• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Share your artwork v. BL's got talent

Too many talented artists have shared great artworks here, Many thanks to @Xorkoth for introducing me this great thread. Many of great masterpieces i see in this thread are the result of being motivated by using TRUE PSYCHOACTIVES. I really regret wasting my time on some jobless junkies on "lounge". This thread is where I've always needed to be.
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All of these paintings were done with acryllic. Sorry about the horrible quality of the photos, I need to invest in getting a good camera eventually.







Trippy abstractions. Well, done
Great stuff Tumaj, you're talented. :)

I haven't made art in a while... I have done some photography I'm happy with recently that I consider art. I may take some photos of some of my old paintings I didn't post in here before.

(Hidden because they're not actually my "art")





Here is one of the last things I did when I was still making and selling art, before I started playing music again instead. It's an abstract acrylic painting of mine on a block of wood, with a glass bowl of water on top, and I rippled the surface and photographed the art through the water.


Here are a couple of detail; sections of some of my acrylic paintings. They are sections that are just a few inches wide, zoomed in:




And here is a glass of water when stomping on the ground next to it:


Bravo... Very very unique textures. Too many materials are needed to create them so Im surprised. Plus im sure u can beat me in photography competitions because Im not good at taking digital photos. It might be hilarious but I can only do "analogue photography". Looking forward to seeing more from u.
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I studied graphic design and visuaI arts so I miss being among my artist classmates. I miss my masters. I promised someone to forget my past and focus on future but I always break this promise.

One of my fav topics to discuss in bluelight is how or which psychoactive substance makes artists "more creative", specially when it comes to designing/creating something for my greedy clients.

I draw sketches better when im on Datura+Opium

Diazepam isnt bad either as it takes my anxiety away and gives me the calmness to draw/paint just a little bit better but this kind of motivation that we get from benzos doesnt last longer than 30 mins and i lose my desire to finish the proj at the end because of being sleepy.

I hate to say this but: No motivation, brainstorming and creativity unless Im high.
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Whoa, datura? A tiny dose?

Being high helps my inspiration to a point. Psychedelics and weed do, when I'm not overusing them. When I'm on addictive drugs, at first the drug will increase my artistic desire/inspiration, but then it starts to make it so without the drug, I have no inspiration, whereas without any drugs at all, I am inspired most of the time.
Whoa, datura? A tiny dose?

Yes just a small dose like 5-10 seeds. Im one of few BLs or probably the only BL who enjoys using "Deliriants" (Deliriants do produce Stimulating effects while Psychedelics put me to sleep and are short acting. Datura at low doses doesnt make u hallucinate. So u may feel a slight deliriants that of course many ppl hate to experience.
Here is another modest drawing in did while being on Datura +Xanax + PsyTrance music (I draw better when I combine a better Benzo with Datura. I mean a Benzo like Diaz)

Datura boosts your imagination, and Help me stay functional while Psychedelics make me too lazy to draw a straight line
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Plz disregard my former logo because recently I've created a better one. But can't edit my post on insta replace my former logo with new one. And I'm too busy to edit and post again.
Whoa, datura? A tiny dose?

Being high helps my inspiration to a point. Psychedelics and weed do, when I'm not overusing them. When I'm on addictive drugs, at first the drug will increase my artistic desire/inspiration, but then it starts to make it so without the drug, I have no inspiration, whereas without any drugs at all, I am inspired most of the time.

Sure, too many artists, specially painters can brainstorm and create/design better when they are influence of euphoria caused by their "drug of choice" Meth is the best stuff to make u functional and motivated for some long period of time like 24h.

This is many artist's quote:
No motivation and creativity, unless we are high.
I would be glad to draw any BlueLighter's portrait when I am free and in a postive state of mind.

I once was told to draw a BL researcher called Monica. But I need to get her photo again, because i've lost it. I mean... i don't remember where i saved her photo. Can't find it among million files saved on my personal pc/laptops