Share something POSITIVE from your day!

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I dont have anything but free time.. got shit to do but it can weight.. the only thing I am requiring myself to do today is hit the gym.. besides it fuckn 9 below.. but thats ok.
Back to work today and I'm happy to be not always at home doin nothin
Cleaned my refrigerator, it was disgusting (hadn't been wiped down in over a year), got rid of all the expired odds and ends. Looks a bit empty but it has what I need in it. Made dinner :) Feeling happy and successful.
^ My refrigerator is currently scary. It is even scarier because I came home to it being this way. Is it possible that the stuff in the back is 4 MONTHS OLD??! The guys assure me that this is not possible but I am afraid to check.=D
My refrigerator is currently scary.

IME irrational fear of inanimate objects usually passes in time ,about 6-7 hours usually does the trick;)

My return to work this year was full of the standard dread I get after any holiday but yesterday I got some formal recognition for my hard work last year, it was totally unexpected and has helped in shifting my view of things a little more into the positive.%)
IME irrational fear of inanimate objects usually passes in time ,about 6-7 hours usually does the trick;)

My return to work this year was full of the standard dread I get after any holiday but yesterday I got some formal recognition for my hard work last year, it was totally unexpected and has helped in shifting my view of things a little more into the positive.%)

Same! it's been crazy at work for the past two years but my hard work from last year paid off. I'm just a little nervous that two of my coworkers (supervisor and Asst. supervisor are both gone and I am left with a huge responsibility on my shoulders but I am going to have to step it up and be a leader.
My father's coming back from Sweden in a week. I haven't seen him in nearly a year.
Just finished the film "Her". One of the best movies I have seen in a while, would recommend it to anyone!
About a year of struggling with my taxes is finally over. It's also the first day I've been totally clean and thought "I'm proud of myself!" instead of "Why am I doing this to myself?".
About a year of struggling with my taxes is finally over. It's also the first day I've been totally clean and thought "I'm proud of myself!" instead of "Why am I doing this to myself?".

I can relate, it's nice to have that monkey of burden and debt out of your hair. I'm proud of you too in regards to your first day!!! Congrats! Keep it up :) you have a wonderful fresh start going for you :).

I got to hangout with friends today. Since moving to Florida, we've had limited friends and rarely got the chance to hangout with people. We finally have friends here and we're able to act like normal people again with friends :).
I went to an NA meeting tonight. This was my first meeting, and I got lucky. I got an amazing meeting. EVERYONE was so nice to me. They all smiled at me and I couldn't perceive any judgment in spite of my social anxiety, I listened to everyone and they gave me a "Welcome" keychain and I had a cigarette with two people afterwards, both of whom incidentally have bipolar, both of whom are opiate addicts, and I felt accepted and understood, at home with a bunch of strangers. I felt this real undeniably genuine human connection, I believe because we're all addicts and we all understand at least a fragment of each other's pain, so on some level we all understand at least just a little bit of each other. It was real, it was a real feeling, living, anonymous community and it was so refreshing to talk to people who smile when they speak with you and genuinely care. This meeting reminded me in a fundamental way just how valuable and meaningful life is. I can already tell NA is going to be something that saves my life. I've relapsed 6 times and I've always tried to do it alone. If I didn't use I at various times and in varying capacities made suicide, cutting, fear, pain, death, writing, math, philosophy, love, my higher power, without simply realizing that a higher power can't be defined, can't be known. Tonight I learned that there's a group of people out there who accept and cherish that incomprehension and are actually able to survive, thrive and live in spite and perhaps because of it. And that group is willing to embrace and accept me with the only condition that I myself want to live in that incomprehension. Tonight I discovered my higher power, and I can honestly say that it is as a matter of fact incomprehension. I don't understand a fucking thing and it's beautiful! I can count on two fingers the people in my life with whom I have that kind of real genuine connection, who understand me, who get me, they're my girlfriend and my father and I love each of them unconditionally, unceasingly. Tonight I learned that in order to be happy with myself I personally have to work towards becoming selfless. This is something that I've struggled with for years, and I'm beginning to see not a way out, but a way over, through. I feel so good, so hopeful.

In short, I went to NA and it was a strange epiphany-riddled success.
I shall be walking the dog in the rain, doesn’t sound that great but oddly it is:)
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