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Sex with Two Strangers

I still stand by the fact that if the OP didn't agree to the degradation and forceful sex that led to bleeding, then it is sexual assault . these guys now think its okay to treat women like this. I don't think thats right. Also, there are people who climax during rape, its a natural response. So the OP liked it at the time, her body responded, but she is really conflicted and hurting now.

Debs, I hope you feel better soon, both mentally and physically.

Forceful sex (including leaving a person bruised and bleeding) does not mean sexual assault. Sex by force is sexual assault. When you get into a situation like this and say nothing about it, make no attempt to stop it and then go back for more does not sound like its sex by force. Some people get off on forceful sex, yeah to a lot of people that may sound wrong and could be interpreted as sexual assault but its a very different thing (normally everyone in this situation is aware of boundaries) - others like to forget boundaries and leave them self open to any punishment that's on offer (BDSM etc).

I know people can climax when being raped - but they don't usually have the most orgasms ever and go back for more the day after (and don't 'like it at the time'). OP has clearly stated it was not rape and it was consensual.

The only person who knows if it was wrong is the OP, like I said in earlier post - maybe she should speak to these two guys. Explain that things went way too far that, upon reflection were way beyond what she was happy with.
I agree 100% with Bearlove. And Bearlove, I absolutely respect your thoughts, advice and complete candid way of speaking on here and the thread offering advice to the youngster questioning his sexuality. Found myself nodding in agreement and even made a few un-ladylike snort laughs. Thanks fir that

Thank you :) - Sex is nothing to be ashamed of and If I can offer some thoughts or help then I'm more than happy to chime in. (I stopped posting in the previous thread, wasn't going to waste my time when he started referring to gays as fags etc.)
My only question to the OP is this: was it something like bondage that they did to you or was it just really rough sex? If it was just rough sex then it might be just how they like sex with each other, rather than they did something to hurt you on purpose
I am calling troll on this one.

OP first tells us how bad it was, uses terms like "everything possible" to spur the reading imagination, and then claims multiple orgasms.

Past is gone...you should move forward and forget about all the things..just move on in your life.