool.

12 - First job. I learned that I like being independent.

15 - Started experimenting with basic drugs. I learned that I like them.

19 - Tried hard drugs. I learned that I liked it, maybe a little too much.

Early 20s - Got my heart broken for the time. I learned that love is really complex.

Late 20s - Began professional mountain climbing. I learned that I can go higher than I've ever been before without drugs.

30s - Relapsed. Learned that life is full of ups and downs.

40s - I began being honest with myself on an intimate level, which in turn made me more honest with my loved ones. I learned that I can mend relationships with those I truly care about and it makes me happy.
My early exposure to alcohol and sex were the foundational events that fucked my life up. Then later in my late teens/early twenties a narcissistic friend who manipulated and used me for years then spit me out.

I can't have long term relationships and I've stopped trying tbh. And my deep seated psychological yearning for alcohol is something I will probably never be able to get rid of. Had bad experiences with therapists early on too so I don't really trust that anymore either.

But I do the best I can. I appreciate simple things and small victories. And not much can phase me as far as day to day struggles.
Would you say the majority of events which shaped you have largely made you a victim?
Would you say the majority of events which shaped you have largely made you a victim?

I've never viewed myself that way. We are incredibly lucky to live in the time we live in, with all the luxuries and freedoms we have. The bad things in my life cannot compare to generations of people who had to live through war and famine, slavery, abject poverty, etc.
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