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Shy or just quiet?

oh depends what im ON really
,im a people person so im good with meeting new people and talking shit to people i allready know , if i do go quite ,look out ,you are not safe im probably thinking of something to say but then keep it to myself because ;
*that conversation ended some time ago,and ive only now come up with something to contribute.
*I have forgoten the subject.
*im in the threshold of my peak.
*im stoned.
*i dont like you at all.
*you make me feel edgey.
*you keep looking at my hair and you are not making eye contact.
*you are undressing me with your eye's.
*you smell funny.
*you are one of those customers we in the industry like to call a "BALL SMASHER".
*a sexy customer just walked in and our conversation was soooooo five minutes ago.
*you are just talking crap,not normal crap ,i can handle normal crap ,your crap is so utterly boring i feel like telling you to talk to the hand ,BUT NO ,you can talk to the elbow ,you are not worth the extension

um im going now........
~(() (() (() (() (() (()~
[This message has been edited by pE@K-a-TrOnIc (edited 07 December 2000).]
OR peakatronic
*you could just be having your own conversation (u know those friends that only you can see!) hahahahaha U DAMN FREAK! only kidding bruva,talk to the elbow! lol
Ever since I was a young child I’ve pertained to being extremely conservative and some what reserved. As a result of my stern and well groomed up bringing I’ve disciplined myself to become involved in conversations which I believe will inevitably reward me with knowledge and wisdom.
The concept of living a facade has never amused me and with that I refuse to do so on the internet. When conversing with someone lucky enough to experience my graceful touch, I speak from the heart and the mind. Never involving myself in these "Shit talkings" alot of you seem to take great pleasure in.
I adhere to being as straight on the internet as I do in real life! Those that know me well can certify that I have never uttered a word that wasn't well thought out and intellectually stimulating
And I’m certain that this is what Space Frog was thinking when she contributed to this thread earlier.
Thank you for your time

"How can you soar like an Eagle when you're working with Turkeys?"
These greenlighters talk to much

Its my duty to please you're booty
"I am the son and the heir, of a shyness that is criminally vulgar"
[*]i hate talking on the phone.
[*]i never speak when meeting a new group of people all at once.
[*]one-to-one meeting isn't too bad.
[*]i talk lots with good friends but mostly it makes no sense and they laugh and call me crazy.
[*]this message board is kinda scary too...
*Daffy crawls back under his rock
Hey there Daffy

I can empathize with you only too well. You see when i was a young boy i was nominated to deliver a speech in front of the entire school, parents and students. At the time i was quite a confident young lad, intelligent, charming, basically showing promise. Until the day of the speech came, all was going well, i was speeking at an impressive rate of 185 words per minute (extremely high for my age at the time). I'd gotten through the introduction, the objective, was about 10 minutes into the speech when my older brother leaped up onto the stage and ripped my pants from my legs like a tiger tearing the flesh off it's prey, underwear and all. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I cried! I looked down and in slow motion i could see my life de-rail from it's steady tracks as the last strings of underwear left my withering legs
I instantly fell victim of 'prolonged shock induced shyness'. From that day my life was no longer under my control but rather just blowing in the wind.
Until i came across Dr.Marvin Monroes classes for shy victims. I spent 3 years and many many nerves attending these classes which included building confidence talking on the phone AND making sense whilst doing that. Trying to blend into group gathering's instead of standing in the middle shaking like a hypothermic overcome moron. At the completion of 3 years i obtained my class one certificate in social competency, which entitles the holder to be confident in most everyday situations instead of just wetting one's pants whenever a girl smiles at them.
So you see Daffy there is light at the end of the tunnel, there's no need to be shy. The best advice i ever got was from my dad... "Don't be such a fucking dickhead son, get some confidence will you".
Hold your head high Daffy
ummm, yes of course that's what i meant eagleyes......after all u are sooooo conservative and restrained....
For myself I have to say that I am practically in a coma on bluelight. I often read the forums and have MANY thoughts but I feel that I should just stay quite until I really have something to say. Most of the time when I do end up posting I have a good think if what I have to say is worthy enuf to be shared with anyone else. I KNOW it is but other people might not think so on the board. BTW this is not a reflection on anyone on the board, just my paranoia with the written word. Once its written I feel I can't take it back (even though I know I can-if you get my drift).
In real life I can talk to anyone at all. I work with people so be it baby or oldie I can find something to say and usually make people laugh- even though it is all too often at me : D
My opinion is take me as I am or just get outta my face. It seems to be an opinion that works well in general. Although sometimes I do find someone I have a bit of a prob with as some people insist upon trying to undermine my confidence and making themselves feel good bout it. These people just get a look and a haughty manner and they usually just stay away.
Now that I feel all naked and exposed I will go put on some clothes and try to stop feeling so fucking scared.
"Once in there is no out" Al Capone
blue eyed girl: That's interesting 'cos I feel the same way about talking to people in person, once I say something, it's said and there's nothing I can do if I say the wrong thing (tho there is, but it's not easy) ...but online I can think about what I say as much as I need to b4 saying anything... don't have that luxury when face to face with someone.
However, if you have the kind of attitude that says you care about what people think about what you have to say, then go ahead and say it, because most of the time you won't say anything that bothers anybody... That's the way I do it, and I havn't had any complaints yet, tho if anyone is bothered by anything that I've said, and they don't let me know, then it can't be all that serious can it?
In real life you get the advantage of seeing the impact of the conversation on the person straight away, and thus you can make amends or a different impression straight away. Online you have to wait and see what happens.
Tarsarlan, I really do appreciate your encouragement to just go ahead and say it. I will just do it now. And you are right-if no one speaks up bout what you say then it aint a prob.