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Sex and Ecstasy?

Rolling and sex have been my favorite activity. It's always INCREDIBLE.

My (wonderful, amazing) girlfriend and I had a couple of friends over to roll with. All four of us have ExpEriEncE ;-) so we knew what we were doing. We snorted some speed about 30 mins prior to taking the E.
But the speed was too much for me. It kicked in first, and I never 'felt' the peak...BUT...I think it was about when we were all dancing to some serious loud music + strobe lighting...and I remember my body just kinda felt 'weak' and I hands and kneed it for a few seconds and decided I needed to lay down quick! When I was walking over to the couch I told my g/f something was wrong. I laid down, and both the girls came over to see what was wrong. I could now barely talk. I remember trying to tell her that I was about to pass out and only some gibberish (not even my language) was spewing out - and I understood what I was saying...so bizarre! so then my friend (the guy) came over and just said to me, so casually, ''hey, you have to take control. Don't let it control you!" And BAM!!! I basically was 'reset' and the roll was huge!!! I can still hear his words...take control. However, even though my g/f tells me the night was fabulous...I can only remember about 5% of all 16 hours of it. Yes, it was a long speed/E session. I remember we all had sex with each other, at least I think so. Anyways...things happen...that was the first time I had EVER snorted...or used Speed.

I was thinking, after doing some research, some people say do the speed right when you peak. I was going to abstain from the speed at all costs after that incident, but I don't want to leave out any options for awesome rolling.

Any thoughts about speed and E? (oh, yeah, we did some Viagra to help with the blood flow, lol, and it was alright. Only take like 25mg of V if you are rolling on E.

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I guess I have had a different experience......I like to touch a lot, cuddling and holding each other naked. Sex??? Well I heard many people truly do enjoy it but I am too cracked out of my mind to try. It doesn't mean that I don't try, I just enjoy taking a bath naked much more and cuddling after that.
Sex and potency enhancement

Well, I've had great times with MDMA, using Viagra to overcome the impotency. Has anyone had experience of using Cialis with MDMA?. I'm more interested in the safety/side effects side of it rather than the performance side.
the very first time I did mdma ( Melbourne happy hardcore trance party ) when I was 19 I ended up sharing my mdma with this stunning local chick. After 2-3 hours of dancing she wanted to " suck me silly", so we went back to the hotel! YES I could get it up cas she was that stunning ( perfect on mdma ) HAHA I thought she was an angel at the time. First experiance on mdma really takes you into that window world of mysticism. ANYWAY I could not cum no matter how long she sucked - so we were like: " fuck it lets go back and dance" and we did for another 2 hours of total sensational bliss. Moral of story - sex on mdma is not that important compared to other aspects of life....
ME! lol
The first time I rolled was with my bf here at home. We had a fun time and what I call the "boob-gasm" :) Sex is also on E. We did blow our speakers out though :(
I've had some of the most amazing sex on E. Sometimes my boyfriend has trouble staying hard, sometimes not; but we've discovered that starting sex while he's soft actually feels amazing- something I highly recommend trying for those who have trouble keeping it up while rolling. I've found that even if he can't keep it up before sex, if we start having sex he can stay hard while inside of me... a sort of cock-ring effect I suppose. And speaking of, using a cock ring would probably help a lot if you can't stay hard.. probably a better and safer option than adding viagra to the mix.
Unfortunately neither of us can come while rolling, but since everything feels so amazing neither of us seem to mind. I usually still can't the next day either, any other women have that problem?
Group sex on E

It is just....


We have good friends (a couple) that we roll with. We enjoy it SOOO much!

The girls are great and become lovely Asian whores taking it every which way.


We take turns rubbing one another. Oral on each other. Sex...anal sex...tons of different positions. Showers and washing. Each time we roll it's a new and different experience. His girl likes to be super clean so I spend about 20 mins with her in the shower washing out her butt. Very exciting!

And it's so awesome that our girls are SOOO hot! ahhh...life's lovely pleasures.

Let the good times roll!!! :p

Sex during peak is the best everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and my husband takes an all natural male enhancer before we drop.so he is always hard and ready to go during the roll ! Being madly in love adds an extra benefit to the experience;)

*edit* Thank you Mods for the Bluelight :)
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^try taking less so your thoughts rush less- it's all in your head =) just gotta focus lol
Urgh, it can go either way ;)

Depends what stage you're at in the "roll" (new term for me). If you've been on one and redosed a few times, the chance that ya get "pilly willy" is much increased.

However, if you were careful enough to keep the dose low, then you're gonna fuck for hours ;)
i once came while i just started peaking .... mind blowing it was seriously a 30 min orgasim

Ih ad the same. once and only once

Any other time I've gotten hard, it wasn't the same, or as good as normal sex. :i
Sex on m is great. Sex during peak is the best. also sex with m1 and C is nice
I can say last week was the first time I tried to do it while on MDMA. Getting it up wasnt that bad ( harder than normal) but to cum , man that was a task. I had to rail my chick for at least 20 minutes ( not bad - usally I go 5 and done) The orgasm was ok but nothing to brag about. I wasnt rolling balls though like normally. I'm going to pay a visit to Molly in a few weeks and am very excited about what I can do with my peni5 this time. I am also going to score a tab of Viagra to see what magic will happen.
i would say the sex is amazing on x, although i found it quite hard to *get it up* so to speak...but once its going wow... takes ages to cum though, so i would set aside a good few hours hah
some of these are so godamm funny.
though i do wonder how many are complete or close to complete bs =P

as for my self i havent even rolled yet but plan on it the 28th =]
Greatest experiences ever on X. Gotta supplement with a cialis though...... orgasms are tough to reach but well worth the effort. Cant pinpoint exactly what is so different, but amazing experience.