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Should I Get Tested For Aids? Or Am I Just Being Paranoid Here


Oct 3, 2014
Anyways, I never really gave this whole story much of any thought until recently and was just kinda embarrassed about the whole thing. One night quite a long time ago, I was extremely crossfaded to the point of being nearly blacked out (but not completely) and pretty sure I had taken some sort of pills at some point in the night as well. As I've said before here, I'm bi and knew this before this happened. Anyways, I have a very fuzzy memory of going down on a guy that I didn't really know very well, just kind of a friend of a friend and didn't really even end up running into him again after this incident, though I think we may have just kind of awkwardly seen one another again at another party. I think that was all I did, but I'm not really sure. Not even sure how it all evolved, I was very fucked up and don't really remember the details..... just have a hazy memory of getting into position so to speak and starting to do it. I'm 80% sure that's all I did, but like I said I was very far gone and can't really be certain.

Anyways, recently somehow the subject of aids came up in conversation recently, and somebody said something about it sometimes taking years before you would have any symptoms or anything. There's this place that offers free testing every Tuesday, so if it sounds like something to be concerned about maybe I'll go tomorrow. The fact that I don't really have a clear memory of the whole thing makes me a little concerned since I can't entirely say exactly what I did, if condoms were involved, etc.

There's a place not far from where I live where you can get tested for free, but I'm a little embarrassed to actually show up to get tested.... which is why I'm asking if it sounds like it's really necessary or I'm just being paranoid about it here. Until I heard more about the whole aids thing, my main concern was honestly just that I doubt I was very good at it since I was so fucked up. Never really thought about anything else truthfully other than being a bit embarrassed about the whole thing, but not even that embarrassed since pretty much everybody knows about me being bi.
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you're obviously worried about it and not knowing doesn't help. if you're too embarrassed to go to a place that tests, you can buy tests online which you mail-in to get your results. expect to pay around $40.

What Alasdair says, but reconsider going to the testing place. Misplaced guilt feelings can cost lives. Actually if the exposure was very recent you could be a candidate for PeP which stands for Post Exposure Protocol. The testing place would be the place to tell you more.
I think I'm going to go tomorrow to be honest. I can work it into my usual day. First, I'll get up and get some of the work related stuff I need to do done, then I'll go get tested, which I'm assuming will be fine..... then I'll go to my Tuesday meditation group. So, it should be a pretty good day, assuming I'm fine which I'm 99% sure I am. But like everybody said, better to be safe than sorry so I'll just go and get checked out. If I hadn't been drunk at the time, I probably wouldn't, because I'd know that was all I did...... but since I was fucked up at the time, I honestly cannot say for certain really as it's all really hazy.
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I had to get the whole std screen as standard when I was pregnant and have a few times before that. It really is a stock standard blood test. I worked in labs where we got well over a thousand of these things a day.

Your blood is just given a barcode and is from then on just a number. Everything is private.

Its going to be okay mate.
For a while, I kinda had myself convinced it must've been some sort of dream.... the whole thing just seemed kind of out of place. I just remembered being extremely fucked up and pretty baked/high on pills as well, and then things got a bit fuzzy and spotty memory wise. When I woke up the next day, I didn't really think about it, but then later on I just kind of had this memory of what I said..... but somehow convinced myself it must've been a dream because it just didn't make sense that I just randomly went down on someone I barely knew like that. The thing is I probably actually did though. Guess this is probably a sign to not get that fucked up off booze and pills again =D I think I'm gonna do the home test though, just too embarrassing at the moment to actually go to the testing place plus I woke up too late anyways.

Since I'm probably fine, I feel kinda bad too because it probably wasn't very good. Even though I was fucked up, I was kinda nervous about it too... like not sure about whether I should do it..... for good reason of course (being that part of me still had doubts about the whole thing probably not being a good idea), and the combination of the two just caused me to be really bad at it I think. So, I feel kinda bad for him on that account. The whole thing's probably ancient history for him by now but still feel kinda bad assuming that was the case, it's all really fuzzy though. I also feel kinda stupid that I actually did that with somebody who was basically just some random guy/acquaintance like that too. So, yeah definitely not my finest moment.
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just go get tested i did in april

you should be getting tested regularly because if you do catch something it can take a while for it to show up and it takes a while for hiv to turn into aids but when it does its very bad

hep b is very easy to catch and will fuck your liver, hep c its debateable as to whether you catch it from sex but i still dont want it (needs to be blood to blood contact which is possible in rough anal sex) and syphilis is also bad and treatable

the main thing is most of these diseases are treatable in one way or another thats not quite a cure but if you dont know and you catch something its the worst position to be in to leave it to develop and damage you rather than deal with it quickly

you would be surprised how many hot men and women were in the dean st soho place in london. they do a speedy service in and out in 30 mins including waiting area time
Would you be embarrassed if it were a one night stand with a female? Straight people can get the shit too. Just trick your mind into thinking it was from a different encounter and go get your test on bro.
It doesnt natter if the sex was any good or no. Mind you you should at least have good sex.
I missed the place on Thursday. I looked up aids on WebMD, and I'm seriously worried that I might have some of the symptoms. I just don't know why the fuck it would appear just at the time I happened to think of it. Like it said, "sore throat", I literally just have been getting that like the past 2 days and am weirdly not sick and it just feels strange. I also had these canker sore sort of things before. I had that before any of this.... it happened even times like years and years before I even did that, but somehow they just felt a little different like this time. I've also been getting this weird headache that just feels strange, like pressure or something kinda. If this is the case that I actually fucking have this, I seriously don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. For a while I wasn't worried, then like the last 3-4 days I started feeling a little weird. I guess I better just go get tested, since I'm beginning to fear the worst here. Fuck. It also said stuff about night sweats, but that might be more related to the fact that I drink close to a 6 pack a night..... hopefully that's all it is. I have noticed though that in the past few weeks, my sheets will be literally soaked... although maybe like I said that's just related to being drunk almost every night. Hopefully, I was ambivalent about the whole thing and nervous... now I'm nearly panicking about this.
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oh my fucking days just get tested and be aware of psychosomaticism

i've done the exact same shit

this all sounds like its in your head and u drink fucking wayyyy tooo much

you will get cirrosis if you dont change this drinking habit of everyday heavy beer intake and i speak as a heavy drinker who loves getting pissed

you sound like alcoholism is the biggest issue you have here and the outfall is its giving you bad anxiety and this whole thing is just something to latch onto so the fact you feel shit can not be pinned on your heavy drinking which makes people feel shit
oh my fucking days just get tested and be aware of psychosomaticism

i've done the exact same shit

this all sounds like its in your head and u drink fucking wayyyy tooo much

you will get cirrosis if you dont change this drinking habit of everyday heavy beer intake and i speak as a heavy drinker who loves getting pissed

you sound like alcoholism is the biggest issue you have here and the outfall is its giving you bad anxiety and this whole thing is just something to latch onto so the fact you feel shit can not be pinned on your heavy drinking which makes people feel shit

Yeah, that's probably true that my "symptoms" are mostly related to my being drunk on a near daily basis. Even though I'm not an alcoholic, I've cut back a little. I just drink like maybe 3 beers at night these days. Definitely feel a bit better and my "symptoms" have resolved themselves for the most part. The testing place hasn't been open for walk ins yet, so I haven't gone but will soon. The whole have a few and drink a shot or two on the sly thing was a little sketchy, and I've cut back a bit.
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21 beers a week is a lot. why cant you just drink 1 or 2 days a week? why every single day?

if you have to have booze every single day that kind of is alcoholism. i'm not into self delusion, i used to drink lots, now i try to keep it to one day a week.

the problem is you need to drink a shit ton of beer to feel anything off it. its a rubbish drink.

1 glass of wine/ port and you feel pissed instantly/ at least halfway there and its more satisfying. when i look at the units in a bottle of fancy port and compare it to beer i can be pretty mashed on the equivalent of 3 pints of strong lager for a whole evening. drinking 3 pints/cans of beer would not be anywhere near as enjoyable
I missed the place on Thursday. I looked up aids on WebMD, and I'm seriously worried that I might have some of the symptoms. I just don't know why the fuck it would appear just at the time I happened to think of it. Like it said, "sore throat", I literally just have been getting that like the past 2 days and am weirdly not sick and it just feels strange. I also had these canker sore sort of things before. I had that before any of this.... it happened even times like years and years before I even did that, but somehow they just felt a little different like this time. I've also been getting this weird headache that just feels strange, like pressure or something kinda. If this is the case that I actually fucking have this, I seriously don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. For a while I wasn't worried, then like the last 3-4 days I started feeling a little weird. I guess I better just go get tested, since I'm beginning to fear the worst here. Fuck. It also said stuff about night sweats, but that might be more related to the fact that I drink close to a 6 pack a night..... hopefully that's all it is. I have noticed though that in the past few weeks, my sheets will be literally soaked... although maybe like I said that's just related to being drunk almost every night. Hopefully, I was ambivalent about the whole thing and nervous... now I'm nearly panicking about this.

You don't have AIDS, or even HIV. But get the test to prove it.
the problem is you need to drink a shit ton of beer to feel anything off it. its a rubbish drink.

drinking 3 pints/cans of beer would not be anywhere near as enjoyable

I guess. I definitely prefer beer for some reason. You can get very drunk from beer without too much, I prefer to drink strong beers so it's much easier to get drunk off them. I rarely drink stuff that's below 6-7% or so for the exact same reason you said, have to drink a lot of it and takes way too long to get drunk off it. Yeah, I agree that drinking 1-2 days a week would be good and much better health wise but I'll admit I get kinda antsy and bummed out sometimes when there isn't beer around. Not always even sure why though, sometimes I have reasons to need to drink but honestly usually I don't...... just weirds me out sometimes to go a night without honestly. I guess that's probably not a good sign about my drinking when I think about it, but I'm trying to cut back for sure and haven't gotten too fucked up lately.
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It sounds like you are worried about this and also anxious. You can eliminate that by just getting tested for all STDs, not just HIV. You should know your status at all times anyway. And, you should insist that you know the status of your partner as well. Otherwise, you will just have to keep worrying each time you have sexual encounter and getting tested over and over. Who wants to keep doing that?