sensitive nips


May 3, 2015
Currently on first cycle 500 test (long esters) with .25mg of arimidex eod. Started noticing my nipples are really sensitive like even air blowing on them makes them feel really weird. I am currently takinh hcg but it is my understanding that this can aid gyno. I have all my pct needed on hand what should i do?
Did you get the appropriate blood work before beginning cycle? Can you tell us your weekly dosage for HCG? Can you specify what ester? Long ester is a very subjective statement and two different people can perceive the word long in a very different manner.
You could up your anastrozole dosage from .25mg to .5mg EOD to see if it eventually leads to alleviation of symptoms. I would never recommend going over 1mg of anastrozole EOD and honestly even that is still too high IMO.

Can you specify what SERMs you have in preperation for your PCT?

Do you feel any nodules within the nipple? Noticing any other elevated estrogen related side effects?
Also suffering from the itchy nips here :( little bit puffy too...I must be quite sensitive to oestrogen sides given I'm only on 525mg/wk Test E AND I'm taking Exemestane 12.5mg E3D (just switched to EOD as of today to see if it makes a difference)
Also suffering from the itchy nips here :( little bit puffy too...I must be quite sensitive to oestrogen sides given I'm only on 525mg/wk Test E AND I'm taking Exemestane 12.5mg E3D (just switched to EOD as of today to see if it makes a difference)

I would much prefer exemestane over anastrozole due to exemestane belonging to Type I AI's vs. Type II AI's which are considered a non-steroidal drug. Exemestane is structurally related to the 19carbon steroid hormone, Androstenedione. This may have relations with why it has a unique effect of increasing the body's own endogenous testosterone production during cycle/PCT. Or that Type I AI's are considered steroidal drugs. I personally don't recommend an AI during PCT, but everyone has their opinions.

Study suggesting certain steroidal AI's allow an increase in endogenous testosterone production.....
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Currently on first cycle 500 test (long esters) with .25mg of arimidex eod. Started noticing my nipples are really sensitive like even air blowing on them makes them feel really weird. I am currently takinh hcg but it is my understanding that this can aid gyno. I have all my pct needed on hand what should i do?

I seem to remember suggesting you don't bother with the HCG on your simple cycle. How much are you using and at what schedule?

Start taking the adex 0.25mg ED and see if it stops.
Currently on first cycle 500 test (long esters) with .25mg of arimidex eod. Started noticing my nipples are really sensitive like even air blowing on them makes them feel really weird. I am currently taking hcg but it is my understanding that this can aid gyno. I have all my pct needed on hand what should i do?

You mention its your first cycle, the sensitivity could be a one off reaction to high levels of exogenous hormones, as things stabilize it could go away never to return...

Don't touch your nipples, don't squeeze or play with them, this is important..!!

How often do you inject, and what ester are you using..? Frequent injections can reduce peak plasma concentrations of exogenous hormones and subsequent metabolization to DHT via 5-alpha reductase and E2 via the aromatase enzyme..

hCG on a relatively low cycle isn't always recommended, as I believe some users have experienced excess aromatase conversion to estrogen..

As previously mentioned what are your plans for PCT...
must have miss read that advice then because im fully following your recomended cycle
Im using 3 different esters. prop, enanthate, cypionate. The tenderness went away a bit today. Im going to discontinue the use of the hcg. Im following the sticky for first cycles pct exactly. Inj 2 times a week.
Im using 3 different esters. prop, enanthate, cypionate. The tenderness went away a bit today. Im going to discontinue the use of the hcg. Im following the sticky for first cycles pct exactly. Inj 2 times a week. you are using tesosterone, but your injecting 3 different esterized versions and are consuming a total of 500mg/wk? Only thing that comes to mind is sustanon, but that is 250mg and was four different esterized forms of test blended.... Are you pinning the testosterone from 3 different vials?

Your first cycle you should stick to one ester. Using that many variations to one single compound could be the number one reason why you are having your unwanted side effects. You over complicate the cycle
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must have miss read that advice then because im fully following your recomended cycle

Im using 3 different esters. prop, enanthate, cypionate. The tenderness went away a bit today. Im going to discontinue the use of the hcg. Im following the sticky for first cycles pct exactly. Inj 2 times a week.

As GF said, it's probably just adjusting to shifting hormone levels as you've only just started.

We didn't discuss the hCG before you started since your source hadn't sent it; what dose are you taking? It might be a bit high. you are using tesosterone, but your injecting 3 different esterized versions and are consuming a total of 500mg/wk? Only thing that comes to mind is sustanon, but that is 250mg and was four different esterized forms of test blended.... Are you pinning the testosterone from 3 different vials?

Your first cycle you should stick to one ester. Using that many variations to one single compound could be the number one reason why you are having your unwanted side effects. You over complicate the cycle

It's just a UGL blend Grym, like Sustanon. In reality it's probably just enanthate/cyp, but the pharmacokinetics would be similar regardless so it's not really a big issue.