Mental Health Seroquel XR experience?

I'm on mirtazapine. Have been for 3 years. Used to help me sleep. Now it's hard to tell. Get almost zero antidepressant effects from it

Why do you continue to take it if it doesn't work? Not criticizing, just curious.
OP, do you live in a legal medical marijuana state? If so, I would consult your psychiatrist about using it for sleep. It has worked very well for me for insomnia with no side effects except that I am unable to remember my dreams. For this reason, and not wanting to increase tolerance, I don't use it every night.

A note on 'trying' to meditate. Sometimes it is assumed that one is not meditating if one does not have an empty mind. For me, simple conscious breathing, delivers calm in the moment and, when practiced throughout the day, has a cumulative effect that is quite positive. Being an observer of your own mind (What thoughts am I having? Why do I attach these thoughts to these emotions? etc) can be very fruitful.
OP, do you live in a legal medical marijuana state? If so, I would consult your psychiatrist about using it for sleep. It has worked very well for me for insomnia with no side effects except that I am unable to remember my dreams. For this reason, and not wanting to increase tolerance, I don't use it every night.

A note on 'trying' to meditate. Sometimes it is assumed that one is not meditating if one does not have an empty mind. For me, simple conscious breathing, delivers calm in the moment and, when practiced throughout the day, has a cumulative effect that is quite positive. Being an observer of your own mind (What thoughts am I having? Why do I attach these thoughts to these emotions? etc) can be very fruitful.

I do. I live in Oregon, and my psychiatrist pretty commonly gives out medical marijuana cards, but me and weed don't get along too well anymore. I don't think she would be up for that option anyway, as I am underage. My father would most likely give consent if it was only for sleep and was not used every night, but even then, I don't think she would be okay with it, and I don't think it would benefit me more than it would be detrimental to my mental health. I'm not an advocate for the whole 'fried' thing, and personally don't believe it exists, but I have pretty bad highs most of the time, and for that reason, I only smoke once every two months or so when I get together with some friends and feel that I am in a good state of mind. And just because of the lack of research on Marijuana and it's effects on adolescents, I don't feel comfortable using it on a regular basis. I did for a while, almost every day for about a month or so, and while there weren't any noticeable side effects, it was only for about a month. I know kids who have smoked on a pretty regular basis from n early age and some are okay, and some are pretty much gone, but I think the ones who appear to be 'gone' are kids who replaced things such as reading, learning, etc... with weed.

I have been 'trying' to meditate I guess, and lately have been pretty successful. Although it was more for achieving astral projection, it seems to be going well, and after I have induced an "altered state" I typically feel pretty swell. I haven't achieved "astral projection" yet, but I've come very close according to what I've been reading. I also have been focusing on my thoughts and analyzing them to some extent, but I haven't had a ton of success when trying to get to the basis of them.
Why do you continue to take it if it doesn't work? Not criticizing, just curious.

Good question. One I'm asking myself a lot lately.
Answer: I take Concerta (XR Ritalin) and If I take my Avanza at 5-7pm I can eat again and get ready for bed when otherwise eating and sleep just wouldn't be possible. It's not ideal but it does help allot with this.
When I had seroquel it also made me feel zombie-ish. But your experience may be completely different.
Seroquel XR compared to Seroquel instant release for bipolar disorder

Has anyone here who was previously on seroquel instant release found seroquel XR to work any better at controlling bipolar disorder? Seroquel has such a short half life that it doesn't seem to help my mood swings nearly as much during the day as i would like unless i split my dose such as taking 100mg's in the morning and 200mg's at night. Unfortunately it's either instant release seroquel or Risperidone for me or a typical anti-psychotic because of my shitty insurance but i can maybe get sample packs of the XR version off my doctor.
Today my P-Doc prescribed me Seroquel XR 50mg for help with insomnia, obsessive/semi psychotic thoughts, GAD, and depression. I've tried quite a few other medication, SSRIs, SNRIs, Tricyclic Anti-depressants, Antihypertensives, and even Adderall for ADHD, but in hopes that it would help with social anxiety (it did, a lot. Most of my social anxiety came from being fragmented), but other than the Adderall, nothing has worked. Even the Adderall only works for SA, and doesn't work that well anymore. So anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with it and whether or not you would be willing to tell me how your experience was? I haven't taken it yet, as I took a K-pin earlier today because I was sleep deprived and started hallucinating and I need something to help me sleep. My P-doc has suggested Benzos for sleep, but I'm wary of them and honestly don't like the idea of taking them on any form of a regular basis. I just don't want to take the Seroquel while the K-pin is still in my system (I often have weird reactions to psychotropic medication and would rather not risk mixing the two). Anyway, if you guys wouldn't mind sharing, that would great! Thanks.

-Update- Seroquel was lame and I have discontinued it. Made me extremely tired all day, feeling was almost identical to Elavil in the sense that It impaired my cognition in a big way. Gave me some very strange thoughts that I can't manage to explain. Thinking the couch was about to start levitating off of the ground, and there was no reason that it wouldn't. Haha.

Have you possibly considered trying Seroquel IR?
It's much different..
