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Sexually connected, but for how long...


Oct 10, 2013
So I recently started dating this chick that I connect with in everyway.... Personality, Life style, both believe in our fitness, became very comfortable straight away. Its been about a week now and were in the beginning phase of our relationship after 3 days it felt like we known eachother a life time... 4th day....i ended up telling her I wanted to comeover her house bring some forty ounces and drink, she was hyped! I go over finding myself sitting in her back yard wanting to drink and talk outside she was very quick to go in her house after a momentary frames invited me inside instead. We talk, chit chat, lay on her bed we didn't even really drink... She hugs me on the bed and starts to kiss me.. Slowly I back off to see if she wanted too actually fuck, (hook line and sinker). So it happen it was the first women I could say iv had amazing sex with in my life!!! She's a leaking faucet CONSTANTLY DRIPPING WET, her curves and body are shaped so explicitly, 117IBS so I can throw her around like a rag doll. Her body is so flexible and legs could bend any way or position I wanted ( she used to be in championships for acrobatics) and now I'm at this point of day 5 or 6 now we date and love having sex but I feel like if we keep it up it will ruin the relationship. Because the deeper emotions by serious deep talk havent happen yet and our minds on dating haven't cought up yet we just jumped into it all ( I'm used to waiting at least two weeks b4 sex for deep connection time) but cause we already felt emotions for each other and connect so well right off we wanted it to happen and now we fuck a lot... Love it yes but I myself am afraid that for jumping the gun that it can ruin our chance for a real long term relationship.Well community, is this normal and can I still have a long healthy relationship..? Again me and this chick is like the same person in different bodys, almost like soul mates I never had this before and I want to atleast get some advice on managing this situation to come to a point to were things are as if we waited... I noticed when u jump into sex it makes the relationship weird at first or it just isn't The same as a relationship where waiting was involved..
Yes it's normal, yes it can progress into a long term healthy relationship :). If you want to take it slower then take it slower - go out to places where you can talk to each other and sex isn't an option.

Talk in bed when your both exhausted :D
you're overthinking it. everyone is different. i'm seeing a dude and we had oral sex on the second date and 2-3 months down the line we are still together.

later on when the horniness calms down spend time chilling, for now just go with the flow
Haha :) Thanks the good thing is we constantly talk Talk there's never a dull moment.. But maybe I am over thinking thing since this is the first person I actually feel connected too and have real emotions for... Oddly after days but I like it :).

PS. My return key is not broken, I typed all this using my smart phone =)
in my experience relationships tend to flame out as quickly as they come on. patience is a virtue ;)
if you guys want to have sex..then have sex. if the relationship is not meant to last or you think you will not be as sexually attracted to her or want to keep having sex with her then it will naturally happen anyways.
with my SO we had sex on the first date..and we have been together for over 3 years... we now have an open relationship though. who knows maybe your girl would be down for that later on?sorry if this post doesn't make sense but its the best i could answer right now.
Sounds to me like you have a very strong physical connection as well as a mental/emotional connection. So seems like you're both sexually and spiritually compatible. Enjoy it, you might have hit the jackpot! :)