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Shiny New Word Association Thread v. Paging Dr. Freud

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Not everyone can do that so don't call me rigid. I'm the most bendy minion in my group.
Word is group.
It's a right-angled rhomboid. I think. Or in my case left-angled. And skewed ipsilateral to the proximal skewing.
Your perception of your box is skewed.
Word is blurry
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I'm trained in biosafety level IIa biohazard handling, elbow deep in high-titer plasma. I can handle a blood-borne pathogen.
Ah, I see. You know, this format we are using is indeed quite contagious.
I don't know because I found that show to be so gross. Why don't you watch something more edifying?
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I have a firm moral edifice that takes well to dick jokes and tosh things.
Whole lot of euphemism going on! (c'mon sing it!) Your moral edifice is indeed illustrative of the decadence of current times.

Word is decadence
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I used to be the drum major. In high school.

I don't play drums.
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She spoke and walked with a charming lilt.

Word is lilt.
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When I have to google which gate that it is, I need to get the hell out of a word thread when my spelling/functional mind is so severely compromised
Think she meant the Heart Sutra gate, gah-tay, as in gate gate para gate para sam gate boddhi schwaha! (Not sure spelling on the last) C'mon, they teach Buddhist chants to grade schoolers here. We'll compromise and make that the word, still.
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