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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Shrooms laced with LSD) - First time...(Very detailed)


Nov 26, 2010
I've been wanting to do mushrooms for awhile and one of my friends finally got a hookup for some "really crazy" mushrooms. I conveniently found out the day after I tripped that the dealer injects his mushrooms with LSD. I've never heard of this but after the trip I had, I wasn't surprised and it almost seemed to make sense.

I've tried other drugs before. I've been smoking weed for around two years and have been fooling around with ecstasy/mdma and the rave scene for about a year. ANYWAYS. I bought 7grams of these shrooms with 2 of my friends (let's call them C and V, both first-timers). We ate them around 3:50 on a beautiful sunny day in my garage on some Domino's pizza. It was just the shake of the bag so they didn't taste of much and went down pretty easily. We ate equal amounts (so about 2.3gs each).

After about 10 minutes, my stomach began to get very upset and it stayed like that the entire day. Mind you, I was a bit sick but wtv. We decided to walk to a nearby, big open park to chill and enjoy the day. I decided to go to a nearby depanneur first so I could buy some Halls (my throat hurt). The moment i walked into the store, I felt the entire room pulse all at once and I have no idea if this had anything to do with the mushrooms but it was very odd.

After about 15 minutes, we decided to smoke a joint. Immediately after the joint I began to feel a bit happy and my legs began to have a nice, numb feeling (very similar to ecstasy). I looked down at the sidewalk and I felt like a bird, soaring above a huge mountain range, and I could see 20,000 feet into the sidewalk. I knew right away that I was HIIIIIGGHHHHHHH.

We all began to feel generally hot, our hearts were beating fast and we got a bit lost getting to the park. (I've been there a million times but I couldnt find it lolol). Everything was so noticeably beautiful to look at. Everything seem to stretch out into infinity. We decided to sit in the grass because we were tripping and didn't know what the hell was going on.

I completly forgot I was on a drug. Time became completly meaningless. I felt like I was completly disconnected from my senses and my motor skills. Sitting up felt like the hugest, largest ordeal and seemed to take hours. I was sitting in grass but I felt like I was on a non-stop rollercoaster, going through mountains, through caves, over rivers, omg. We were all laughing and tripping and the high seemed to keep changing. I had to keep reminded everyone that WERE JUST SITTING IN GRASS. We would all trip upon this realization. We seemed to keep forgetting what we were doing, where we were, we were just mega ****ed.

At one point, I figured it would be a bad idea if we let our minds wander. I was like "We should get up and try walking, try doing something, anything!" I tried to get up and was instantly thrown back onto the grass. Like I said earlier, our motor skills were shot. Walking/talking were difficult but fun to do, if that makes sense. At this point I was lying in the grass and I looked up at a tree whose branches morphed into millions of dragonflies expanding outwards. I rolled my head to the side and just saw hundreds of trees (we were in a huge park/forest) and each tree was a distinct, different shade of green and they were all breathing and growing and trying to catch my attention. I burst into laughter and rolled over in the grass, burrying my face in my arms, I was tripping waaaaaaay too much. I opened my eyes and saw faces in the grass. Everything looked like a kaleidescope. I put my hand in front of my face and saw 10 of my hand branch out in every direction. Nothing was making sense, the high kept changing and I kept feeling like I had to do something.

We decided to walk to find a fountain. It seriously felt like we were walking through unsteady ground, barreling mountains and dense jungles. We saw a puddle of water that expanded into a huge, beautiful lake. A couple of rocks morphed into an entire mountain range. Each new set-up of trees seemed to look like we were entering a new world. We had to stop after a short while because we felt like we had just done waaaay too much. We turned around behind and saw that we had walked maybe fifty feet...in a straight line. What a trip! I seriously believed we had been walking for months!

I found I kept fixating on one thing, like a rock, a tree, anything. It would just explode into new ideas and my mind and body just went with it, anywhere. I couldnt control it AT ALL. Everything was just happening and I was in the back-seat experiencing it. It wasn't necessarily pleasurable to whole time, but it was very intense. At one point, I felt very, for lack of better words, glittery. The sun was shining and I was just dying in the intense heat and beautiful scenery.

We eventually made it to a shelter where I went to the bathroom. I decided to grab some toilet paper to blow my nose but I couldn't get a hold of it and it kept shredding. The shredding toilet paper started to turn into blood. I looked up at the walls and the walls began to melt. Like I said before, the high felt like I kept fixating on one thing and it would just explode into similar and new ideas. At that moment, I noticed my stomach ache and it exploded into an overhwhelming sensation (I have no idea what it was, it wasn't pain). I fell onto my knees and began to trip hard. The walls began to turn red and start to bleed. I didn't know what the hell I was in the bathroom for and I just ran out. I took a seat outside the bathroom and the wood panels on the wall began to blink different colors and merge. We all felt very claustrophobic and decided to leave.

I have no idea how long all of this was. Time was completly meaningless. Sitting up felt like it took months, we would talk about what we did 30 seconds ago as though we did it years ago. It just didn't make any sense. We went to go sit back in the grass and at this point the obvious, uncontrollable hallucinations seemed to stop and we had this very light, "baby" feeling. Everything was still beautiful to look at and everyone was really happy. I felt perfectly content with everything and everyone in my life. It was such a great high. We sat in the grass and just laid there, smoking and chilling.

From that point, the high slowly started to go away. We ate, smoked a bit more and eventually went out separate ways. Sleep was very weird that night. I woke up at one point thinking "Wow! I feel so relaxed, what a great sleep!" I look at the clock, I was only asleep for 20 minutes.

The next day I was fine. I found out from my friend that the shrooms were apparently injected with LSD, lol. Although the whole time I had to keep reminding myself that it was just a drug and it may not have been necessarily pleasureable the whole time, I still found it to be an incredible experience. I took a lot out of it and I look foward to the next time I do it!
This is a solid trip report although I must say that I have never heard of mushrooms being laced with LSD. The combo would be a bit crazy I would imagine :)
Great report! I don't know if I should believe that whole lsd-injected-into-the-mushrooms thing, but if it was, I'm totally jealous.

Was the trip spiritual to you in any sort of way?
Really good report. I'd have to agree with the others in saying that I don't think anyone laces mushrooms with LSD.
You know, I've wondered about this for a while now as I hear it from time to time. Some people swear that it's not possible and that is definitely not a fact. I think it is very unlikely, however. The most logical way to look at it (at least in my mind) is that most dealers >99% would not put LSD on their shrooms they are selling commercially to their buyers for cost effectiveness among other reasons. It is possible that some people are in the position to have enough of both to drip some on a certain batch, probably for personal use or for a close inner circle. However that is still somewhat unlikely because if anybody wanted to do both they could just eat one and then drop the other. I guess the only reason to dose a mushroom would be to put the L in there secretly. I have ate both at once and it was really, really mind blowing. It sounds like you got the full range of experiences whether or not there was acid on it. For me, mushies can be stronger in almost every way, especially in the mind fuck department. /rant