Share something POSITIVE from your day vs. it's all around you

I got left at home at the house as everone else was doing stuff that I can't manage at the mo with my busted leg.

I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV and started feeling very sorry for myself ( hate that feeling )

Anyhow I got up went to the kitchen and made a batch of chocolate chip biscuits ( don't start all that cookie stuff with me :D)

They are cooked and the house smells great %)
I ate homemade pizza which was actually really nice with my closest friends. I was able to be myself and not worry and just chill
I'm far less sore than when I woke up yesterday, I woke up the night before with a charlie horse and woke up again all sore, it wasn't fun.
Just ordered 3 new books and got one dress from ebay. Gonna read in style LOL.
Fathers day dinner is going to be good.. somebody picked up tenderloins that look like they are worth their weight on gold.
^You go girl <3

BF got a job after having a terrible time looking what seemed like endlessly--application after application. It was getting pretty desperate. I was getting a lot of hours, basically too many it felt like. We don't have many bills so I wanted to have maybe 25-30;35hrs at the most. I was getting 40 hours every week, it was so tiring especially night shift, but it was keeping us afloat. We hoped that when he got another job we would each work around 30 hours a piece and have some decent leisure time to ourselves to enjoy our family and our house and other things in our life.

I was getting an overload of hours in the beginning and it stayed steady in the beginning for 3 months and then it started to dwindle to being 4 days a week, to being 3 days a week (yikes that's more days off than on), and then finally the schedule came out yesterday for me and I saw it and I had 2 days. Owning a house, and having utilities, taxes, insurances of several kind, credit card payments, 4 pets to be responsible for... It was terrifying 2 days wasn't going to cut it and I could survive maybe a month with those hours before breaking. I would have to shamefully call my parents and ask for help.

But I was stuck working 40 hours and he was still unwillingly unemployed (and he did try, every day). But Yesterday evening we got a break and he now has a part time job (just what we want!). I am so happy, and now I can finally enjoy my lowered hours. :) This is so wonderful I am so happy!
^yay star happy that he found a job!

Something positive for today = sleep I have gotten enough rest after my workouts today and tomorrow i won't be too tired at work.
Good IV training appointment today. I can actually picture getting to the point where I can do it successfully & consistently at home, without help when I'm alone. I think I'll always prefer someone there just to hand me things though :)
finished a list of chores for home/work/school that needed tp be finished in order to start my summer.

it's summer time!
hmmm can't tell if serious

If you are because you are American then it's like pool except it requires skill (of which I have none).