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Shadiest spot you've done drugs... Vs solar eclipse

Tommyboy that's hilarious because that happened to me in Washington! I was smoking a cig and someone asked to borrow my lighter to smoke a bowl haha.

For me probably grinding/railing pills of my desk, smoking up in the bathroom at school or taking pills in the college library... Like 5 times in a day lol
I've crushed and snorted a 40mg OC in the drunk tank, luckily w/o getting caught.

Maybe worst though was the many times I used in Mexican restaurant/dealer location restrooms. They hated that I did it, so I'd always have to rush through it. Once when crushing some OC a large chunk fell into a puddle of piss water. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't about to waste it, but I'd heard and smelt just how bad the water in Mex was, so I didn't want to rinse it in the sink, and I couldn't afford bottled water. I figured piss is sterile, dried that fucker up and sniffed it. (wasn't about to put that in a needle).

Other than than that sketchy situation, I have to admit I have shared a needle before. Only once, and I consider myself blessed by God that I am alive and clean (not from drugs, but from deseases).

I also used to sniff meth in the dark room of the photolab back in highschool. Yeah, I was an idiot.
During the Seattle WTO riots in 1999 I smoked a blunt on top of a bus stop with my friends, 20 feet from a 4 way intersection downtown with police barricading two of the streets. Basically blowing smoke on the cops who were massed up in riot gear with their armored vehicles on two sides, and burning dumpsters on the other two sides. In the middle of thousands of people and total anarchy, that was really an awesome moment. Getting high in the middle of a warzone is a surreal experience.
Snorting pills in my highschool bathroom all the time. Putting pills in skittle bags and eating them while hanging with my grandparents and at school.

Snorting heroin, and smoking DMT in my moms preis was pretty shady.
No offense, but most of the places posted aren't really that shady. Most of what has been posted is like a daily thing for some. Although that one dude who did H on the battlefield probably takes the cake.

A crackhouse, church, police station and a courthouse. That's all I'm going to say;).
LMAO @ the guy with face tats...

The first guy I copped d off of (as in actually copped, not copped then got run up on by a basehead for the rest of my money/dope as happened in Paterson) ...it was from a shady ass white guy with tats on his face. Teardrops, spider webs, the whole jailhouse of horrors...

I was once railing blues in the bathroom of the engineering building at my old state school upstate...just as I finished, I heard the crackle of a 50 radio...

I stayed in that stall for half an hour til the coast was clear...and even then everything had long gone up my nose...but I flushed a neat little vial with a spoon built into the pocket clip....

But yea, I've railed d/blue in EVERY bathroom I can think of....off my glass living room table with my mom in kitchen (saw that one above as well lol)...off my glass night table with my sister sleeping in the next room 5 feet away....My boy used to take a fucking hose clamp to the library, and just sit in a wooden desk with dividers and rail opanas and blues off his engineering textbooks...and being mad loud and obvious about it, not to mention FUCKED UP and constantly twitching/scratching himself/running out to sell drugs and smoke stogs lol....
snorting dope at a bathroom in a hospital i used to work at. just to get my pupils back to normal size. :D
lol, i wish i could give a response i just erm can't remember ( i think)
Courthouse after going to my ex bfs arraignment. Shot h in the bathrooms.
Lynwood correctional holding tanks waiting to go to general population ( la county women's jail, same one Lindsay lohan and Paris hilton were at) I had scored a gram of h minutes before I was arrested but it was up in my coochie. Pulled blanket over my head and mixed dope up w water using a carrot stick and snorted.
snorting dope at a bathroom in a hospital i used to work at. just to get my pupils back to normal size. :D

Isn't that the truth! I swear, whenever I haven't taken anything and my pupils begin to dilate, well, it just doesn't look right to me.
I smoked weed in the main train station in Warsaw.
There were scary-looking cops/soldiers with big-ass guns all around, and I ducked into the bathroom.
Paid my money, found a stall by the window, and took small hits.
Held them in until no smoke came out ("ghosted them").
I listened carefully to see if anyone else would enter, but when someone finally did, I still wanted one more hit.
I flushed the toilet to cover the sound of the lighter.

I was really quite high for my long train ride that night. %)

I also have smoked weed in China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico - four countries where it is not good to be caught with drugs.
heavily under the influence of aprazolam(xanax) in a trap house full of blacks in the hood, im not racist but im extremely white looking with longer hair so i just look super out of place picking out mdma tablets i want out of a huge pack layed out on a kitchen counter while about 8 others are breaking up pounds of cannabis all around me. Those were damn good tablets to.

On cocaine smoking pot at a crack dealers house in the hood while he's got a old J begging him to sell him a 5 dollar rock, was calling up his homie seeing if he wanted to go in with them so he can get a rock already. i was paranoid as shit. the old crack head would not shut up with all the bull shit tweaker stories.
While I was on a highschool trip to NYC, my friend and I smoked some weed in the restricted area of the Long Island ferry. We realized too late that there was a security camera pointed at us the whole time, but we escaped our punishment.
heavily under the influence of aprazolam(xanax) in a trap house full of blacks in the hood, im not racist but im extremely white looking with longer hair so i just look super out of place picking out mdma tablets i want out of a huge pack layed out on a kitchen counter while about 8 others are breaking up pounds of cannabis all around me. Those were damn good tablets to.

On cocaine smoking pot at a crack dealers house in the hood while he's got a old J begging him to sell him a 5 dollar rock, was calling up his homie seeing if he wanted to go in with them so he can get a rock already. i was paranoid as shit. the old crack head would not shut up with all the bull shit tweaker stories.

sounds a little racist, you're reinforcing stereotypes . why's it matter whether they where black, white, yellow or green?

not really a shady spot per se just insanely stupid. i was at the local courthouse while a friend of mine was in her hearing. i was addicted to oxy at the time and tanging for a shot so took it upon myself to prep up in the toilet stall on the lower floor before entering the court room. i was meant to be looking after her kids at the time but passed the buck onto another friend momentarily.

it's probably one of the safest places really, when you think about it *rolls eyes*

then there's the few times booting meth parked outside of where i was hired as a labourer, all the times on the side of the street not wanting to wait that extra 10mins till we safely arrived home, in public toilet stalls, in the stalls of local clubs. plenty of other stupid spots. i shudder at those points of my life now and am grateful i never ended up with any kind of infections. clean as a whistle.
On the stairs of a courtroom, off my fiancee, snorted speed in a dirty train toilet.
Word on China

I smoked weed in the main train station in Warsaw.
There were scary-looking cops/soldiers with big-ass guns all around, and I ducked into the bathroom.
Paid my money, found a stall by the window, and took small hits.
Held them in until no smoke came out ("ghosted them").
I listened carefully to see if anyone else would enter, but when someone finally did, I still wanted one more hit.
I flushed the toilet to cover the sound of the lighter.

I was really quite high for my long train ride that night. %)

I also have smoked weed in China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico - four countries where it is not good to be caught with drugs.

I almost got popped by Gong An in Shanghai after smoking like half a gram of bomb ass golden Xingjiang hash mixed into my marlboro red. I had to take the filter out, pull it apart and put a quarter of it back, just to hold onto something but that shit smoked for half an hour.

Luckily right before the super-50 shows up, the random british journalist I was loosing badly at pool to invited me to come and get a cab deeper into the city with like 4 of his random European Girlfriends...

Good fucking times.

I met so many crazy people. I smoked opium with a 20-s looking hooker and some Africans in the booth of an after-hours joint later before I made a drunken buffoon of myself in at least 3 pricey bars, walking right into my cab with my full stein of Beer (which I nursed into the morning and still have...the glass I mean...)...
Shanghai is fucking nuts.

In Hong Kong I copped sticky Nepalese Charas (temple ball hash) - burned that shit with Pakistani Migrant Workers in Backalleys, Nepali Refugees in stairwells (who would casually offer yabaa, crystal meth, coke, crazy good dope...but Absolutely NO WEED was to be found in the whole city.. Nuts right?)...and a cute random Canadian chick teaching english who I felt seemed like a straight closet dope fiend...or idk maybe just weekend kanimal like half of hks hard core club kids..