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Sex, drugs, profanity among NC's rejected license plates


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Sex, drugs, profanity among NC's rejected license plates

As of February, more than 245,000 North Carolina vehicles had personalized license plates, and those are just the approved ones. The state Division of Motor Vehicles has rejected more than 6,000 plates, mostly due to sex, drug and profanity references. WRAL News requested the entire list and created a photo gallery of 100 of the rejected plates. (Editor's note: The DMV deemed the following plates in poor taste, and they may be offensive to some.)










Alright you NC Bluelighters.. lets here from you guys if any of these were supposed to be your plates..
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Lol if I had a car still, then I would be trying to push the limit as we speak!

Last year I saw this plate, but it was just "Vagina". I was both shocked & delighted:
That's apropos of nothing, but it was in NC ;).
I saw a plate last night up here that was MMMOMMM, and yes I wanted to stick my dick in the O
What asshole would want to draw unwanted attention like that haha. I drove a silver audi for years with a tiny dead head sticker on the back and felt that everytime a cop car was behind me I was getting my plates run. Fortunately I wear my seatbelt, sit up straight and don't have tinted windows, don't smoke and am usually dressed well, so I don't attract the wrong kind of attention.

Just the other day I was driving down the expressways into the city, neck and neck with a car next to me about 20 mph over the limit... the other car was beat up, tinted windows, loud muffler... the drivier looked 'like he was up to no good' and e passed a trooper running radar. Sure enough the other guy got pulled over.
I drove a silver audi for years with a tiny dead head sticker on the back and felt that everytime a cop car was behind me I was getting my plates run.

I think it's kind of naïve to not always drive with that mindset.
Also you would think that the names and addresses of these plates would be handed over to law enforcement so they can maybe make a few busts and continue claiming they are making a difference.. it just goes to show that people are fucking sick and tired of hiding away and some people are just saying fuck it here I am..
Why reject Junkie

That's a good reference to the scene in SPUN where Brittany Murphy is dancing for the COOK

PS I won't live in a state that doesn't allow 1st amendment rights to let me put "METH" on my license plates.