Mental Health Seeing A New Shrink, Blood Test?



Mental Health or TDS

I am seeing a new bipolar doctor on the 31st and cleaned myself up from methamphetamine well in advance. Like an addict I relapsed a few hours ago. I am not prescribed any controlled substances, my current medicine just lost efficacy. Since he is a completely new doctor I do not know if he will merely adjust my lamotrigine or take a new route in whole.

To anyone with experiences with psychiatry what're the chances of him blood-testing me on the first visit? I am not sure if blood-testing is even in the realm of possibility since I do not take anything controlled.

Should that happen and he sees the methamphetamine use would that affect me getting treatment? I'm not concerned with a lecture or that shit, I am just wondering if that gives him grounds not to treat me? I need treatment and have waited months for this appointment. I don't use meth all too often, just twice a month on average. However, use frequency has elevated as of lately and I recognize that as well. I will seek treatment for that to prevent going off the rails; I just wasn't comfortable bringing that up on our first visit?
