*sigh* Back to the drawing board...


Bluelight Crew
Oct 23, 1999
I gotta get me a boy.
I haven't had a whinge about this one in a while...but it's starting to BUG me that EVERY single damn post on this board refers to "my boy" this, and "my girl" that.
I also don't want to hear any of that "you'll find someone when you're ready" crap.
I've been ready for WAY too long.
UGH. I'm starting to develop little 'things' for people just so I can cure the boredom...occupy myself. Stalk them even. Bad mona. Bad.
not very CHEERSY at all.
...yes that was my last post for the day, but before I go... a little disclaimer.
a) That was NOT a personal ad. I'm not 'that' desperate... well maybe I am ... but it still wasn't a personal ad.
b) Mr Sticky, this is a sensitive subject. *pout* I trust you to do what you think is appropriate.
Well, Mona, if i lived in Aussie land then I would do my best to keep you happy. But I don't so I am sorry!!
But I think the Aussie bluelighters will take notice.
The Doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
you're not the only one, trust me... i've been looking for a girl since my fiancee took off a while back... it sucks... it sucks going to raves without someone you love
i spent New Years Eve with my roomates and friends....and all of their significant others...it was pretty bad
i've gotten to the point where i've given up on finding someone...because i've never met anyone interested in me who can appreciate the things that are really sacred to me and the things i do(music, raves, drugs, etc etc)
or at least tolerate it...but i'd much rather share these things with someone
i don't know... but you're not the only one, mona...
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
charles schwab, yur one classy dood :p
mona, does it count that i love you from afar??
I know exactly how you feel, Mona!! It is so frustrating, yeah? I mean it seems like everyone out there has someone...I am so tired of the random hook-ups the call backs never made...The initial calls never made...I would just like a nice boy who called when he said he would and was after something more than sex...Oh well...the waiting thing has gotten so old! I am fixing to scream...I have already decided that I will be old and alone but without the cats...i mean the cats would probably run away... ho-hum...I guess such is life and I must just keep my fingers crossed that he calls...Oh please let him call!! I am so PATHETIC!!! I promise Mona you cannot be anywhere near as pathetic as I am...Take comfort in that, Sweetie!! XOXO
Much love
Have fun and be careful!
What I think is appropriate? You are aware of exactly the words you used, aren't you? And who you directed it at? In a public setting? Geez, this is too easy...
Actually I'm quite hurt that you would think I would ever trivialize your plight. I thought I was the voice of reason...heh heh...hehehehe...BWAHAHAHA!!!
I'm sorry, couldn't keep a straight face...but I'm not laughing at you, just that "voice of reason" bullshit I just spewed...
Sweetheart, I really do feel for you, honestly...no bullshit fer once. Although I'm presently in a long term relationship, I've spent quite a sizable chunk of my life single...I've had 2, count 'em, 2 relationships in my entire 27 year life. Sure, I dated 5 other people, but none of them for more than 2 weeks. I guess my rapier wit and keen intellect scared away all of the prospective Mrs. Stickies.
*....you just keep telling yourself that you miserable little twit and maybe eventually it'll become true...*
Sorry, got distracted by one of the voices. It all depends on what you mean when you say, "I gotta get me a boy." Are you talkin' serious commitment or a fuck-buddy? Serious relationships are naturally rare, but if you just need "companionship," I'm sure you could find something to suit your "tastes" (heh heh...I'm so slick wif da English).
I know this is small comfort, but you're actually quite lucky...forward, personable, opinionated, intelligent, and attractive (saw your pics)...you can either wait for someone to ask you out or I'm sure you have the cahones to approach a guy. I was a shy nerd with no self confidence, excluding the uncontrollable confidence I had in my intelligence, and let me tell ya, that is a lethal combination for a dating life in high school. I rarely had the balls to ask anyone out...if I did, it was a friend (I hate asking out people I don't know) who never "wanted to ruin our friendship."
side note: you never hear a guy say "I don't want to ruin our friendship," unless the girl is bufugly (That's "butt-fuckin'-ugly"...don't take it literally, just a little American colloquialism. Means uglier than sin). Yes, that's a generalization...so keep yer flames to yerself.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this: sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands (No mona, not that way, but there's nothing wrong with that either) and go find someone. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you get a shit sundae. Trial and Error, my friend. Just don't get discourged. And gleen all you can from every experience...it's good to know WHAT you are looking for. Most people never really know what they want or need. They think they do, but they are often wrong, which means they are doomed to repeat their mistakes.
At some point, the right person just kinda pops up...usually when you least expect it. I know that sounds like a line of horseshit, b/c I thought the same thing when somebody said it to me, but you know what? They were right. The universe has a way of providing, as long as you open your eyes to it.
If it makes you feel any better, if I was Aussie and single, I'd go out with you. Of course that's only based on your online persona, so I have no idea what you are like in real life, but I assume it probably holds true.
BTW, stop developing "things" for me...you still have no idea what I look like and I think it's upsetting miss apple

Take care, sweetheart...it does eventually get better.

I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
To Charles Schwab...for you to make that comment, it's quite plainly obvious that you aren't getting any PUUUUUUUSSY!
*spit* *phooey* *ew*
Get that horrible word out of my mouth, I can't believe I just said that..But, but you deserved it. so,
NER! *sticks tongue out*
Dr E...like I said, I don't really care whether the Aussie Bluelighters take notice or not, this wasn't a personal ad
But thanks for the vote of confidence.
Mr Sticky, thanks buddy
You did well. I WILL stop chasing you, it's obvious you have no interest in me whatsoever (damn!) and your heart belongs to the gorgeous, illustrious miss apple (and that she is..gotta post that pic of her, then you'll REALLY fall in love
)..oh well..I can't even have a decent fucking internet affair

Eh, yeah, I can approach boys..I do. At least I 'think' I do, but they bloody always end up just being 'friends'. I hate friends.
Every single guy that I DO hit it off with (unfortunately for me I'm a little bit fussy, although this is rapidly changing) brings some MAJOR fault into the chance of a relationship. ie, he lives on the other side of the country, he's going back home in a few weeks..ie ANOTHER country, he has a girlfriend, is in love with someone else or he's best friends with an ex-fling... that last one is an extremely sore point at the moment.
Mr Sticky...when I say "I gotta get me a boy" yeah, unfortunately I don't mean 'fuck-buddy' makes it a bit harder huh?
I'm not one for 'picking up' when I'm out, I'd much rather meet guys through friends.. I guess when I'm out I tend to look at guys and think "oh no...he's WAY too cool for me" *cringe* I know, I know, it's pathetic..and I usually AM so confident, but sometimes that confidence turns into 'bubbliness' (fuck I hate bubbly people) and then people just see me as 'cute'. ugh.
As for those pictures. Well, ugh again. I'm not gonna post an ugly pic of myself am I? That'd be dumb huh? Let's just say I'm no Kate Moss... and I honestly think that stops guys approaching me sometimes.
LOL...I can hear the "oh Moooooonaaaaa!" comments coming now...I know, I know, looks aren't supposed to be the most important thing. They aren't, but come on, initially they count for a helluva lot. So yeah.. even though I would never attempt to alter what I look like in order to get a guy, (which totally defeats the purpose of me complaining about it all) I guess it just sucks.
And now...I have painted myself in an ugly enough light for you all to feel even more sorry for me...
So anyway, yeah, I was just venting.
PS. To Megorit. That guy is SO going to call you. He STAYED after his friends left! He held your hand! He looked for YOUR friends for 2 hours! He wants you baby! Good luck hon, even though you don't need it
Oh forgot to add something from before...
"...I also don't want to hear any of that 'you'll find someone when you're ready' crap.'
I hear ya! Let me translate it for you:
"you'll find someone when you're ready" = "once you're desperate enough, you'll take whatever walks through the door."
Relationships just happen...no fate, nothing preordained...just probabilities based on compatible personalities and neuroses.
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
mona, i am totally in your corner on this one.. my fiance and i decided to break apart last february and GRRRRRRR!! i still feel rage.. he knows me so well that he knows i am bitter about it but i still feel (almost a year later) that i have to lie to him and everyone that recieved one of our beautiful engagement annoucements that we are both "sooooooo much happier now".. well screw that! i am grouchy, i know we would both be happier together, and i am tired of this whole serade. even now, after gaining that post break up 10 pounds and losing it and gaining it over and over and over again, I am battling this whole plight to be kate moss's twin.. i am just anti-boy right now i guess and have some issues that i am trying to work through.. sorry for venting guys..
::much positive energy to you:: x2k
Hey Sweetie, it is Thursday and no call yet...We shall see...Listen, you are so much fun, why don't you email me sometime?? [email protected] You are such a sweetheart!! I am sure someone wonderful is going to come in on his white horse and whisk you away...Don't worry my Aussie friend! Good times they are a comin!! XOXO
Have fun and be careful!