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serequel vs benzos for a stim comedown


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
which would be better? serequel or a benzo, lets say xanax since it is the most popular on the streets. which would be better overall and for falling asleep? serequel or a benzo? just curious what is better to have on hand.
seroquel to knock you out. benzos to ease comedown anxiety and left over stimulation.
which would be better? serequel or a benzo, lets say xanax since it is the most popular on the streets. which would be better overall and for falling asleep? serequel or a benzo? just curious what is better to have on hand.

i take xanax every day and take 200mlg of seroquel and that bitch knocks me out in half and hour
i only use benzos and opiates for comedowns

i took a 150mg ER seraquel once and i thought id never recover from that shit... had me immobile for 3 days

my last comedown i took 10mg percocet and i felt fantastic
another comedown i had .5 mg kpin and it took the edge off completely
yake a short acting benzo, like xanax for eaxample, wait an hour (o a bit less to enjoy the wanax) then popa seroquel 1 hour afer
Yeah, taking a benzo to begin with to take the edge off/relax and then the Seroquel about 2 hours after would be ideal.

If the problem is that you are so stimulated that you simply can't get to sleep, go with the Seroquel...without a tolerance 100mg should be enough.

If your just still feeling over stimulated and jittery/nervous, a short acting benzodiazepine would be good.
If you've never done Seroquel before 25 mg. is PLENTY. It's quite strong although one develops a tolerance to it quite rapidly. I was on Seroquel for about a year for insomnia and went from 25 mg a night to 400 mg a night over the course of the year.

When coming off stimulants I personally prefer benzos (klonopin is my favorite). Benzos calm me down, reduce cravings, help me sleep, and help me wake up in a decent mood. Seroquel knocks me the fuck out, then I wake up in a terrible mood and find it incredibly hard to drag myself out of bed.

I'd def say stick with the benzos.
If you've never done Seroquel before 25 mg. is PLENTY. It's quite strong although one develops a tolerance to it quite rapidly. I was on Seroquel for about a year for insomnia and went from 25 mg a night to 400 mg a night over the course of the year.

When coming off stimulants I personally prefer benzos (klonopin is my favorite). Benzos calm me down, reduce cravings, help me sleep, and help me wake up in a decent mood. Seroquel knocks me the fuck out, then I wake up in a terrible mood and find it incredibly hard to drag myself out of bed.

I'd def say stick with the benzos.

Agreed. Seroquel zombifies you. Any benzo will do the trick, but if you have the luxury of choice, I prefer a strong anxiolytic combined with a muscle relaxant/hypnotic. I'd go for clonazepam (2nd choice, alprazolam) and then nitrazepam (second choice, temazepam). Alternatively, you could take the anxiolytic benzo first, and after a few hours, knock yourself out with midazolam or triazolam.
Taking up to 3-4mgs of xanax will make me pass out and not even need the seroquel
Seroquel tends to cause RLS, so you don't want to be bothered by an annoying tingle while coming down.
imo seroquel is only useful for inducing sleep on comedowns, not to soften them like benzos as seroquel is not a nice drug. also seroquel has a shit load of negative and serious side effects to be taken in consideration.
Seroquel (quetiapine) is very sedating, but it's also quite unpleasant. It probably would help to get to sleep after stimulants though. Just make sure you take it long enough after you final stimulant dose so that sleep is an actual possibility. If you take it while the stimulant still is capable of keeping you awake while you feel the quetiapine's effects, you will probably feel miserable.

If you've never taken it before, start with less than 50mg. Even 25mg was pretty sedating for me, but I never took it on a stimulant comedown, so I can't say if that will be enough. The biggest downside to Seroquel is the hangover the next morning. While you probably won't notice side effects after initially taking it (because you will just go to sleep as it takes affect) the effects tend to linger into the next morning, allowing you to experience the side effects it has to offer. The most unpleasant is the sense of inner restlessness, it's like you just can't get comfortable in your body no matter what (it's called Akathisia). Smoking weed exacerbates the unpleasantness as well, so be careful.

good luck.
The most unpleasant is the sense of inner restlessness, it's like you just can't get comfortable in your body no matter what (it's called Akathisia).

So that's what it is called. I absolutely hate that feeling. I take Risperidol (sp?) for paranoia and sleep and it causes the same side effects as Seroquel did. It lingers on until the middle of the day.