Should I be worried?


Dec 3, 2009
Saturday night while at friends house, we dabbled in a gram of Cocaine, and shortly after got three grams of Base between the two of us. Within about an hour and a half, maybe two hours, we'd taken all of that, both via insufflation, and oral ingestion. A lot more orally thought. It was a good night etc, sat there talking crap until 8am, then I left for home.

When I got home, I couldn't sleep for 12 hours, or more to the point, didn't want to due to pretty chronic hallucinations. So on to the part I`m worried about. I've now just awoken after six hours of sleep, and look seriously rough. I have like a black mark on the front of my nose that won't seem to come off. I have a lump on the middle of my nose, and two green/black eyes. It looks like I've been beaten up. The most worry part still is that my penis is almost black, and I`m a white guy. My testicular sack is crazily dark, and so is my penis. Aswell as that, the skin on my penis seems to be erm... more slack if that makes sense. I will second guess it being somethign to do with blood circulation, but I just don't know.

Should I be worried?
Uhh yea I have never heard of that happening but if my penis turned black I would be at the hospital. Im no doctor and have no medical background but I agree it sounds like your extremities are not getting circulation especially when you say tip of your nose. This could be from vasoconstriction from the amphetamine but like I said im not sure. I say go get checked out.
It's not black as such I guess, but crazily dark. Hmmm, I've kinda not moved for a day or so either so, I`ll go shower and eat to see what happens.

Though, is 1.5 grams in a couple of hours even a high amount? I've taken a fair but more of substances that are equally as cardiovascular, and been fine.
i would go to the ER.

something tells me that there is a lot of preventable progressive damage occurring every moment.

i would go to the ER, now...
Oddly enough, the blackened penis thing happened to an acquaintance of mine once - on speed, not coke.

Cocaine is a vasoconstrictor and can send blood vessels into spasm. Being largely immobile for a couple of days certainly wouldn't have helped any circulation issues. I'm pretty sure it affects platelets too, which would explain the bruising on parts of your face.

You could probably use some serious rehydration at this point, too.
^ Fuck hope Op has left already
Thats a hellova binge and some nasty side effects.
Yea after looking around on the net it seems it can be life threatining :(. Let us know how it goes zooms.
started getting pins and needles now too, so I`ma get myself down there.
thankyou and peace
^Yeah hun, I'd take the advice of others to go to the ER.
Could be serious and you don't wanna mess around when you have body parts discolored.
Black color = necrosis = your skin / flesh is dying and you should see a doctor NOW!

Then again, you mention hallucinations so it may not be real?
Good luck zooms, give us an update when you get back from the hospital if you're comfortable doing so <3
I actually think I`m just having some sort of fucked up, delusion and paranoid comedown. I was awaje for about 38hours, and only slept for six hours last night. I've taken photos of myself to check whether it's just my eyes deceiving me due to this. The photos are fine. The advice was much appreciated, though.

Regards, Zooms.
Aye, and the black marks on my nose. Perhaps I was having some sort of minor vasoconstriction problem because I have lay in for about 24 hours, while only sleeping for 6 of them. But I showered and made food, and I genuinely now think all is good. Still getting weird hallucinations in my peripheral vision, but it's cool. Gonna sleep more real soon. I have work in ten hours.
If my balls and dick became black/blue i would immediately go to the ER. that is just me though. My first thought would be "oh shit, i hope i don't loose my penis"
I actually think I`m just having some sort of fucked up, delusion and paranoid comedown. I was awaje for about 38hours, and only slept for six hours last night. I've taken photos of myself to check whether it's just my eyes deceiving me due to this. The photos are fine. The advice was much appreciated, though.

Regards, Zooms.

I wouldn't have even thought to take pictures. Glad to hear that you don't have a raging case of Fournier's gangrene.
Hope ur doin ok today OP, stil wulda gone to the ER but that ur decision, as said in my earlier post... Hellova binge hey...Powerfull drugs... try n take it a bit more easy on the amps nxt time (if indeed there is one):\
all teh best:)
Yeah, zooms- let us know how you're doing when you can!
This is so bizarre. It sounds like your penis isn't getting enough blood for some reason, but I'm no doctor so I can't say for sure. Definitely get yourself to a doctor though, and do it immediately. There could've been something mixed in with your drugs that you reacted to badly for all you know. I've never, ever heard of anything like this either so it's definitely worth a doctor visit to find out what is going on. Be honest with the doctor as well, and remember that they can't say anything to anyone so don't be afraid to be upfront. Let us know what's going on when you have figured everything out though because this is a really curious thing that has happened.