should I use steroids


Jan 1, 2014
Stats: male, 25 yo, 95kg 6'1"

so Ive been hitting gym somewhat regular for 2 years 4-6 times a week mostly and want to take the next step.

the main thing I am hoping to achieve is to gain confidence and feel better within myself. Im ok with my body being the way it is.

I am thinking of doing some test.(buying the gear online with some bitcoins on the cheap).

Can someone tell me if steroids give you more energy and make you feel euphoric, or at least "good" cause im depressed as shit....? because despite being one of the bigger guys in the gym and also being pretty strong, I haven't had any luck with and ladies lately (sorry to say) and I need some confidence, extra energy, and something to bring out my personality. Can anyone help

I bench about 110-120 KGs but haven't tried to max out lately. I do upright rows properly with about 70 kilos for 10 reps quite easily, and I have been training on and off since I was a youngster in my dads garage.

I am finding myself turning into a recluse with depression, and the meds doctors are giving me aren't helping me whatsoever. If anything they are making me not want to hit the gym at all, and Im losing my shape, but still able to lift some heavy weights.... I can see my life heading the right way ever since I lost my job and Im lacking energy after I quit my first job after years and lasted 2 days at the next one cause I couldn't be assed taking crap all day long


Does anyone have experience with recreational drugs as well as steroids? THERES A REASON IM ASKING THIS...
I have been to a rehab for pot, I have tried oxycontin and benzos, done ice a few times THATS ABOUT IT.
Im the type who will try anything.

Do steroids compare slightly to a buzz you would get from a drug used recreationally-- THIS IS my main question AND THE MAIN point of this particular thread. Anything else later on, I will ask then.

So... I know this will vary largely between different people and different types of steroids so Im asking for peoples opinions only, in particular for testosterone based steroids. I cant get GH, but thinking of trying clenbuterol or something for cutting up later on pissibly

soz about the post being so long, and if anyone tells me how to improve posts in the future please go ahead and do this as I will listen and take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. This is first post as you can see.
Id like to clarify im asking for both opinions and experience is even better- possibly even put down WHY you come to these conclusions. Ill do additional research aswell, like ive been doing for the past few days aswel
First, if you're gonna use steroids for the mental effects, the safest and most effective choice would be test.
Steroids do increase confidence, sex drive, and attraction towards women but they don't really cause euphoria or a "buzz". If you experience any high, it's mostly placebo. Now my experience : I have depression and anxiety, with varying severity. Right after my first test shot, I felt very confident and happy. But that's not from the test. It's just a kind of "relief". It's hard to describe but you'll definitely feel better. After a couple weeks, I really started to notice that I was arguing with people more frequently, I was more confident and all I wanted to do was fuck and go to the gym.
Just a tip : make sure you have at least some nolvadex. So you can come off if you need to, and to fight gyno.
Steroids are not the answer to mental problems bro. You need to deal with your issues first before even considering steroids because steroids will only make your mental issues worse.

Steroids are not the answer to your women problems, nor will they help you be more outgoing.

Steroids do not compare to drugs. There is no buzz. No high. They are hormones, not narcotics.

Lastly, steroids and recreational drugs do not mix. Marijuana is okay but anything else is a no go.