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Help! Shroom Trips Fix Anything in Your Life?

Psychedelics are a key that unlocks access to much of the brain that is not usually obtainable. During this we can assess and correct things that might be wrong with our lives. Just taking the drug doesn't itself do any more than unlock the mind. That is why set and setting is important.

That being said, yes Shrroms and LSD have helped me course correct my direction in life several times.
I had been struggling with my sexuality to the point of suicidal depression and mushrooms helped me accept myself as queer and learn to love that aspect of myself. I've also used them to pull me out of suicidal depression for other reasons with success. I prefer most other psychedelics to mushrooms but if I'm in a dark place and need pulling out then I'll use mushrooms.

That said, all psychedelics that I have tried have provided some sort of anti-depressant effect. I'll choose different psychedelics depending on whats going on mentally, but I'll reach for shrooms when I'm really not feeling life
I honestly can't say I've had any major transformative experiences from any of my trips.

It made me think about life and my reality more deeply. It made me question both my sanity, and the sanity of everyone else. It made me question what sanity was. Made me question things more... but I've always been that way to a degree.

I just like to watch the pretty pictures on the insides of my eyelids.
i'd say shrooms didn't do much for me either - but everybody's different

LSD seems to be far more therapeutic for me - but never really during the trip - i just feel better after it
i think i cry easier and sometimes not even about stuff that is depressing... i like to cry so it's probably a good thing.. maybe life would've got to me and i'd be a cry baby with out shrooms though... seems easier to do and more of a release after having emotional experiences with shrooms.
"It has recently been discovered that psychedelic drugs have profound effects on neuroplasticity (i.e., the alteration of neuronal structure and function). Molecularly, psychedelics lead to rapid neuronal excitation, generation of new synapses, and changes in the dendritic arbor ["

So, life changing experiences aside (they happen), if you are working on change they will certainly facilitate it. Almost seems like intent is the key to the highway.
Shrooms helped me process my child hood trauma.

LSD helped me alot in making sense of the world, but only really transformed my life when i learnt how to use it properly and start unpacking parts of my life and rewriting the neural connections to break free from bad habits, and putting the lessons learnt into practical effect in real life.

Ketamine combed with LSD cured my PTSD in one trip of 6 tabs + gram of ket. Never had another traumatic nightmare since that trip, when i use to get them every night.

DMT turned me sober.

Now i gave up all drugs, still miss doing psychedelics.

Each tool affects us all differently, we all have unique life experinces and brain chemistry. For a long time i used psychedelics as an escape and didn't transform jackshit lol.

But when used with proper set & setting and intentions you can do therapy on yourself.
In one trip, I realized that my parents were pressuring me to pursue a career because they wanted me to be happy and thought that would be the best path to fulfilment. I realized that they were wrong, that it came from a place of love, and that I needed to follow my own bliss, that they would find this hard initially, but would come to accept it when they saw that I was happy in my chosen vocation. I was too caught up in habits of thinking to see my situation clearly, and that one trip cleared my confusion and changed the course of my entire life.
It happens in waves.

A strong shroom trip will really put you back in your box and cut your ego apart.

Points out all the negative things about me and makes me feel shit about myself.

Makes you realize how nature and us are all breathing and living the same. Around a fire you see how the fire is alive and breathing.

And in the end you realize nothing fkn matters.

Never fixed my depression. Just highlighted my flaws and insecurities.