Seizure, is my brother fucked?


Feb 8, 2011
Timeline of What He took:
+0:00 2 shots
+1:00 3mg 25i-NBOMe
+1:30 Marijuana
+2:00 Unknown amount of alcohol
+2:30 Double Shot Espresso
+3:00 "LOL" brand synthetic marijuana
+5:00 POTENTIAL NORCO USE but we are unsure

Or some variation of that

Additional Details:
Had been discontinuing SSRI Zoloft for approx. a week and a half

*Okay so obviously the 3mg dose of 25I-NBOMe is where we start, it wasn't complexed but still a fucked up dosage and reckless.
*Then the LOL Spice...does anyone know what synthetic cannibanoid is in that?
*But I think the Norco and Alcohol combination is an issue.
*Then the doc said something about mono or meningitis.

Okay but basically what I'm saying brother is lying comatose after a 14-minute seizure and I'm scared as fuck. Can anybody give me any information???
Contact emergency services now. A seizure is a medical emergency. There's nothing we can do because we are people on an Internet forum.

-We don't do substance IDs here, we don't know what is in "LOL" brand "Spice". It's not a good idea to consume unknown substances.
Contact emergency services now. A seizure is a medical emergency. There's nothing we can do because we are people on an Internet forum.

-We don't do substance IDs here, we don't know what is in "LOL" brand "Spice". It's not a good idea to consume unknown substances.

Well derp he's in the hospital. But none of the neurologists even knew what spice or 25i were. So I wanted the opinion of Bluelight. And yeah sorry I guess I forgot about the brand names rule while I thought my bro was dying. my bad
Hey, tjtigers, I'm really sorry about your brother--I can imagine how terrifying that must be. I think that the best thing that you can do is make sure that the doctors know everything that your brother took (and it sounds like you have already done that).

As far as knowing what is in a specific brand, NeighborhoodThreat is right--there is no way for anyone here to have that information.

TDS is a good place for you to get support for yourself while you go through this ordeal with your brother so while we don't ID drugs, don't hesitate to let us know how you are doing in all this. Do you have other family members with you? Hopefully your brother will pull through fine. Keep us posted and take care of yourself in all this.<3
If you truly care about your brother then get emergency services involved NOW. You're in a position right now where you and you alone needs to do the responsible thing. Get off the computer and get on the phone
Get him to the ER NOW! I had a seizure myself and thankfully people acted very quickly and got me to the hospital. SSRI WD is very dangerous, especially when combined with other substances. He has to go now.
Maybe if there's any of the original substances left, or if you know where he purchased them, it might be useful to get some samples to give to the docs and/or send off for testing to see what you're really dealing with. I really hope things turn out OK for your brother. Can you keep us updated?
Also, don't give up hope. I had a friend OD on a bunch of serotonergic drugs and spend 3 days unresponsive in the ICU. The scariest part was that when she "woke up" from the coma, her eyes were open and she was making incoherent noises and moved some, but clearly wasn't in touch with reality and had no idea who we were, or that we were in the room at all. She went on to make a full recovery in the course of a week or so. There wasn't much they could do besides offer supportive measures, so they had to wait for the drugs to clear her system by themselves, which can take days. Do the docs think it's serotonin syndrome?
So far I've witnessed two minor epileptic-type seizures (short of grand mal); each instigated by different brands of spice in combination with alcohol, and both in people with no history of seizures.
Both came & went intermittently for about 30min, before subsiding completely.

The LOL/WTF and Funky Monkey brands of spice seem to be particularly touchy in conjunction with alcohol, especially since the rolling bans have started.
There's absolutely no way of knowing what's in them now (or even if the NBOME was uncontaminated/legitimate), failing lab testing. Unfortunately we'll never know, as the DEA and hospitals doesn't share their lab test results with the general public.
I think tjtigers14 said he was already in hospital?

Is he in intensive care at the moment? I would print off any info you can find on the drugs he took and give it to the intensive care doctors, but now that he is there he is in the safest possible hands. In many ways it doesn't matter what caused the seizure - the seizure itself is likely what triggered the coma and the neurologists and/or intensivists will know how to manage that. If they mentioned mono/meningitis then it may be that it was unrelated to the drugs he consumed - there really is no way of knowing...

I'm so sorry, I wish i could tell you that he will definitely be okay, I can't promise that - but I really don't think you should give up hope either. Keep talking to the doctors - but appreciate they may not know either. The brain takes time to heal after a seizure and it is very early days. Do you have good support around you? The hospital may offer support for you and your family, as may your usual family doctor, and lean on friends at the moment for practical things as well as emotional support. Keep talking to us too, we are here for you <3
I don't remember the exact details, but I seem to recall that or would test a sample for you and let you know its chemical composition (but not how many mg of each, only as a ratio), but it was costly (>$100) and I can't find the info online. Are there still labs around that will do this for you? It seems like a valuable service, and I'd rather go through some sort of harm reduction agency than risk possible legal issues with a random commercial lab. I would definitely want to know what was in whatever made your brother ill. Maybe it's a red herring, but nice to know either way if you have the means to do so.
^ There are, yes, someone in EADD mentioned it a while back - I'll try to find the details incase the OP or anyone else is interested.
Okay well yeah I tried to explain that he had discontinued Zoloft 2 days earlier and then taken a mega-potent 5-HT2A receptor agonist as well as smoking cannabis and drinking. The doctors just thought I was a fucked up junkie though...I just researched the fuck out of it before purchasing for research on my personal plants.

But yeah he wasn't with a bunch of junkies, his friends got him to the ER in 14 minutes but that's still a ridiculously long seizure. And then I told the staff there and my parents everything because my plants had been in possession of the 25i...I now realize that these chemicals aren't a game.

I just feel so shitty.

But here is the crazy part: He is out of the ICU but had to go to a mental hospital for depression from BEFORE the incident. Like the incident inspired him to share that he had attempted suicide numerous times and that was all he thought about. And yeah it was just really fucked up, none of us in his family had ANY idea.

Thanks for the kind posts though, I hope we can find him some meaning in his life coming up here. And not the 25i-NBOMe kind. Though in a way, I would rather him have SS from 25I than find him hanging from the ceiling in the laundry room. Blessings in disguises i suppose

^ <3

I'm glad he is out of ICU - must be a relief, but what a horrible shock to find out that he has attempted suicide and you had no idea. I hope you don't blame yourself for not knowing - it is very easy to hide suicidal ideation/attempts from those you love. I am glad he is getting psychiatric support now. As you say, blessing in disguise perhaps, although a very traumatic one for you and your family...

How are you doing?
^ <3

I'm glad he is out of ICU - must be a relief, but what a horrible shock to find out that he has attempted suicide and you had no idea. I hope you don't blame yourself for not knowing - it is very easy to hide suicidal ideation/attempts from those you love. I am glad he is getting psychiatric support now. As you say, blessing in disguise perhaps, although a very traumatic one for you and your family...

How are you doing?

Just feel guilty for him having the seizure. A lot of people are angry with me. I researched it so much and I just feel like an idiot. thank you for asking, it is nice to get some empathy rather than stupid fake sympathy. People that know what 25i-nbome is and dont' think i'm a retard for buying it and stuff